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Posted (edited)

uploaded it to youtube:


I just let my girlfriend play this tutorial and she said that it is a lot of text to listen to and that it is too fast to skip between subtitles and tooltips - "I don't know what to do?" :(.

So, I changed the Kismet sequence as follows:
When a tooltip appears, it toggles to listen for the input events of the tooltip (e.g. W,A,S & D), and only once (all) have been pressed, it hides the tooltip, and continues with the sequence.

Feels less swamping, and more interactive :)

Edited by j0g32
  • Totem Arts Staff

I think this still needs to be done: Get rid of Havoc's weapons. Get rid of Logan's weapon aswell.


Suggestion for recording footage: Use Nvidia GeForce Experience Shadowplay. That's 100% free and you don't get all these watermarks/text on your video

On ‎13‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 3:07 PM, TK0104 said:

I think this still needs to be done: Get rid of Havoc's weapons. Get rid of Logan's weapon aswell.


I have changed the inventory with a "Give Inventory" node: no inventory items are added to the node's list, but the option "replace" is ticked, meaning that Havoc and Logan both get no items at the beginning. The only problem is that the icons on the bottom right are messed up: it says "Timed C4 (1/0)" and above and below are pistol and automatic rifle. Also there are no step sounds.

I might consider coding an "unarmed" weapon to polish this, but for now this was an easy fix.


I have also reworked the sequence with Sidney in the AGT (new high-quality sounds), and made her shoot the player! :D 
Still, the overpassing helicopter (changed to apache in accordance with the sound files) is not visible (= "un-spotted") on the radar...

Probably, I will also add a security camera to the AGT, so that you can at least see the Apache from inside the AGT being wrecked :P


Additionally, I figured that using the "Start firing at", targeting the player (and if necessary "stop firing"), before freezing the Bot, makes him/her trace the players movements; Especially during the obstacle course, Logan used to face anywhere, but the player's direction, so this part feels and looks better now :)



On ‎13‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 3:27 PM, Schmitzenbergh said:

just create a normal share link. There will be an authkey in it. You don't need a Ms account for watching.

On ‎13‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 3:07 PM, TK0104 said:

Suggestion for recording footage: Use Nvidia GeForce Experience Shadowplay. That's 100% free and you don't get all these watermarks/text on your video

Thanks, I will try this software, and since I now have my separate YouTube channel, I will upload videos there.


Finally, I can start programming the Weapons Training sequence - after that, I might post another WIP video. ;)

Cheers :)


p.s. Does anyone know how to control the sound-channels ingame (via kismet/Matinee)?
I have already set all dialogue sound cues to the respective sound channel (DialogueNoRadio), but the RenX jukebox plays very loud music. It would be bestto reduce the music volume during dialogues, or entirely for the scripted tutorial part, and only re-activated for the regular skirmish play.


Could meta-tips by any chance be included in the tutorial?
Meta-tips like "always keep an eye on what your team currently needs the most", "if you can currently choose between multiple roles, choose the one you are good at", stuff like that.
I mean, this tutorial map would allow braindead newcomers to get familiar with game mechanics before they start fucking on public server like headless chicken, but they would still not get the bigger picture of how all the RenX game mechanics work together.

I'm writing this post because I had a very unpleasant experience today on public server where I really wished that more people used common sense.
I was in a game of Goldrush, when I got SBH spy, grabbed an Ion and went on my way to PP.
Team was very low on tanks, so I made a survey where I said that I have SBH spy and that they are now in charge of keeping vehicle count up.
When I came to PP, there was a flame trooper spy already there, flaming MCT trough open door.
I said to myself "I wish this dude wouldn't have alerted Nod to come check PP, but since he is here, we can wait some time and then he helps me cover my Ion.". I saw Nod already coming to respond to PP under attack, so I had to make a split-second decision.
Instead of opening team chat and hoping dude knows how to read, I chose to Q-spot the shit out of him. It resulted in a lot of "follow me" commands.
However, after 5 seconds of Q-spamming, dude finally stops shooting MCT, but he must have taken it a bit too literally, and started running towards me, an very invisible guy who does not want to be discovered.
Of course Nod officer filled him full of bullets and after few seconds of searching around also found me and killed me.
The rage I felt for the slow bastard is hard to explain in words.

I really wish there was something in Renegade X where you are put in a middle of some situation / scenario and you have to react in most reasonable way possible. And then you get a "Verified non-retard" award that shows up next to your name in game.

