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  • Totem Arts Staff




Whats up community!

Totem Arts is a group of small but passionate individuals whom have a massive love for the Command & Conquer series and an even bigger love for Command & Conquer Renegade. Welcome! You are most likely here because of Renegade X, and our upcoming Firestorm expansion for Renegade X.

We are looking for more passionately driven individuals to help us reach our stupidly ambitious goals of bringing C&C to the ground level. This team has never been made of professionals, its always been made of ordinary fans whom have always wanted to make something truly awesome. Together we've created Renegade X initially as a mod for UT3, Black Dawn as our first standalone project, Renegade X standalone multiplayer, and finally the upcoming Firestorm expansion! All amazing projects developed entirely through determination and passion. Who says you need to be a pro to make great games, when all you really need is a love for gaming!

Do you think you have what it takes? If so we're looking for people like you! This is a volunteer project so before we go any further, no one is getting paid to work on this game. This is a volunteer project!

Now, what are we looking for? We do have specific needs, however we are always on the lookout for others with skill sets we aren't actively looking for. So if you have a certain skill related to game development and you don't see a position for it listed below, then don't let that stop you from applying! Passionate developers are always in demand!


Whom are we actively looking?


------------------------------------->   Artists   <-------------------------------------


3D Artist - | Characters | Weapons | Vehicles | Props | - | UDK Non-PBR | UE4 PBR |

  • Knowledge of good low poly game model practices (Triangle count, well packed UVs, LODs)
  • High and Low poly modeling for baking
  • Able to work off of and push art style
  • Knowledge of Substance Painter for texturing in non PBR (Specular & Gloss)
  • Knowledge of PBR (Metal & Roughness)


Environment Artist - | Level Assembly | Asset Creation | - | UDK | UE4

  • Knowledge of UDK and level creation process
  • Knowledge of UE4 and level creation process
  • Ability to optimize levels for better performance
  • Good sense of lighting and colour composition
  • Create custom 3D assets, particles, and sounds (bonus)


Sound Designers / Engineers - | Sound effects | Voice Modulation | Interface |

  • Create sci-fi sound effects for the upcoming Firestorm expansion
  • Create EVA / CABAL voice modulations
  • Voice Acting for in game dialogue (Radio commands, Taunts, etc...)


------------------------------------->   Software Engineers   <-------------------------------------


UI Programmer  - | Flash Action Script | Scaleform |

  • Flash CS6 editor experience (or similar application)
  • ActionScript 2/3 knowledge
  • Experience with Scaleform
  • Any C++/Java/JavaScript/OOP language experience


Gameplay Programmer - | UDK Unreal Script | UE4 C++ |

  • General understanding of game development/game engines
  • Ability to create optimized and logical code
  • Understanding of general debugging processes/flow
  • Any C++/Java/JavaScript/OOP language experience
  • Experience with large codebases/frameworks
  • Knowledge of replication, server/client design
  • Foresight of how variables, functions and certain gameplay mechanics could be used in exploits


------------------------------------->   How do I apply?   <-------------------------------------

Option #1:
Simply reply in this forum topic and someone from the team will reach out to you!

Option #2:
You can also ask in our Discord in the #modding channel. Someone there will be able to direct you to the person(s) that you can speak to. https://renegade-x.com/discord


We are incredibly grateful to all that apply, to our entire community and our fan base. This has been a dream come true for us all. Help us to make even bigger dreams come true! If you don't think you can help out, then spread the word and link this topic to those who you may think would be interested in helping.

Please keep in mind that Totem Arts is a group of passionate volunteers; and as such we do not expect a lot of your time to be dedicated to the project, but you should at least be able to keep in touch with the rest of the team and give frequent updates on what you're working on. Ability to reach out for help and an understanding that we work together as a team to reach our goals is critical.


Please do not rely to this thread if you don't have intentions of a legitimate application
Off-topic replies will be deleted in order to keep this topic clean for our own sanity sake

Thank you for your cooperation!

  • Like 5
  • Thanks 2

I have a lot of interest in sound.  How it gets used in game and how it can be used to shape the battle experience.  While i cannot create the sounds,  I would very much like to participate in the shaping of the sound experience in the game.

O!  and ofc I would be Way! into voice acting.

The Line MUST be Drawn Here!     _______________________________

  • Like 3
  • Totem Arts Staff

Dear Hiring Manager,

I would like to apply as a Gameplay Programmer.

