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  • Totem Arts Staff
2 minutes ago, dr.schrott said:

I have visited this server today for the first timeMap was Islands and the match was already over.

First message wrote to me was on german by some "playerxxx", although I think I know who it was, saying: "Schrott, you are a fat sun of a bitch. Kill yourself."

So much for having some rules in place without having a way to ban people harming this community over and over again.


And yet, I can't read German. You made no attempts to contact a staff member.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Just now, dr.schrott said:

The point is, the player has been using a random PlayerXXXX name.  I am not aware we can do much about that ?

He will rejoin with another name or even his main player name.

As long as we don't have a centralized player database and everyone HAS to create an account, we will never have any history on players and no reputation.


There's such things as hardware IDs and IPs


@dr.schrott as with any tocix troll here... make screenshots [this way you don't even need to write down the date / time], just note which server it was and hand it to the devs (if it happens "regularly" and not just a single time). I think people got banned for bigotry / harassment before... just ask Agent about that [ http://prntscr.com/jcbg3d ] though these are just the Forums/Discord rules, they also apply to the game (afaik)

  • Totem Arts Staff
Just now, dr.schrott said:

True, I bet that people using cheats and abusing this game in so many ways, are also aware how to spoof the HWID or mask their IP.

Such people are also "in love with themselves".

They are very egocentric.

That is one of the reasons they do such things at all. If nothing works well, they start insulting you or they start cheating.

And as soon as they have done something important in the game, e.g. destroyed the building or enemy base, they will reveal themself and show their MAIN player name.

Because, they want to make others aware who did it and HOW GREAT THEY ARE.

So, having a central database for player accounts could realy help prevent the majority of such behaviour as you can bann certain player names for ever. You could also show to other players how many negative points this player has and what it is his reputation.

On the other hand, such player database could also help new players understand that they are facing a veteran in this game, as every player would have it's reputation and ranking.

So they would not start the "cheat" discussions after getting killed over and over again by a veteran.





At best, that would only delay someone just making a new account. IP and HWID bans are basically the same in this case. Devs can also globally ban player names; they just choose not to.

Posted (edited)

1hour ago ,The player who using a random PlayerXXXX(Player384) name abuse me when I speak chinese (only 1 word) with my friend in game:( then he left the game  (In FPI Server)

Edited by Sailarc
  • Totem Arts Staff
1 minute ago, Sailarc said:

1hour ago ,The player who using a random PlayerXXXX(Player384) name abuse me when I speak chinese (only 1 word) with my friend in game:(

I saw this. I warned him in PM. If someone does anything like this again, you can press F9 to screenshot. The screenshots are located in your RenX folder. Or you can use !modrequest ingame to get my attention. Action will be taken if I see this again.

  • Thanks 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
2 minutes ago, dr.schrott said:

But in that case, he will remain UNKNOWN and NOT IMPORTANT, as he would be forced to always create a new account.

And that is the point - there would be no benefit for them !


I don't think that's exactly how it works, but I guess.

2 hours ago, dr.schrott said:

the sad thing about it, is that some of the well known players are doing this, because they can.

well, it's a small community and most people know each other. if not personally, at least by "playstyle".

2 hours ago, dr.schrott said:

They are very egocentric.

That is one of the reasons they do such things at all. If nothing works well, they start insulting you or they start cheating.

And as soon as they have done something important in the game, e.g. destroyed the building or enemy base, they will reveal themself and show their MAIN player name.

Because, they want to make others aware who did it and HOW GREAT THEY ARE.

you shouldn't take things so serious. It's just trolling. and we all know why people troll.


just compare this behavior with other (known) trolls in RenX, as the.... famous PlayerXXXX "FU LOSER TEAM!!!!!111111!!!!" dude - we probably know this guy... at least I guess that this dude has a "real" (known) nickname. and he might be a decent person after all. he just loves to  troll from time to time. and his "FU LOSER TEAM" already got a RenX meme by now (my personal opinion)


or... think of a certain individual who loves to initiate votekicks against certain skilled players (which happened yesterday aswell).


by any standards both guys are trolls. but if you talk to them in person. on Discord or TeamSpeak or whatever tool you like to use... you might find that they are just regular guys, who got bored.

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, dr.schrott said:

"Schrott, you are a fat sun of a bitch. Kill yourself."

Don't take his insult personal Schrott, some trash players are even so simple minded that they do the same with their main account and they are still not banned
I agree that the game should have a HWID or an account system, unfortunately it's has a low priority for the devs. According to Agent's last post about this, nobody works on this. All you can do is to report these morons and deal with being a red giant:

Edited by Radeon3
  • Sad 1
Posted (edited)

@Radeon3 you shouldnt spread that about Kaunas. even though the two of you have.... history. he's a good lad at heart.


and - not intended to defend their actions - a lot of RenX players apparently... have issues. and you know that Rad.

