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Posted (edited)

      I would like us to encourage more small population games.     O sure it is fun to play the big the big 64, but many times that is inaccessible or  just a few players are seeding a server -  hoping more will come along to build a server population,  or some players prefer smaller matches if you can believe it.     We have been blessed with enough players to keep a large server active for long periods of time.   But!.....

  • It is the small games that give new players more opportunity to feel useful and semi-skilled instead of getting Boinked constantly.  
  •  It is the small games that keep a server going until more players arrive
  •  It is in small games that players a chance to be commander without so much pressure.   
  • It is in small games that the value of cooperation shines the brightest.   Even just 2 or 3 working together can have huge effects.


Please make these maps accessible to small population servers.   (  Each one is only available to teams of 20 or more)

Field X, Arctic Stronghold, Hourglass, Eyes, and Outposts.       Each of these maps has defenses and/or are ideal for small teams.


Please remove these maps from small population servers.      

Lakeside, X mountain, Complex, Reservoir, Canyon, and Volcano.      Each of these maps  has minimal defenses and is oriented to large teams not small.


I could go into more detail about all the maps ...including the Nvn maps,  but  these changes would be a great start.    It is excellent that the maps have been designated for differing size teams!    I just feel that changing the designation of a few of these maps could have a wonderful benefit for the small population games.


Edited by isupreme
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Hello @isupreme,

Try-Outs Server has completely deactivated this function, but it is only a server for up to 16 players.

Each map can be selected there when it is displayed in the rotation. After the end of the map, he has set 8 for a new selection. The standard is usually 5 .. More than 8 is not possible.

Of course also maps with little or no base defenses.

  • Totem Arts Staff

The point of small maps NOT having defenses is that it allows more action to happen. I think some maps could use small defenses like GTs or Turrets, but that's something else.

I don't see how huge maps would be better. Might take 10 minutes to ever find an enemy to shoot :)


artic stronghold hase a cheese path which means ya can ignore the defences to destroy buildings it isent good for small player teams of 5-10 its made for bigger teams due to this cheese.

field  cheese because tunnels exist both tunnels can easily be cheesed by any infantry+against nod this is even easier against because ob needs to charge ya can safely walk in ref in small teams or attack the airstrip. for gdi this is harder because agt insta kill infantry pretty much so gdi will have the upper hand because gdi can walk into the ref due to ob charge nod cant do that which leaves them with attacking agt. or barracks  from the tunnel.

field x hase even more cheese ya can safely destroy the pp and wf+barracks with time for nods end while gdi can safely destroy pp.hand with also the option for airstrip ref  because of how nods defences act ob needs like 5-7 seconds to fire on charging up which is kinda long.while agt dishes out atlready like 150-300 damage a sec on inf=insta death pretty much



with vulcano's on removing for small teams  i agree its a map that lasts at most very commonly 5 ish minute's. itspretty much a rush and destroy map  most people i see in this map just wait till the 5 min mark to get a defeat/victory so they could play a better map. i just harras the harv mostly with chem and wait in tib field for it to end same with gdi just buy a rocket soldier or a grenadier and just only shoot harv.

17 hours ago, NodSaibot said:

The point of small maps NOT having defenses is that it allows more action to happen. I think some maps could use small defenses like GTs or Turrets, but that's something else.

I don't see how huge maps would be better. Might take 10 minutes to ever find an enemy to shoot :)

i believe all maps should have some sort of defence with atleast gt's then secondary turrets with maybe some player enterable inproved turrets.because right now the maps that have no defences is a 5 min max  map. same for the map with the fake defences because playe turrets have a huge flaw making them pretty useless unless the target ignores or destroyed the other building already

1. they have to short range.

2 ya can lock on targets ya can even reach.