In the real-world I worked as a fullstack .NET developer for almost a year, developed .NET systems and maintained them in the front and back end.
I am mostly proficient with C#, JavaScript, SQL, MySQL but also a few more from self-taught experience which I was doing unofficially such as NodeJs, PHP and also React.
For Renegade X I coded some mutators such as the first version of the Nuke and Ion Cannon blocker, Speed mutator, Nuclear commander apache mutator; I also modified CABAL and Legion Discord bots (NodeJs) in some aspects and I've been assisting in the Fort map fix (now named as "FortX" as the successor of the original Fort).
In addition to UDK, I also do have some basic knowledge of UE4: replication and UE4 C++ API.
Furthermore regardless of technical topics - creative and visionary. 
I was one of the few elements to push the idea of FortX and how it would be played, planned and executed.

Thank you for taking the time to review my resume and professional references and considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you!

Moshe Cohen
Software Developer
kira#9983 on Discord

  • Like 6
  • Thanks 2

I want to apply as a sound effects creator. Even though I'm not a full-fledged expert, every day I try to improve my skills and create sound from the most accessible sources available.
I'm currently working on a mod for Renegade X called Project ReSound.

I am currently working with Reaper, but I also have experience with Adobe Auditor and Sound Wawe Editor.

Best regards, sound effects creator Denis Korshak / Denis Wellingston.

Discord # 0388

  • Like 3

Not sure how much free time I'll have, but I have been interested in 3D art and would like to learn. I also have programming experience, but I'm not sure if I'd be useful. 

I use Blender 2.8 frequently, but have a lot to learn about textures and UVs. 
I was a software developer for ~2 years of Java experience, but not familiar with Unreal. 

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I am interested in applying as a gameplay programmer. I am a professional C++ developer with 6 months of experience. Non-professionally, I have worked with UE4 C++ and UE4 netcode for about 4 months on a personal project.

  • Like 2

Hello there,

Recently i have been into UDK3 Programming for a Fewk Weeks now. Right now i am finishing a mutator with a lot of the Dev helps. I wish to apply to any development role needed, but i must be honest that when the quarentine is over i might not have that much time like i do now.

I am a software developer with most experiences in Infrasctructure Development and Web Development, and my most experienced languages are PHP, Perl, Angular, Python and C#. I have also experiences with MySQL, SQL Server and Oracle DB.


  • Like 2

Hello, I'm a graphic designer who specialize in emblem design, but I'm also interested in concept and character design and possibly 3D sculpting (may require help and guidance for those). I really love what you do and I try at the moment to make a name for my self so I always join projects that are interesting if they need my help, you may say that my interest in logos started with the 2 emblems of NOD and GDI when I was a kid (I drew the Brotherhood of NOD logo on my first sketch book back then). If you need my help you can view my portfolio on my linkedin profile and see some of the work that I did for other studios and indie projects. You can also contact me on discord or e-mail:

Discord: Razul Darkwood#8324
E-Mail: martenvasilev@gmail.com

PS. Here is my deviantart profile just as a bonus: 

  • Like 2


I would love to help with the development of Renegade X since I love the game and I love what you're doing with it.

I think I would best fit the role of Backend/API Programmer. I've got 6 years experience working with developing applications based on data bases. I've worked with PGSql and MSSql. I've mostly worked with c# but I've got some experience in JavaScript. I have some experience in working with REST API's but it's usually only a small part of the projects I work on, so I don;t know how much experience I have with it.

If you think there's something I could help you with I'd gladly find some time to dedicate to this project.

The best place to find me is on discord I'm pizamotas #0815. I'm also in the Renegade X discord server.


  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

I could give composing a try, but I have little time and am not very experienced (less a recruit, more a hanger-on). Could help if there would be a dedicated channel where sound guys have a chat. 
Discord Kalintox #3810
Oh, and i use FL Studio

Edited by Shivers
  • Like 2

Somebody from the Totem Arts dev team might like to try reaching out to this guy? I stumbled across him on twitter/youtube. He's a gaming design student with quite a lot of UE experience from what his site says, but I don't know if he's available or actively looking for another project or not.





Posted (edited)

I would like to apply as a Gameplay Programmer. I have many years of programming experience and am a consultant for a major tech company. I have worked with UnrealScript for another modding project of mine and have become very well versed in it. My focus is in Squad AI and would be interested in exploring how to expand that aspect of Renegade X. I would also love to gain knowledge from such a talented team! 

Edited by ac11b
  • Like 2
  • Former Developers
On 8/18/2020 at 1:35 PM, Mystic~ said:

Somebody from the Totem Arts dev team might like to try reaching out to this guy? I stumbled across him on twitter/youtube. He's a gaming design student with quite a lot of UE experience from what his site says, but I don't know if he's available or actively looking for another project or not.