Edited by DarkSn4ke
25 minutes ago, Radeon3 said:

Don't take his insult personal Schrott, some trash players are even so simple minded that they do the same with their main account and they are still not banned
I agree that the game should have a HWID or an account system, unfortunately it's has a low priority for the devs. According to Agent's last post about this, nobody works on this. All you can do is to report these morons and deal with being a red giant:


  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Radeon3 said:

Don't take his insult personal Schrott, some trash players are even so simple minded that they do the same with their main account and they are still not banned
I agree that the game should have a HWID or an account system, unfortunately it's has a low priority for the devs. According to Agent's last post about this, nobody works on this. All you can do is to report these morons and deal with being a red giant:


On 4/22/2018 at 9:40 PM, TomUjain said:

Be respectful - This is a game, regardless of how good or bad someone is does not warrant 'cheater' callouts or shunning of anyone who is underperforming. Our job here is to promote the community by setting the bar, not scare them away. Be nice, patient and explain to those who appear to be struggling (i.e. overminers)

The server has a strange definition of 'respect' if it means you should only refrain from disrespecting players who make mistakes because they are new.

There is trash talk and there is being a trash person, Kaunus here displays the latter, surely?

When If I get killed by Minji in RenX, and I say "Inaccurate Minji strikes again", that's trash talk, but if I say "Die in a fire you sniping fuck'tard" that isn't trash talk, that would be me being the embodiment of trash itself. Just like what Kaunus actually did as seen in the image above.

On 4/22/2018 at 9:40 PM, TomUjain said:

We strongly disagree with insults and swearing - please do so sparsely - If you catch anyone breaking this rule, please screenshot it and send it to me on this account, or point it to my attention on discord.

Edited by Madkill40
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Madkill40 said:


The server has a strange definition of 'respect' if it means you should only refrain from disrespecting players who make mistakes because they are new.

There is trash talk and there is being a trash person, Kaunus here displays the latter, surely?

When If I get killed by Minji in RenX, and I say "Inaccurate Minji strikes again", that's trash talk, but if I say "Die in a fire you sniping fuck'tard" that isn't trash talk, that would be me being the embodiment of trash itself. Just like what Kaunus actually did as seen in the image above.


Ok listen up. 

1. That ss was taken out of context

2. That ss is about 2-3 months old

3. That ss has nothing to do with this server and anyone else for that matter.

4. Just because i dont see eye to eye with Rad doenst mean i go after everyone right?  Mostly everyone knows this and whoever got involed was informed, that whatever goes on between us has nothing to do with anything else.

5. You see, people, i am an opinionated person, i like to speak my mind on every topic And i like to listen to other opinions aswell. Just because i personaly dont agree with certain people opinions (ryz is a great example(explanation later)) doesnt mean i hate or dislike that person. I personaly dont censor myself, nor i want others to do so, and i respect people for it. You can agree or disagree, thats your choice, your opinion. BUT if you get offended by someones opinion, thats your own problem that you should personally deal with.

6. There is a great way for weak hearted people to get rid of such stained scums as me: IGNORE and DONT INTERACT. Whoa! Right? Mindblowing.

About the ryz example: there are a lot of topics i personaly dont agree with Ryz(sorry for geting you into this), i sometimes spit out vulgar things at him and sometines "edgy" jokes, as you kids like to say, but that doesnt mean i hate him. He himself is actually a really interesting person when you get to know him, and if you put us both in a team well.. gl.

7. In a game community where there are 100-200 people playing and most of you* are 30+ years old, i feel like things like banter, "toxicity", hate, crude jokes should be the least of your worries.. the general community is great, mature, helpful, kind and likes to joke around. AND its not a creative mode minecraft game, its a bloodbath between drugged out commies and brainless war puppets, Ofcourse harsh language will occur at some point. But thats only in game. 

8. I have nothing to hide here, i am what i am and i never use fake names to go after someone, if i need to i just do it. No bs. Nothing fake. 

The sad part is. Youve.. we've* been at it for about 6 months now and you still cant let it go? Even yesterdays match you made a crude remark at me WHEN I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING (thats to rad..). Dude? Grow up, let go. Enjoy what you enjoy and forget it.. 

I personally dont want anything to do with you and i never went agaisnt you first. Even now you use this old screenshot of me giving you great advice and you take it out of context and use it as blackmail? Why? Do you like me? You want my atention?.. i dont swing that way dude.. im open minded but.. sorry no..


