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[suggestion] Quality of life changes to mines


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ok guys... i have a few suggestions which i would like to share with you:


mines are essential for a good defense, but often mines are misplaced, overmined, left in dead buildings etc. and the people who placed them just don't care or are busy elsewhere...

usually you would have to remine everything until you eventually rotate out of the bad mines.

thats why i would suggest to:

- make all team-mines disarmable by anyone

- slow down the disarm a little bit, so people who want to repair the building don't accidentaly disarm mines

- make it that you can't place mines when the minelimit is reached (so people would have to communicate instead of just overmining left and right. also protects against new players who don't know what mines and minelimit are for).

- to protect against trolls the mineban should include inability to disarm team-mines, inability to place new mines and despawning of all mines placed by the troll.

if you want even more protection against abuse you could:

- add a message who disarmed which mine (name of the one who disarmed it + name of the one who placed it + location)

- make it that only the repair gun of tech/hottie can disarm team-mines

some people now might complain "what if you need the mines in field or in enemy building to secure a kill?".

well usually you just need mines to defend, but if you really insist, i have one additional suggestion:

- if minelimit is reached and someone places additional mines, make the mines with a 45 second despawn timer. visible to everyone who targets the mine.

that should be enough for whatever business you need mines for outside of defending you own base.

what do you think about my ideas? any suggestions? sounds balanced?

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There was so many suggestions regarding to mines that was even more complex than this over the years old. Developers are simply not going to change current mines not just becouse both- yours idea and current mines have it's pros and cons are equal 1:1, they are simply not willing to fix mines issue generally.

You have to do it by yourself.-download SDK if you dare.

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The ideas are alright, the problem may just be that mines used to be fairly bad, and now they have recently been... acceptable.

I would support all those. I just also think, that players should probably get 1 free personal mine over the limit, and that all other mines shouldn't overmine previous mines. Besides that, yeah, diffusing others mines wouldn't be that bad. Just a bit of coding and scripting involved, and no hands to do them in the midst of other things.

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I like most of the suggestions.

Not sure about this:

- make it that you can't place mines when the minelimit is reached (so people would have to communicate instead of just overmining left and right. also protects against new players who don't know what mines and minelimit are for).

This becomes a problem if someone decides to mine in an obscure location in the field, because then it would be necessary for someone to first find then and then disarm them so the base can be properly mined.

Some people like to infiltrate a building and replace the enemy mines with friendly mines, whilst they get ready to C4 the MCT. Same goes for defensively mining beacons.

Maybe mines that are placed outside a building could be set to expire over time so they don't take up the limit.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Some people like to infiltrate a building and replace the enemy mines with friendly mines, whilst they get ready to C4 the MCT. Same goes for defensively mining beacons.

Then a smart enemy will let those mines sit there useless so that the enemy has less mines in base

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@rocky44r: You have to make a mutator for RenX, that may be sometimes too complex, even if you want to make small changes (or I simply didn't get how to simplify it :D )

Download the SDK. Open the SDK folder-developement-scr-RenX_game- and there... search for promixy mines. I don't know if I haven't removed that files by mistake, becouse I can't find it.. maybe they have changed it.

Btw anybody knows whats wrong, if I try to compile my mutator so compiling stopps working with an error message "built with udk has stopped working" right before 1% it's finished?

It says that "Scripts successfully compiled - saving package c: ...."

after this COMMANDLET 'UDK.exe make' FAILED

and I can't find that compiled file in the destination folder.

Just to mention: there is 0 errors that needs to be fixed.

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Some people like to infiltrate a building and replace the enemy mines with friendly mines, whilst they get ready to C4 the MCT. Same goes for defensively mining beacons.

that's why i suggested:

- if minelimit is reached and someone places additional mines, make the mines with a 45 second despawn timer. visible to everyone who targets the mine.

that should help for the infiltrating / defending beacons... you could even make it 60 seconds to give longer protection in case of beacon defending...

btw: how do i update the SDK to the newest version? i wouldn't want to break some other fixes the devs did, when editing the scripts refeering to mines...

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another helpful thing would be:

if the mines are damaged when you start repairing them you repair them.

if the mines are at 100%, then you disarm them.

at the moment you canno't repair your own mines... on mesa 2 with the emp grenades at the PP it becomes really annoying...

Yes this is a real problem. I noticed this today when i wanted to repair one of my mines. But "puff"! I defused my own mine :P .

So in that case, maybe it would be helpfull that your are always able to defuse the mines of your team.

So you have a tool against mine-trolls.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

btw: how do i update the SDK to the newest version? i wouldn't want to break some other fixes the devs did, when editing the scripts refeering to mines...

Download the full new sdk, extract it to different directory, copy your self-made files to the new directory, delete old sdk, (OPTIONAL) rename the directory just like the old one

Also, editing out dev's script is not recommended as it will possibly cause some script breaking. Derive from the script with new actors.

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