Has this individual expressed any interest?

Posted (edited)

Has this individual expressed any interest?

@Havoc89No he hasn't, but I feel I already answered this question in my first reply. His work is good and it includes science fiction type models and experience in Unreal Engine, it's up to you, but I don't see why the team should feel afraid to reach out to people who might be suitable rather than passively sitting back and expecting people to apply based on finding the game or these forums on their own, the new Firestorm mode looks really appealing so I'm sure you could use it to attract some more of the people you need to create content etc.

It would also be good to put the Firestorm teaser or a developer show reel on this page.

Edited by Mystic~
  • Like 2
  • Totem Arts Staff


Big fan of what you've accomplished here with Renegade X and looking forward to Firestorm myself.

I would love to contribute a few tracks to the Firestorm soundtrack as a composer. It would be a good opportunity for me to get some more experience and for the moment I've got a lot of time on my hands. I could also assist with sound design and voice acting if needed.

You can reach me on Discord: tovl #7307.

  • Like 5
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello there! i would like to apply as a 3D artist. i usually make and texturing models with 3DS Max and Substance Painter but i have a difficulty for rigging if when im being asked but i just want to make 3d assets, gears and possibly weapon concepts thinking it would be a good idea if we can make model variants through out the whole game experience.

please contact me if the time is appropriate
Discord: TacticalTaco #2289

Edited by TacticalTaco
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, i would be interested in joining the team as a composer. if you wish to see some of my own work you can check me out here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCa-bkYoYH_y1d_t6kU32Jw (I have some CnC covers and CnC original inspired music up as well)


You can contact me through Discord: Phreak:0866

  • Like 4
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello everybody,
dear Totem Arts team,

I really hope that I'm not too late, I'm sorry I didn't see your post earlier! I would like to apply as a composer as well. I've been composing professionally on and off for the last couple of years during my music studies and plan on pursuing that career full-time after I graduate. But more importantly I am a huge fan of your project; like many other RenX-fans I grew up with the C&C games and Tiberian Sun was the first game I ever played - so you can imagine that I was super psyched to see your Firestorm announcement! I've adored Klepacki's and Mendelson's TibSun soundtrack all my life and your fresh approach to their musical style (from the announcement trailer) sounds awesome.

But instead of just talking I thought I'd create a demo track. Please note that it's still raw and unfinished (I think the track would eventually be 2-4 minutes in total), but I hope it'll provide enough material for you to decide if this could be a fit. My goal was to also incorporate the darker spherical timbres of the TibSun soundtrack in addition to the "mechanical" heavy beats.


The best way to contact me is via e-mail (mail@sebastian-gruenewald.de), but I also have discord (vocux#8039). I'd love to hear from you, I'd be honored to contribute a few tracks and help sculpt the atmosphere of this awesome new chapter!

Best regards :)

Edited by vocux
  • Like 6
Posted (edited)

yes i wil doe wat dey ask me to doe




On 10/15/2020 at 9:43 AM, AlienPolygon said:

Novice modeler willing to help get Firestorm ready

i am not a moder i dont know how to mode a game or code one i only know how to push a game to its breaking point with de asset aplyad to me

Edited by rainbow
need it more info
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Dear Totem Arts Team,

I have been putting off writing to you since I saw the first trailer and announcement of Firestorm. That is because of covid my life is a bit erratic and I don't have too much free time. However I could not wait any longer because I love the Tiberian setting, I love the work that you do, have been following it since 2009 and I would like to help with the making of this new iteration of the game.

I am a 3D Artist with work experience doing high/low poly modelling, rigging, texturing, animation, lighting and rendering. My software expertise includes 3DS Max and Maya along with Substance Painter, PS and some sculpting in ZBrush and Blender. Sadly I have very little game engine experience but I am of course willing to learn the systems you use.

I especially enjoy making props and environment assets along with vehicles or structures.

If you are interested here is my portfolio on Artstation:

In the case you think I might be able to help the team in any way, shape or form please contact me on Discord.: GrayDawn#0010

Thank you,

Kind regards,



Edited by Hrr0711
  • Like 3
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


I am applying since a lot of people seemed to like what I did with ReShade for this game. Not everyone liked it, but that was to be expected.

I've been a fan since the game's inception, though I took a break for several years and came back to see how much it progressed, and I love it. I don't remember my old username though.

As an aesthete and someone who creates different visuals via varying methods for a handful of games, and with terrain/map making experience for older games, both FPS and RTS, I'd like to help out with the graphical sector of the game.

I can help create entire maps but I would prefer to work on colors, lighting, ect, as well as optimize, "improve" and/or create some effects.