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Yes, good idea !

Basically, with UDK and a bit of scripting anything is possible...

I wanted to give more general advices on the gamemode and how it should be played.

Though, the situation you are describing is very specific, and getting a SBH spy crate rather unlikely.

However, the concept of stealth as well as spies should definitively be explained / experienced.


If you have a good idea how to incorporate these bits within a somewhat regular c&c game mode, I would be glad if you could share your thoughts on this! :)


Current WIP: Weapons training 50% setup. I added a few filters to make gunners voice be transmitted via megaphone in the shooting range. Hopefully, I can show another video soon.


1 hour ago, TheOlsenTwins said:

Is it possible to also add entering the strip through the tower?

I think @j0g32 wants to create a tutorial which explains the "basic" gameplay & mechanics of RenX, jumping through the tower... I wouldn't call it "advanced" gameplay or anything like that... but I think there are things people have to find out on their own (or just watch other people playing RenX ;))

2 hours ago, TheOlsenTwins said:

Is it possible to also add entering the strip through the tower?
It still seems that a lot of ppl dont know how to do that...
(Or remove it/make it more obvious)

Haha, I wouldn't even know how to do it ^^ 9_9

I mean, I know the glass is breakable, but on non-fyling maps I wouldn't know how you can climb up there (without help of others/vehicles)


47 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:

I think @j0g32 wants to create a tutorial which explains the "basic" gameplay & mechanics of RenX, jumping through the tower... I wouldn't call it "advanced" gameplay or anything like that... but I think there are things people have to find out on their own (or just watch other people playing RenX ;))

Yes, I think there is a limit on how much we can dump on newcomers in a tutorial mission.

I think the most important bit is to learn the basics, i.e. controls/communications, weapons, characters, vehicles, buildings, credits, etc.

And taking it from there, you learn best by "discovering" certain things yourself. Yet, I would like to point them into the right direction by giving "tactical / strategical hints" throughout regular C&C gameplay in this tutorial mission.


I am almost done with scripting Gunner's weapons training; I did not yet include grenades, because I would have to alter many soundfiles based on the grenade launcher - don't know if it is worth it...

I had to script the weapon pickups slightly differently, because the Rx_Weapon Pickups de-spawn after a few seconds. Instead, I am simply showing/hiding the equipment, and when "switch weapon" is pressed, the new inventory item is given to the player. Luckily, this technique allows to arrange the items more convincingly on the table with some magazines.

Once I have finished scriptingthe weapons training, I will show you another video, so stay tuned :) 

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I think that jumping trough glass into air tower and jumping sandbags on ramp-less baracks can be considered advanced tactics. I personally still have troible jumping onto barracks sandbags on Snow. Too pro for tutorial.

On 23.5.2017 at 0:33 PM, Norc said:

I think that jumping trough glass into air tower and jumping sandbags on ramp-less baracks can be considered advanced tactics. I personally still have troible jumping onto barracks sandbags on Snow. Too pro for tutorial.

Yeah I'm with you two on this, but this kind of info should be available somewhere - it shouldnt be like that, that you have to lose several games until you realize that you can go in there and also below strip in Goldrush

28 minutes ago, TheOlsenTwins said:

also below strip in Goldrush

wtf? I guess anyone is able to explore any map on his own. esp. new players. the tunnel is not even hidden

4 hours ago, TheOlsenTwins said:

but this kind of info should be available somewhere

The aforementioned info is available on the Ren X wiki.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

A good tutorial just gives players an upperhand for the most common tactics. 

Like informing people to stay in their vehicle when Nod have SBH running about the place.

  • 3 weeks later...

After several retakes, and trying a multitude of video recording tools ( @TK0104 the NVidia shadowplay does not work on my potato calculator :D ) , I can finally show you the current work in progress:

Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to restart the recording after 10mins, so we are missing out the bit where Gunner explains to use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out, and then to deactivate the scope - again with LMB.

I hope you get a better idea, of what I imagine the tutorial to look and feel like.

Let me know what you think.


p.s. since summer has finally arrived I won't be making lot of progress... :-P


Well done.  It's cool to see something like this being worked on because something like this doesn't exist yet for the game or atleast what I'm aware of.  BUT I agree with madkill because it's the online nature what should/shouldn't you do while you're on A-Team or B-Team because each side has differences and those differences can be strategized and then by that time the player should have an understanding of what each team is capable of doing and then should act accordingly.  On the other hand I think this kind of stuff what you're doing here can lead to co-ops, missions/campaigns, and more interesting ideas.  Keep going.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Nice work on it!


