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Player "mudcrab" was very obviously using an aimbot tonight. PrtScr apparently doesn't work with Ren X so I can't provide a screenshot, but he was ~154 kills as mostly soldier during a match. At one point I observed him kill 3 of our team with a single soldier clip within about 6 seconds.

I'm definitely one to not jump to conclusions when it comes to aimbotting as I'm an experienced FPS player and I understand that there are insanely good players out there.  However, what I experienced was far beyond anything I've seen over many hours of Ren.

Would love to have someone look into him. Thanks!

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For an Screenshot you can use the  F9 Key  ingame ... that will store the Screenshot in
...\Renegade X\UDKGame\Screenshots\
as an  .bmp File     like   ScreenShot00000.bmp


  • Thanks 1

For anyone that cares:
Hit F12 to store the screenshot in Steam (providing you have Steam running). 

If you have Win10 and Xbox Game Bar installed, hit Windows+Alt+R te record video (and again to stop it). 

Posted (edited)

I know tonight there was a few bots but take my advice. Every night in all gays he kills with aim bott. He kills all head shots, none miss, 24/7. 

In public games without bots sometimes he gets 150+ kills and only has 4 deaths. He prefers to stick to soldiers. I think His aim bot does not work well with tanks. 



Edited by Buzz
  • Totem Arts Staff

Hold on, lemme direct this to the administration. They should be able to track this guy

Edit : As of now, we haven't found enough evidence yet. We'll try to check any possible demo file later. Might be helpful to tell us when and where you observed him in which timezone

Another thing to note is that a few months ago, we did lower the TTK, and Soldier is actually quite powerful in the right hand (obviously Mendoza and Mobius are even more so). What is his opposition?

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  • Totem Arts Staff

According to Roweboat :


I was following mudcrab in game for awhile yesterday

Played very smart on islands in the tunnels. Crouching around corners, using cover, very specific movements etc. But after following him for 10 mins, I didn't see anything suspicious. Of course I don't know everything. Just one observation

And when I made the joke, about how I'm sure mudcrab just is using a 144hz monitor with a million dpi mouse, he actually responded with "YEP"

  • Thanks 1

Since I don't play much, I'm going with whatever info I see, which tells me that this player is just better-than-average. I would get suspicious if only he would outplay good infantry players like Nexus, Stormtrooper, Hornet or Sarah:



Few month ago player POI by 30min game have score some about 350 kill's and ZERO death's.  We all die by onehit from nowhere. he thru  walls and rocks and else blokad's, hit us behind wehickles and see zone's site's like a behind silo out of range map Xmountain, weapon sniper rifle persone sakura. Only headshots. God bless providance after that and after hotdiscussion about it that not good player not seen by me in a game. 
Alas, such a player is not uncommon. Every day we observe players who play for the infantry and do not miss the infantry with weapons. Some of them have exorbitant damage from weapons of the character Gunner, most of the rest have Mendoza Mobius. Occasionally there are SBH Patch and others. Almost always, the chance to hit and the damage done to such characters is extremely low. In the same game, playing for the character HAVOK, I inflicted different damage on the players and was extremely surprised at the vitality of some of them. All the characters I worked on specifically tracking them down had a maximum kill count and did not die from a headshot. Most of them fired on a run or in a jump and from a turn without aiming. game on map WALLS.

Yesterday a player shot me from a great distance with a pistol in the head. I played as SBH and hid for over 5 minutes without detection. The player who killed me was on the move on the stairs. Hourglass Map. I was hiding behind SILO above the battlefield on the rock. In the next game, the same player started killing me right at the base with the character MENDOZA through walls and in buildings while he was in a cave. I accused him of cheating. only on me, killing only me at the GDI base, he scored more than 50 kills in 5 minutes from the start of the game. With a score of 50: 0. Where I just did not hide. I organized a vote to get the bastard out of the game. However, out of 60 people, no one wanted to vote. Nobody believed what was happening. I was kicked out of the game by the community. Allegedly falsely accused the person and cheats do not exist.

Now from the point of view of database development, programmer and just a system administrator. You turned a blind eye to the problem. There are cheaters. It doesn't matter to me how they increase their characters' performance characteristics, damage, 100% hit without ITD misses. It is important for me that they are - such players. They spoil the fun of the game. Yes, you can play against them while in the tank, but it's very hard to kill them. And I also want to run for the infantry.

There are several obvious possibilities - sql injection, shk ftscheruk vi or another db that you are using. Named performance characteristics for such characters tied to the un login, etc., does not matter. And root access. And all this can be solved at the level of your administrators.