I favor a more realistic and natural look (as shown in my ReShade preset) but I can also follow the aesthetic flow that the game offers. I love the vanilla look of the game, but as I said, my personal taste just feels it's a bit too far from the natural look that I like.

Unfortunately I've lost a lot of the work I've created over the years, mostly due to a hard drive failure, but if you want to check out the little bit that still exists, here are some links.

An ENB for Skyrim:



3D characters and other stuff for Skyrim:


RenX with my ReShade (more videos to come, didn't back up the other ones):



Edited by CatGirls420
  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone,

I just discovered this project (or rediscovered, since it has been many many years) and I am very impressed at the tenacity that got you this far. A long time ago I was part of the modding community, running C&C Auraxis until I ran out of steam and life got in the way. In the mean time I've beem a soldier in the US Air Force, gone to college three times, and eventually completed a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science with an emphasis in theory. I'm not a senior software engineer for a company in Seattle with 11 years of Full Stack web development experience (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, Java, Kotlin, C#, etc) that likes to dabble in c/c++ for micro-controllers.

I would be interested in joining the team to help program, maybe do some light 3D asset work (I'm waaaay out of practice), help with any web dev that may need help, and generally learn and improve my skillset as needed to help out. I absolutely loved playing Renegade and the C&C franchise holds a special place in my heart.

Thank you for all that you are doing.

Edited by Aut
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Posted (edited)

I would LOVE to work as a sound designer and composer, mixer for Totem Arts even for free!

I see myself working with game designers and game dev teams, offering them my services and being a part of a team with direction and drive

Please see my portfolio on fiverr , I have gathered over 20+ 5 star reviews in less than  a year---> https://www.fiverr.com/jimpapanick?up_rollout=true

Can't wait for your response!

Edited by Error Occurred
add missing info
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Posted (edited)


Although my role isn't specific to those listed, I'd like to offer them anyway.


I'm an experienced technical artist who have been working mainly in Unity for over 8 years and have been working professionally in this role over the last two years.

I have some experience with UE4 as well and it was very easy to get into since it's quite similar to Unity.

My main specialty is in visuals and optimisations. So stuff like shaders, retexturing, optimisation and visual enhancements are my main interests although I can do more than that.

I can do 3D works as well if needed but I am more technical than artist. I mainly dive into 3D to improve and optimise existing assets only but I can create them if needed.


My LinkedIn:


My reels:


My Artstation:


And here's a visual overhaul I was working on(Abandoned since) for Halo 2:


Thank you for this project, I get to relive some of my childhood this way.


Edited by SulaimanWar
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Totem Arts Team, 
I'm a graphic designer (I specialize in sci-fi and fantasy style emblems), but I would love to get involved with the project in any artistic way. I have very small experience with 3D modeling like ZBrush, but I like to learn new stuff so if you need a creative and willing to learn man power I will be happy to provide my time to you guys. I want to get involved with the gaming industry so as you said such things will look great on a portfolio. 

If you are interested on my previous projects here are the links for my 2 main pages:

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I want to put my name in for the off chance you need someone whose specialties lie in anything that isn't 3D or art (or, frankly, most usual things that go into gamedev). I remember this project from way back when and recently got back into the whole C&C thing.

I'm a Windows sysadmin by trade and a long time C&C fan and used to be into modding. Eventually went on to mod Homeworld 2 and draft a few 2D and 3D game designs in Unity, then life got in the way and I turned my creative pursuits to writing novels (an 8 novel series drafted in just under two years and unlikely to be done any time soon - see https://rage-productions.com/). I really need something else to do in my free time that stands a chance to get anywhere with a due date that isn't "sometime in the next decade, assuming I can find the motivation". I don't want to get into solo gamedev or modding again so I'm looking for a free time project that has a use for my rather unusual skillset.

My specialty lies in text and code / scripting. I'm utterly useless in C++, vaguely competent in C#, decent at scripting in virtually any language I've come across, and it's been years since I tinkered with UE3. I'm mostly pitching myself for the ability to process volumes of text / information since I'm sure you can find more talented coders and artists than me. I know from experience however that virtually no one in tech (or with game design experience, honestly) likes to write user documentation or similar and that's the one thing I really enjoy. I guess that means UI / presentation sort of stuff and all the usual "no one wants to do this" tasks in relation to making information presentable and understandable. If there's any need for that, I have time to spare and your Firestorm DevTalks really piqued my interest. I'd love to help out any way I can.

Also: I haven't played Renegade X (and it's been over a decade since I played the OG) so, honestly, I've no idea what I'm getting into here and this is mostly a shot in the dark.

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