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What is/are your favorite weapon(s) | Or share ones you own

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Posted (edited)

I always have these random topics on my mind and wonder what opinions other people have. This one frequently crosses my mind so why not just make a post about it eh.

So it can be any weapon, fictional or not, and for whatever reason (looks, nostalgia, performance). Or share weapons you own yourself too.

My top 3:

  1. HK XM8 carbine + compact PDW & LMG variant.
    I dont know why I'm so attached to this one. It just looks like a better of the G36, especially with a dual drum mag (but everything looks good with those).

    (props if you know where this image is from 😃)splashpage.thumb.jpg.070a1008956171d42918a8bbbddecb1d.jpg
  2. Mk 14 EBR.
    Has selective fire to switch between semi-auto to full auto.
  3. Kriss Vector SMG.
    Just a cool looking, fast firing smg.

Honerable mention: L96A1 / L115A3 sniper rifle.

These are pretty much influenced by old games and my kid brain at that time.

Please do share your favorites, I'd appreciate it.

Edited by HuskerDoggo
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  • Totem Arts Staff

Well it's the only gun I own, it was my dad's first rifle. 

The Marlin 81. Bolt action and super accurate even with only iron sights. Dont judge me on the jerry-rigged led mount. It's the only way 🤣


I use it to hunt racoons that (used) to live in my attic.





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Not necessarily top three, or in any particular order... But...

Quite partial to the 1841 12 pdr. Mountain Howitzer on a Prairie carriage... Maybe because I'm on a crew that shoots a reproduction at historical events... : )


(Not ours)

Of course, who can dislike the mighty GAU-8 Avenger?



You had BETTER like the American 180! !noob anybody who doesn't.


Nice Marlin, rowe! I got me a Mossberk 151K... Fun little rifle. : ) And a Ruger MKII Target model - fun little pistol. : )

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@roweboat I have the rifle my grandpa used to have. I have never fired it before, I don't even know if it even can fire still.

It's apparently a "Shanghai Model 55" but I can barely find any info on it online and what it's worth. Only thing I think I know is that it takes .22 cal pellets?

sorry I'm no photographer and my room isn't very photo friendly.

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Recoil from that thing is stronger than the twin jet engines on an A-10... Crazy. I got to hold an inert round for one once... They are a little bigger than a .22.

Nice rifle, Husker!

Big guns, eh? Our little howitzer is a little baby next to the 3" ordinance rifle a fellow battery owns. : ) Same size bore (12 pdr. is technically over 3 inches, but ours has a 3" I.D. steel sleeve for safety), but wheels, carriage, barrel length, etc are all bigger on that thing. : )

Guest Gliven
On 3/18/2020 at 4:27 PM, jami said:

SHOTGUN cant own one because thats illegal lol


I think you said you live in the UK if i remember correctly. They are legal there, don't know who told you otherwise.

If you truly want one go look up regulations in your area. You probably only need a hunting licence if anything.

Unless of course you are too young to own one.


People do clay pigeon shooting here in the UK, so it's definitely legal to own a shot gun with a licence.

I also used to enjoy watching this Russian guy do weapon demo's on his youtube channel.


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1907 semi automatic.   My dad played with this as a youth at summer camps.   Rabbit gun.   Barrel is shot out.  about 500 for new barrel but only worth 500.  so it just sits around.

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i have these.
2 old rapiers most likely intended for practice/decorative? me and friend found 2 old geezers in town that was selling a bunch of old stuff from a basement.
we payed like 8£ for the pair, went outside into the street and immediately started going at eachother like swashbuckling idiots.
The *blades* seems sturdy enough to be sharpened down into actuall blade shape if i wanted, i sometimes go outside into a small forest patch and whack some tall grass with them anyway.

And my bow, my drunk bow.
3-4 years ago i was at a party a bit outside the part of town i mostly hang around, ended up getting super drunk and staying till like 3 am.
Left party, knew that i lived more or less on the other part of a small forest and decided shortcut through.Ended up at a severly overgrown and abandoned tennis court with chain link fencing around it, crawling with plants almost forming a natural massive gazebo.
I saw a perfect tree for a bow and drunk wrestled with it for over an hour to get it down, it was close to pitch black night, i had no tools and was super drunk.
I remember dragging the tree across empty nights streets and then pushing it up to my balcony 2-3 meters above ground or so.
Spent next 2 days widdleing it down to size, about 2 meters long.
Oiling the wood and superglueing the leather from old belt to make a handle, twinning togheter strands of braided fishing line to make the string.


They all suck, but they are my favorites.

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HIHIHI    it says it is  a  Winchester model 1903 .22 automatic      first patent is 1901.       I think it shoots something like a 22 long,    Maybe 7 rounds? loads thru the stock.      Kinda makes me feel like i am in a western when i  hold it


Syntharn    :    Nice bow!    07 for making it yourself.     I have some Osage Orange trees i keep looking at longingly.     I just know one day one of those trees will say     Here!   take this and make a bow.

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 Barrel is shot out.  about 500 for new barrel but only worth 500.  so it just sits around.

Could you not sell it on to a restoration or antiques expert? Or if it's sentimental, restore it and keep it.

Posted (edited)

it is sentimental as my father sold off all the other guns.   I ' m rather sentimental.   My brother says :  " dad i buy what ever i need ".   o0

  My dad has learned to give all his old shit to me  :)

Like this collection.


Yeah I like to chop wood and make things...   so this shit is the bomb for me.

Edited by isupreme
added sentiment
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  • 1 year later...

Weapons are certainly a very important part of every action game and it is almost impossible for any action game to be successful without having a great range of weapons. In the last year or so I played many games but the one game which I played mostly is call of duty: Warzone and I must say that this game has some of the best weapons range we have seen in recent times. My personal favorite weapon in this game is CR-56 AMAX.

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