I do not care. I don't really care how it's done and by whom. If necessary, then I will get to the bottom of the truth. I'm here to enjoy my favorite GAME.

I do not think that making an automatic script to exclude characters with a score of more than 5x1 from the game is difficult. Or a forced miss after 5 100% hits in a row with a mendoza or mobius shot - just so that we have at least some chance.

Give people the opportunity to be a spectator and check such people by writing them down. I see many solutions and implementations of these solutions in order to solve this problem.

And I also see that this problem does not really concern you.

I really like the C&C universe. And I'm a fan of the product called m RENEGADE. Since its release. I don't like what's going on here.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I will clarify this : Poi is not a cheater. The guy is literally just that good. You can ask anybody around this community and they will affirm that : yes, both poi and jpj had destroyed them time and again. Poi is exceptionally good at sniping while jpj is exceptionally good at CQC. They have become subject of hot discussions, but none of them were about them hacking. You can find mentions of their name a lot on the subject of 'sniping' and 'teamstacking'.

Your report on apparent wallhacking kill however is quite strange. Do you have the name of the suspect? There also is the !modrequest command to call for help from the server admins.

Before you jump into conclussion, let me clarify that we do not believe that cheats for this game is nonexistent. Quite the contrary, one or more of our developers have stated time and again that there are lots of ways to cheat in this game. Best you can do is to report the player either through mod-request, discord, or forum with the detail of server name, and the time of the happening, so that our moderators/admins can take a look on the recorded demo of the match.


I do not think that making an automatic script to exclude characters with a score of more than 5x1 from the game is difficult. Or a forced miss after 5 100% hits in a row with a mendoza or mobius shot - just so that we have at least some chance.

Give people the opportunity to be a spectator and check such people by writing them down. I see many solutions and implementations of these solutions in order to solve this problem.

Honestly these solutions are unrealistic. The first one is honestly more of bandaid that's gonna give you a lot of flaks from anyone who uses a lot of Mobius/Mendoza. It's not difficult, but giving this mechanic really makes no sense and honestly just punishes the actually good people in the game more than it does the cheaters. Any potential cheater would also just switch over to something else like Soldier, carbine-wielding class etc.

The second one is a double edged sword. It'll also allow rotten people to spy the enemies and inform their friend on all the happenings. Won't really matter if the gameplay is simple, but for something like Renegade X where every kind of intel matters, it's just inviting for more potential cheating without even using any hacks

Posted (edited)

All I see in this topic is crying around that somebody is good at playing with inf and calling him a cheater. (already saw this everyday the last weeks).

Funny enough those ppl calling others cheaters are newbies that normally have not much expirience, but enough to know whos cheating?


And second, why not talk about those newbies acusing players of cheating and then trolling them by calling them out in chat, starting vote kicks, blocking them, and pushing them around with a vehicle? (Oh and I forgot you also get stalked by them).


Sorry but the only thing I see is you guys are trying to ruin the gaming expirience of players that are more than 6 years and + in this community by joining a community and thinking to have to change some players who you dont like by trolling them, because youre sure they cheat ...

Edited by scrin-124678
Posted (edited)

I followed him fore quite some time. Observe my screen shot. He is holding the walther pistol and if you look to the left he just killed someone. Might not look like much from the screen capture but he went on to kill another 14 more people with that pistol all shots on target and all shots head shots. 

I was so fed up with his game play and obvious form of cheating the other night. I called him out and told him he has been reported and that people will be watching him. He slowed his role. 

He knows people are onto him because he has upset a lot of people but trust me when I tell you guys. I have not seen anything like this before. Yes I might be new.. but it is obvious to see how a computer operates vs how a human operates. 




Edited by Buzz
  • Totem Arts Staff

I have yet to see any substantial evidence pointing towards anything suspicious. I have watched him for full matches and seen nothing out of the ordinary so far, and have seen no video that shows anything insane.


Let me repeat my previous message as this seems to be getting a bit out of hand. Since the match where I suspected foul play, mudcrab has not done anything to arouse suspicion in my eyes. Perhaps he was just having a really good game. I understand how silly it is when people immediately start pointing fingers and causing a fuss because they think someone is hacking. This was not at all my intent. I was making an observation based on previous experience in the game and found that match to be an outlier.

I very much appreciate the time spent looking into this by staff. I would be more than happy to close this thread so we can go on our merry way and enjoy this awesome game :).

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