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Posted (edited)

So after having problems getting the game launcher I finally had help from limsup and from there onwards I have been able to play the game smoothly. 

What do i think about the game Lets find out

Graphics - Holy SHIT when I first played I was impressed with just how much detailed there was in the environment trees have unique level of colour making the game feel realistic and making the game look vibrant. The characters so much detailed hell the characters have good level of facial animations and as a result they feel lifelike, the Textures have High resulotion and even the vehicles look they have been worked on by someone who has a lot of experience. All of this is the reason why I easily get lost or distracted exploring the game environment and getting my self killed over and over which is why I had to turn down some setting in order to concentrate properly.The graphics in this game is what the graphics in UT3 (Unreal tournament 3) none of this ugly gear of war looking art style with no colour. Overall for graphics 10/10

Gameplay/combat - The gameplay itself is quite unique as there many ways of destroying the emeny base e.g. using the ion cannon, using the nuke beacon or simply putting C4 on the emeny MCT, so the gameplay never gets boring or repetive. This is where the fun part begins as someone who hasn't the original renegade in a long time the combat in renegade x is just EPIC as it requires thinking not just rushing in as a result getting your head blown off and since it has that unreal tournament vibe everyone is always jumping, dodging and strafing this makes the combat far more hectic than the simple combat in something like COD because the combat in Renegade x takes skill and tactics and because everyone is always trying to dodge their nail in the coffin. This immediately engages you in the combat even against bots on low diffculty if you are not careful they will literally destroy you. All an all I have had fun and hope that this continues in all updates. Gameplay/Combat 10/10.

Bot AI - When talking about AI we have to ask how good are they in what they do and how it will affect the experience. Let me use the original renegade for example, the original featured muitiplayer practise which is like skirmish but with one map. Unfortunately the AI in the original was absolutely crap, they never did anything intelligently they always left themseleves out in the open making it easy for you to kill them and worse sometimes when the AI is attacking you one minute he's shooting with automatic rifle the next he's says fuck this fuck to you let me show something better and then he turns his back on you not paying attention to your presence at all and when you try to get closer he's just run away which makes things look awkward and funny. This is one of the reasons why I abondoned the original renegade because it just felt like a concept that was poorly excuted.

Now the question is has the AI improved since and I have to say the answer is YES it has significantly improved. The AI will buy vehicles, characters and weapons and one that particularly impressed me is that fact that they strafe and dodge like a human player would as I mentioned before this combat engaging because the bots put up engaging fights, sometimes they will come in groups and other they will come together in mammoth tanks and MRls. Then again the bots do use the UT scripts  apperantly that make them intelligent even on NOVICE unlike the Bots in UT3 they don't just stand still waiting to be killed they actually move,dodge and strafe heck I played my first match against skilled bots I was unbelieve ly shocked how I kept getting destroyed over and over so I decided that I am not ready and dropped the diffculty back to experienced but unfortunately it still didn't change the situation a bit i still kept getting killed worse we lost two matches against them i was unbelievable losing on Experienced and I usually play UT3 on Inhuman and Godlike so the fact I am losing to them on experienced In renegade x something has changed for the better. There are a few things that the AI needs to improve on however one of them is they need to stop spamming vehicle over the place. It annoying when your engaging an emeny and your losing the battle, you try to retreat but you can't because your teammates are blocking the way. Another thing they need to improve is not getting stuck, again is due to vehicles problems. Another improvement could be that they use ion beacon and nuke beacon I noticed that bots don't use beacons and prefer to use rush methods which is okay but it would better if the beacon deploying was considered. Overall the offline experience against AI is a lot like unreal tournament which is fanstastic (even use Unreal tournament bot difficulty settings). Overall 9/10 in terms of Bot AI. I wonder how they will play on Inhuman and Godlike in renegade x be very interested try that out.

Content- in term of content its good a hell lot better than the original that's for sure but it still need improvement like more game modes that will fit and work like deathmatch and team deathmatch and last man standing online and offline, but for now I am happy with the level of content. Overall 8/10. That HeXmountain with all the pumkins is an absolute blast. Oh and apprently deck is in this game never knew about that

Overall I give the game a 9.5/10. Renegade x is a beautiful, fanstastic and engaging experience with fanstastic Bot AI which only make me hopeful to what we get in future updates and makes me lucky that I found this game. The developers should proud of themselves of what they have accomplished with this game. If you'll excuse me now i have to get back to popping heads and achieving victory. By the way keep up the good work.