This isnt club penguin(rip), this isnt a christian minecraft server. What we do in game shouldnt be taken as who we are in real life. We here are just empty nicknames in a virtual world, but behind that fake name is a person. Get to know that person, not the nickname.

Edited by Guest
Added more rant (on the phone so if it multi posts ill fix it when im hone .-.

All I'm seeing here are these typical online gamers disrespecting other players and trying to justify whatever the reasons they have, it is still against the rules and we don't wanna hear the arguments in this thread. Take it to the PMs instead of derailing it any further.

About the server, good job server owners. I like it if you keep it vanilla style as possible. Just my thoughts.

  • Totem Arts Staff
9 hours ago, Kaunas said:

6. There is a great way for weak hearted people to get rid of such stained scums as me: IGNORE and DONT INTERACT. Whoa! Right? Mindblowing.

So you take responsibility but expect people to ignore you- Never mind. That right there is the most incriminating and selfish thing you could possibly say. You just bamboozled yourself. I find the comment funny but at the same time it is a funny at the expense of somebody else's enjoyment, its not about other people shrugging it off its about you having some self-control. Do not do it future.

But you say this is being taken out of context? And nothing to do with this server? Okay, cool. I'll not derail the topic further. Let us just leave it at this.

Posted (edited)

In order to stop derailing the Fair Inc thread I asked fffreak to take the discussion about toxic behaviour apart from it. I didn’t want to go offtopic there as there are some BS needs to be cleared up. Thanks Fffreak!

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

1. That ss was taken out of context

Yes, it was just the tip of the iceberg, only one of many insults uncalled for. The sad part about this that the reason behind your outburst was that your Sidney died because I received repairs. So stop pretending that I took a part out from the chat and this was reasonable. Even if I were the bad guy, there's nothing that justifies this kind of toxic behaviour.
All I said in response that you are a kiddo, calm down and behave. Judging by your views I was right that you think/act like a kid who discovered he can say anything on the internet as it doesn’t have RL consequences.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

2. That ss is about 2-3 months old

This happened a month ago.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

3. That ss has nothing to do with this server and anyone else for that matter.

So far it doesn’t have to do much with the server or anyone until you pick another fight with someone else. Considering the fuss you made -by losing an unit- without provocation it’s hard to tell when you are going to cross the line again.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

4. Just because i dont see eye to eye with Rad doenst mean i go after everyone right?  Mostly everyone knows this and whoever got involed was informed, that whatever goes on between us has nothing to do with anything else.

5. You see, people, i am an opinionated person, i like to speak my mind on every topic And i like to listen to other opinions aswell. Just because i personaly dont agree with certain people opinions (ryz is a great example(explanation later)) doesnt mean i hate or dislike that person. I personaly dont censor myself, nor i want others to do so, and i respect people for it. You can agree or disagree, thats your choice, your opinion. BUT if you get offended by someones opinion, thats your own problem that you should personally deal with.

No buddy, that’s no how it works. You can’t randomly insult people just because you have your precious opinion. You have the right to have your opinion, but have no right to harm others with it. There’s nothing respectable in that.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

6. There is a great way for weak hearted people to get rid of such stained scums as me: IGNORE and DONT INTERACT. Whoa! Right? Mindblowing.

Once again that’s no how it works. Nobody has to endure bullying or shittalking just because someone is in a mood for that. We have social norms you apparently not familiar with. Online, the essential norms manifest in rules. If you don’t comply with these simple norms/rules you can practice giving voice to your “opinions” somewhere else.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

7. In a game community where there are 100-200 people playing and most of you* are 30+ years old, i feel like things like banter, "toxicity", hate, crude jokes should be the least of your worries.. the general community is great, mature, helpful, kind and likes to joke around. AND its not a creative mode minecraft game, its a bloodbath between drugged out commies and brainless war puppets, Ofcourse harsh language will occur at some point. But thats only in game. 

Thanks for sharing your opinion about the demographics but minors play this game as well. Which attributes would you associate yourself from the above list?

The BS continues after point 1 and 2:

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

The sad part is. Youve.. we've* been at it for about 6 months now and you still cant let it go?

 I’ve never even had a word with you until you publicly attacked me a month ago.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

Even yesterdays match you made a crude remark at me WHEN I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING (thats to rad..)

 And what exactly was the crude remark yesterday? Our only exchange was:
<FPI> Kaunas: k i got enough of this server lol
<FPI> Radeon3: bye
<FPI> Radeon3: wont miss you

This is nothing compared to the hostility you still conducted towards me matches after you lost it.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

I personally dont want anything to do with you and i never went agaisnt you first. Even now you use this old screenshot of me giving you great advice and you take it out of context and use it as blackmail? Why? Do you like me? You want my atention?.. i dont swing that way dude.. im open minded but.. sorry no..

