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or just !rec those people, thank them for their duty. I think if more people did that the community would be less toxic.

Also how about when a single engineer stops like 5 flame troopers rushing the AGT, then someone else walks up and repairs an empty building. how is the game supposed to know that the original engie is the one that actually saved the building. 

Less work for the devs so they can focus on more important stuff, and more community positivity is what we need. 


I do like your idea though, always good to see someone who appreciates their hotwires.


I don't think we need to name who repaired a building but if a building is 100% repaired from damage, there still needs to be an announcement to the whole team that this building is fully repaired so the entire team won't change to engineers just to discover that the building is already fixed.

46 minutes ago, dr.schrott said:

One way to deal with it, would be to show these kind of message in a chat area as txt message too.

if devs implement that please set a striking color for something like that.... or place the announcement somewhere else :/ chat is already spammed with Q-spotted "Attack this structure! / This building needs repair!" whatsoever


I do repair a lot and probly saved many time ..But I dont need The spot ligth on me for that.

Credit gained and points are enought ..The one thing that i could see is the score Final screen

Mb make some kind of Awards in there ..like MVP ,Best repair,and stuff like that .Would Also Really appreciate that the Score screen include The map name that was played and time duration ...Its important for SS ,to know what it was


Ez. At the end of each round the display shows:

  • Most repairs done to the buildings: name - points
  • Most repairs done to the vehicles/characters: name - points
  • Most damage done to the buildings: name - points
  • Most damage done to the vehicles/characters: name - points

offtopic: remove death count and reolace it with destroyed vehicke count

Explanations: damage done/repairs done = points gained for certain activity..

I wonder how do you want devs to program an intelligent program that would detect and decide who deserves a special point - and why only for repairing a building?. I think that this decision should be left to the players by using !rec. Most people dont need to watch the hero to know if and who deserves that.. and also there is mostly around 38 friendly eyes anyway, watching just in case...

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sold on this getting its own message. There are plenty of times you may "save a building" by discovering and killing the chemtrooper inside while the rest of your team is doing who-the-hell-knows-what, and these types of saves aren't recognized either. You are already rewarded by the points, credits and veterancy for the repair/kill plus can take advantage of continued use of the building, and that should hopefully be enough. 

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