Edited by Kirby550
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Yeah that's great but I think jumping into online is unfair right now since I just got the game. I would like learn the elements of the game with the AI before jumping online.


Posted (edited)

The AI has some sort of active sonar. Just exit the waterfall tunnel on field and watch 10 enemy tanks immediately 90o whip right toward your head.

Edited by Akbaro

I found out about renegade x because I was looking for a UT3 mod and but instead it took me to renegade x and to me it look familiar to something so I decided to check and then I realised it's familar to the original renegade.Since then I wanted to try the game


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Not really when I played they seem pretty good I'm terms of infantry they also do some impressive tactics with vehicles but I still feel it can improve as they keep spamming vehicles all over which can prevent you from going anywhere. But other than the AI seems pretty least with the version of renegade x that I am playing on.


I agree but you need bots in muitiplayer games particularly bots that play like real people and bots that are just good overall like the bots in renegade x. Without bots this game wouldn't last because what if it's playerbase dies, then the entire game will die as well, so bots are important in muitiplayer games but I understand where your point of view.

On 11/29/2018 at 8:24 AM, Kirby550 said:

I agree but you need bots in muitiplayer games particularly bots that play like real people and bots that are just good overall like the bots in renegade x. Without bots this game wouldn't last because what if it's playerbase dies, then the entire game will die as well, so bots are important in muitiplayer games but I understand where your point of view.

Bots dont replace players. They dont repair buildings, they vehicle spam and just basically give them away to the enemy. They also pull inf characters out of thin air even when the barracks is dead and dont have a credit pool like everyone else. Bots need a rework imo.

  • Thanks 1
11 hours ago, Thirsty said:

I for one am just pleased that this game now has good a.i, it should of had it from the start. Nice review!



Thank you for reading my review. I hope you enjoy the game


Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Akbaro said:

Bots dont replace players. They dont repair buildings, they vehicle spam and just basically give them away to the enemy. They also pull inf characters out of thin air even when the barracks is dead and dont have a credit pool like everyone else. Bots need a rework imo.

I agree the bots are not perfect I mean the spamming vehicles is just annoying. But these bots play very good very good level of movement, strafing not to get shot. I disagree that Masterful should be the highest diffculty because one you master masterful then the game just dies down. So I want to my INI file and added two diffcultes and that's Inhuman and Godlike. It makes since skill level 6 and 7 are existant and this makes bots way smarter than usual. Better level of movement, better accuracy and actually use teamwork like i was testing this yesterday and i saw bots always backing each other with their team mates where in trouble. By the way bots do repair buidlings and more annoying so they go behind powerful vehicles like mammoth tanks and repair it while it's going foward. Overall,  I think these bots are good enough to replace players as they understand team work and use it well they do weird but useful tactics like a line of tanks aggressively trying to attack the base also they try to Block and prevent the emeny from getting anywhere near the base or harvester by just stacking vehicles sometimes leaving them or other times using them. I like said bots are good enough to replace players if you put them on high difficulty they can be good team mates. I do agree with you some issues should fixed.

Edited by Kirby550
27 minutes ago, Madkill40 said:

They do sometimes but they don't go to the MCT

They gangbang guard towers. Buildings dont do anything for them so they dont bother.

Pretty certain Bots used to rep buildings before they had shields.

53 minutes ago, Kirby550 said:

I agree the bots are not perfect I mean the spamming vehicles is just annoying. But these bots play very good very good level of movement, strafing not to get shot. I disagree that Masterful should be the highest diffculty because one you master masterful then the game just dies down. So I want to my INI file and added two diffcultes and that's Inhuman and Godlike. It makes since skill level 6 and 7 are existant and this makes bots way smarter than usual. Better level of movement, better accuracy and actually use teamwork like i was testing this yesterday and i saw bots always backing each other with their team mates where in trouble. By the way bots do repair buidlings and more annoying so they go behind powerful vehicles like mammoth tanks and repair it while it's going foward. Overall,  I think these bots are good enough to replace players as they understand team work and use it well they do weird but useful tactics like a line of tanks aggressively trying to attack the base also they try to Block and prevent the emeny from getting anywhere near the base or harvester by just stacking vehicles sometimes leaving them or other times using them. I like said bots are good enough to replace players if you put them on high difficulty they can be good team mates. I do agree with you some issues should fixed.