Too bad it's laggy and low quality :/


You're still going to do something about the landscape right? You're using a material with a single texture and it isn't scaled right. Also the lighting is still a bit boring. I know you're working mostly on scripting, but don't forget the map itself :)

Edited by TK0104

It looks excellent, it's a good re-imagining of the original tutorial's layout. However, I do have two sort of nitpicky things to point out. One, the automatic rifle is an AR-70, not AR-17. And for the rocket launcher portion, I'd suggest using the actual R-12, the launcher Gunner uses in multiplayer. Other than that, it's looking great.

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
4 hours ago, StalinsThighs said:

It looks excellent, it's a good re-imagining of the original tutorial's layout. However, I do have two sort of nitpicky things to point out. One, the automatic rifle is an AR-70, not AR-17. And for the rocket launcher portion, I'd suggest using the actual R-12, the launcher Gunner uses in multiplayer. Other than that, it's looking great.

Oh yeah almost forgot. You spelled Sydney's name wrong. It's not Sidney, but just Sydney (#autistic :P)

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Thanks for all the feedback, guys!


My idea was that the tutorial should feature 2 parts:

(1) controls, base operations - largely based on the orig. Renegade Tutorial.

(2) skirmish-like C&C mode gameplay, enhaced with a few scripted events and objectives. This is were the asymmetric features of GDI/Nod could be explained, such as stealth and building layouts, as well as the associated strategies.



Unfortunately, my laptop can barely handle UDK :( - that's why I focused on computationally less demanding tasks, such as the Prefab Kit, or Kismet scripting. Most of the materials are just place holders, as is the lighting.

I would love to work on the looks of the map, but with an onboard graphics card this can get very frustrating ^^

Also, i think it's best to release the level for playtesting and bug fixing, before finetuning the visuals ;)

Believe me, it's sometimes very hard to restrain myelf from diving into materials (nodding at my random outbreak with the world aligned materials :D )


Also thanks for checking the scripts/subtitles, didn't notice that - will fix this asap.



I thought, it could be good to familiarise the player with the "automatic" lock-on mechanics, that's why I purposely, didn't choose Gunner's rocket launcher. Thought that perhaps some of the lines for the ion cannon targeting could be recycled for that, but this might be too tedious - and I probably end up using the actual R-12 :P



  • Like 1
On 6/12/2017 at 7:28 AM, j0g32 said:

Thanks for all the feedback, guys!



My idea was that the tutorial should feature 2 parts:

(1) controls, base operations - largely based on the orig. Renegade Tutorial.

(2) skirmish-like C&C mode gameplay, enhaced with a few scripted events and objectives. This is were the asymmetric features of GDI/Nod could be explained, such as stealth and building layouts, as well as the associated strategies.



Unfortunately, my laptop can barely handle UDK :( - that's why I focused on computationally less demanding tasks, such as the Prefab Kit, or Kismet scripting. Most of the materials are just place holders, as is the lighting.

I would love to work on the looks of the map, but with an onboard graphics card this can get very frustrating ^^

Also, i think it's best to release the level for playtesting and bug fixing, before finetuning the visuals ;)

Believe me, it's sometimes very hard to restrain myelf from diving into materials (nodding at my random outbreak with the world aligned materials :D )


Also thanks for checking the scripts/subtitles, didn't notice that - will fix this asap.



I thought, it could be good to familiarise the player with the "automatic" lock-on mechanics, that's why I purposely, didn't choose Gunner's rocket launcher. Thought that perhaps some of the lines for the ion cannon targeting could be recycled for that, but this might be too tedious - and I probably end up using the actual R-12 :P



Ahh, got it. In that case maybe cutting out the Locust's name and just having Gunner say it's a rocket launcher, if you can do that.

  • 4 months later...

Geeez, time flies by - sorry for the sudden silence...

As some may have noticed, I have fortunately been invited to join the Dev Team after working on this tutorial project for some time, though with my own plans in mind. All I can say for now, is that there are plans for an official Tutorial, and that I am occupied with unrealscript.

That's why there haven't been and won't be any further updates on this thread. ;)

Close thread.

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