3. there to easy to be destroyed(i get it they can respawn but still every vehicle can cheese kill them including buggy's and humvee;s)

4. there all placed in crap spots.

take the map with the pyramid ruins inside a mountain forgot the maps name. the player enterable turrets cannot defend the base. ref and power plant can be directly safespotted effectively by any vehicle. only way for these turrets to do something is if they enter the base and going for barrracks or war factroy. for nods end the turrets cant defend airstrip,power plant and ref. because of how crappy there placed. moving them into a bettere defencive location is a better option like make it if tank can attack ref/pp/strip the turrets can and have the range aswell to hit the vehicle's. 

the easiest way for the range is just to double or atleat 1.5x  it with these player turrets. it isent a problem with this tho travel time of the rockets can still alllow them to miss very easily atleast now ya could hit people dumb enough to stand still in long range. this will atleast make if someone notices a vehicle its not wait till there at the entrance for the turret to be able to hit. but more like when they can see them. any vehicle can outrange them pretty much right now which is bs for a defencive structure...

the canyon turrets there also placed kinda wrong nod and gdi can freely attack the wf and the ref from both ends i would move them a bit closer if not directly i a defence advantage so the team would target the turret first of fear of someone shooting at them instead of ignoring them the entire game... nobody even enters them due to this faulty location

with reservoir i wouldend mind if there was a way to rebuild destroyed defences be this with a tech building when capture ya can buy a turret beacon at the tech building costing ya like 4000 credits. ya could only call in a turret around ya own base aura then. with like a 3-5 min global team cooldown.


  • Totem Arts Staff
On 4/1/2021 at 8:24 PM, isupreme said:

Field X, Arctic Stronghold, Hourglass, Eyes, and Outposts.       Each of these maps has defenses and/or are ideal for small teams.

You forgot to include Under in your small teams + base defences roster. 

11 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

You forgot to include Under in your small teams + base defences roster. 

cheese map under is already in there with ya able to walk from tunnels to power plant  but this time in 1 single go instead of ya getting killed by ob and agt trying to do that. in the original the ob would kill ya if ya dident stop halfway and crouch for gdi it wasent possible alone because agt hase auto aim of death

Posted (edited)

NodSaibot you see clearly the bias I am showing.   And I understand the point you raise about allowing things to happen.   < worth more consideration than I have given.       And YES the very big maps with defenses is over reaching.   So strike those maps but can my larger point still stand?   

WE  NEED to tailor these map choices a bit to enhance small and very small teams enjoyment.

Lately I am tired of the maps with no real defenses when small teams are playing.  Fast and useless games.  Usually someone knows the tricks and then a building is dead and the life goes out of the fight.   Often small teams also mean that there is not a lot of participation in change votes, and then the game just feels lame.    But give us Field or Under and a small team can goof around and have some fun.  One or two players who can communicate can defend very well and launch fun attacks that are not Guaranteed Victories.    

For me, when teams are small - if there is just one or two more players who will cooperate - then we need challenges appropriate to that - NOT the trick one of us knows that kills a building...     does that make sense?    

    In small games I wish the focus would always be toward centralized battle and conflict and AWAY from separated and anonymous actions.  I believe this is what made the early maps so successful.  Tho the battle raged all around you.. you still could have a sense of what others were doing.  Doing well or not.

As for the maps where there is cheese..  ( what a great term for it)  Is that so "it allows more action to happen?"   I think yes.   This points to the core mechanics.   I think small teams deserve some cheese but not an open invitation into the base. Thus I am advocating for maps with Obelisk and AGT for small teams.  As a slow learner I like that each map has different tricks and techniques that call on me to become a better player. This is a great feature in the game - the intuitive response to the situations in this game can lead a perceptive player to become better.   I had a friend start playing recently.   It has been fun to see him experience the game and draw conclusions.   He quickly learned the value of repairing and the grenade launcher.   So it is not just about being the better BoinKer..   but about becoming aware to your abilities and teamwork options.  

>steps off soapbox.

Edited by isupreme
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Posted (edited)

Maybe one compromise could be to make the AGT/OB better to hit INF and worse to hit Vehicles  when numbers are low - so sneaking is harder and vehicle warfare (which doesnt take down health so fast it can't be countered is encouraged)

Edited by TheOlsenTwins
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  • Totem Arts Staff
On 4/3/2021 at 4:36 PM, slashes said:

cheese map under is already in there with ya able to walk from tunnels to power plant  but this time in 1 single go instead of ya getting killed by ob and agt trying to do that. in the original the ob would kill ya if ya dident stop halfway and crouch for gdi it wasent possible alone because agt hase auto aim of death

Unsure of Eyes/Outposts. But map exploration needs to be approached a lot differently in the community that's for sure

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