They have unpredictable jerky movement like meth addicts and on level 7 they have aimbot but the more you play you realize how often they work against the team and the flow of the game as a whole.


Yeah, since we're talking about this bot thingy, I just hate when a server automatically adds bots immediately after players agree to kick them all. Not fun playing with them. There are times where one team has 6 bots and 4 players while the other team has 9 players. New player joins and gets put in the team with the 9 players.

Not to mention those bots may just buy and leave empty vehicles to clog up the airstrip or factory bay, abandon vehicles in field to give enemy players, steals your tank if you don't lock it and do something stupid with it, spamming the kill feed with their constant suicides, bad drivers where they stop in your way or push you against your direction when you're retreating your badly damaged vehicle (something that harvester usually do but I can forgive harvs, they look so adorable beetles)...

I know the AI players are meant to beef up numbers so low-player games wouldn't be quiet and boring, but they are a poor substitute for extra players where their crazy and wacky playstyles would give people the wrong experience they should be having from this game, turning it into something that didn't play or sound like how Renegade X should be like.

  • Totem Arts Staff
3 minutes ago, vandal33 said:

Yeah, since we're talking about this bot thingy, I just hate when a server automatically adds bots immediately after players agree to kick them all. Not fun playing with them. There are times where one team has 6 bots and 4 players while the other team has 9 players. New player joins and gets put in the team with the 9 players.

Not to mention those bots may just buy and leave empty vehicles to clog up the airstrip or factory bay, abandon vehicles in field to give enemy players, steals your tank if you don't lock it and do something stupid with it, spamming the kill feed with their constant suicides, bad drivers where they stop in your way or push you against your direction when you're retreating your badly damaged vehicle (something that harvester usually do but I can forgive harvs, they look so adorable beetles)...

I know the AI players are meant to beef up numbers so low-player games wouldn't be quiet and boring, but they are a poor substitute for extra players where their crazy and wacky playstyles would give people the wrong experience they should be having from this game, turning it into something that didn't play or sound like how Renegade X should be like.

If you modrequest, I can disable it for the day.

16 hours ago, Akbaro said:

They have unpredictable jerky movement like meth addicts and on level 7 they have aimbot but the more you play you realize how often they work against the team and the flow of the game as a whole.

This is what makes the game fun and challenging.  Bots that have unpredictable movement and work as a team backing each other if there team mates are in trouble. I agree with what most people say in the comments that bots could improve in terms of command and conquer mode. But in deathmatch, the bots are perfect. Perfect movement, good level of team work and bots even support you whenever you are in trouble. They know how to use most of the infantry well. Overall Bots are a good challenge in this game, they made the right choice to take some elements from the AI in UT3 and make it better. Bots are also good in the command and conquer mode but they can improve.

Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, vandal33 said:

Yeah, since we're talking about this bot thingy, I just hate when a server automatically adds bots immediately after players agree to kick them all. Not fun playing with them. There are times where one team has 6 bots and 4 players while the other team has 9 players. New player joins and gets put in the team with the 9 players.

Not to mention those bots may just buy and leave empty vehicles to clog up the airstrip or factory bay, abandon vehicles in field to give enemy players, steals your tank if you don't lock it and do something stupid with it, spamming the kill feed with their constant suicides, bad drivers where they stop in your way or push you against your direction when you're retreating your badly damaged vehicle (something that harvester usually do but I can forgive harvs, they look so adorable beetles)...

I know the AI players are meant to beef up numbers so low-player games wouldn't be quiet and boring, but they are a poor substitute for extra players where their crazy and wacky playstyles would give people the wrong experience they should be having from this game, turning it into something that didn't play or sound like how Renegade X should be like.

You should try to play against them in skill level 5,6 and 7 they're a lot smarter than usual. Bots are retarded on low diffcultes that why they have poor usage in terms of vehicles.

Edited by Kirby550

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