Same as the last point, but why do you lie about this? Wanna see the logs for facts that you started it? Or your opinion is more than enough. Blackmail works the opposite way of this, don't be ridiculous.

10 hours ago, Kaunas said:

We here are just empty nicknames in a virtual world, but behind that fake name is a person. Get to know that person, not the nickname.

That statement conflicting with your ideology and behaviour you explained up to this point. I wish you were to realize this before going toxic against others.

Let me summarize the whole picture you just built around you with your post: You respect personal opinion above all, even if it means hurting others or going against facts. You think crude jokes, banter, toxicity and hate are all okay and people should let these happening by ignoring until it stops. Yet you are puzzled why your actions are called out.

You set a prime example what’s wrong with a few players. And I’m not talking about the likes of IrishMedic who like to use foul language, but never cross the line of harming others in that.

If Kaunas is an online entity, Madkill is right that he is de facto trash. If there’s someone behind Kaunas, he sure has issues with his twisted, faulty standards about online interaction. He might be a good kid at heart, but lost his face via Kaunas by his immature and toxic behaviour at times.
Ask yourself, why would I care about you when I have to deal with your shitty side of personality?

Edited by Radeon3
  • Like 1

look man this is a public game one way or another people are utter complete garbage! let their emotions get the best of them! 

ignore the shit! I was once accused of spreading Nazi propaganda in game and schmit and I discussed the matter and then blew it off in the wind.  who gives a flying fuck? 

all that matters is that you enjoy you! you have fun in game and ignore the bullshit!

remember --> bullshit walks! money talks! but this case money is whatever.... 

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, ☢☢☢☢ said:

look man this is a public game one way or another people are utter complete garbage! let their emotions get the best of them! 

ignore the shit! I was once accused of spreading Nazi propaganda in game and schmit and I discussed the matter and then blew it off in the wind.  who gives a flying fuck? 

all that matters is that you enjoy you! you have fun in game and ignore the bullshit!

remember --> bullshit walks! money talks! but this case money is whatever.... 

There is still no justification for deliberately harassing players in-general and telling people to "just ignore what I say" is trying to subtract responsibility from the fact that verbal abuse has consequences.

If the status quo is to just ignore players acting like trash people that affects the game overall because as much as you may wish to ignore the insults towards somebody else or yourself, this reflects poorly on the whole community as well as the servers. People may not want to play a game where shit-talking goes unpunished. Shit-talking to such extremes as displayed by Kaunus causes personal conflicts and people shouldn't have to put up with such drama due to toxic players lacking self-control, so other players will go play other games when really it should be the minority of the toxic players going off to play other games.

Posted (edited)

Hey guys, just a few things I want to clear up :)

Fair Play was set up to be a community server, one of the reasons I put down a monthly budget to afford the prizes we offer in exchange for score points. We still are a community server. The vision is to have a clean, fun and above all - fair server.

We take harassment very seriously and our mods work around the clock to ensure the server remains healthy; naturally we will not catch everything which is why you should always screenshot any form of bullying or harassment and send it to us directly. We are looking into third-party systems to combat 'toxic players' but not a lot will happen until Fair Play settles, we can't jump the gun too quickly, this is our first week. I also want to stress out that we treat everyone equally; we will investigate claims of cheaters, but do so fairly -- do not expect us to kick someone because they have a high score or high K/D ratio. In future I would rather you take your concern to a mod / admin privately.

Naming and shaming in game is not something we encourage.

Fair Play will not respond to threads like this in the future; nor will we take kindly to public 'call outs' (witch hunts) like this thread, I - and the admin team will make a point in reporting said threads in the future. If you have a problem, bring it to the relvent partys, do not name and shame it makes you look bad, and achives nothing.

Regarding Fair Play and EKT - As Serah pointed out, EKT uses our server, and several of our admins are EKT but the server itself is netural, it is financed by me but I am not part of the EKT clan offically; Goku also does a lot of admin work behind the scenes as well. Fair play is not picky; our main concern is, and always will be the welbeing and health of the community, and introducing EKT back into ren-x was a good way to boost (dwinderling) numbers.

If I was 100% honest with you all, I do not think it is healthy for one server, or another to 'domiate' be that CT or FairPlay; and I firmly believe in diversity. If a another server comes along with similar ideas and motives to mine then I welcome and support them with open arms. This 'rivery' between servers has to stop, because, ultimatly it will all end in tears if it does not.


Edited by TomUjain
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