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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Here it will comes for the Haters and maby the Lovers from Eyes.

CNC-Glasses is basically Eyes but smaller, scaled down and rebuild.

It brings the XXXXL Feeling from Eyes latest Version back to an Normal Level where you don't get fast raped by Orcas,Snipers or other LongRange Ass*****.

Glasses will have bunch of the old known Places like the Tiberium Cave, most of the Paths got changed and got more Infantry friendly.

Both Teams get fair Chances to be "sneaky sneaky" and own the Enemys Bases or even rush them down.

Both Bases got some similar defense Stractures and Pathes, but with some individually chances to hide or get cover agains the AGT/Obi

I renounce on to many Details to keep the Map solid, everything what is needed get into it and should not be get the same Performance Issue like on Eyes with his Billions of Rocks.

But it will get agin some cool Stuff like the Nod Gates.

Updates follow soon!

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by Guest
  • Like 1

Can't wait for this map, but I have to say I like the 'big' Eyes also. With big I am refering to one of the earlier versions (I guess the one first included in Beta5). Keep up the good work Dakuja, glad to see you back on track!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Here an Update to the Map:

I made huge Steps on the Map creation!

- GDI and Nod Base nearly done! (Missing some small Details and maby some Covers)

- Tiberium Cave is done, it got everything what it needed: Tiberium!

- Bunch of Pathes for Tanks and Infantry

- Good old Silo in the Middle of the Map, at his known old Place from CnC-Eyes

- Cool Bridges for more Mobility on the Battlefield for Rushes, Scouts or "Sneaky sneaky Guys"

- Self-created Bunkers in each Base (see the Alpha Screenshot on the previous Post)

- Self-created Structures in the Infantry Pathes and in the Nod Base

- AI Pathes working pretty good, Harvesters got randomly so called "Derp-Moments" (Will be fixed for sure)


- Minimap

- Fixing Harvesters

- Adding some Details/Covers

- Adding some sweet Visual Effects

- EndGameCamera

- Adding to the Test Server (Gameplay Tests)

- Create a second Version with Flying Units

So ye, this one going pretty good. Less Details for more performance, but it will looking sweet maby way better then Eyes?

I'm sure this Map will find soon his Place on the Official Test Server and hope you Guys will enjoying it!

Greez. DaKuja

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

A small Update in forma of a Screenshot:


I took a huge Time so create something new i though it's about time to bring some new Stuff into the Game.

That dosn't mean this Stuff goes common, but maby some of the Mappers get inspired by these things and go more creative and create more awesome looking Stuff.

Next Days there will be more Updates

Greez. DaKuja

  • Totem Arts Staff

Don't forget to add a Physical Material to the landscape btw. Also pls fix this on Eyes

I like this bridge. Keep up the good work

  • Totem Arts Staff

Made some Progress:

GDI Base:


An Infantry Bridge to the Silo:


The Basic Stuff is done, now i'm workin on the Details and testing all the self-created Stuff.

Its not missing many and the Map get ready for the First Test!

Greez. DaKuja

  • Totem Arts Staff

Well, after adding the PostProccessingChain seems the .udk Map File is broken

At the moment it seems there is no way to fix this Problem in the worst case i lost the whole Map ...

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

After Ruud helped me to solve the Problem i'm nearly done with the first Version

Here some other Progress Screenshots:

Tiberium Field aka. Tiberium Cave:


Let the Sunlight in!

Infantry Path near the Tiberium Field:


The new (Tiberium Cave) Infantry Path - Solid, good lookin' and functional!

The "Field":


Some High- and Lowpathes

And the Nod Base:


The Basic Layout still the same since the Start but seems pretty good placed

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by Guest
  • Totem Arts Staff

I have to say it: this looks even better than the original Eyes. Keep up the good work

  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Nope, after uploading the Map Me and Ruud realized that some Stuff missing like the PT Level,EndGameCamera and more x)

But feel free to made one, I would very grateful! That is the most horrific thing i had to do :P

There is nothing missing where you can't play the Map, so i waiting for some Feedbacks and don't be shy!

Every Feedback even negative ones helps to improve the Work!

Greez. DaKuja


So heres the feedback:

- You're missing a PT level

- No endgame camera

These tunnels/bridges don't have collision (not any of them)


This APC was still in the level for testing I guess?


This nice playset needs a material override ;)


Bushes have a different color, maybe change it to the grass's color?


Tiberium foliage needs re-referencing to have it's material in it's own package, OR wait until the new CNC-Eyes update and it'll be fixed. Right now it's referencing to an old package


Same goes for this;


I forsee very nice gameplay. Great job!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Gliven

That apc in skirmish looks like this(the one on the right) in the testing server it is normal size but super buggy. Made for a hilariously good time. Give both sides mini APC's and this will probably be the only map i play from now on.


Guest Gliven

Also the WF doors dont have vehicle blocking, so you can drive inside with humvee or buggy.

  • Totem Arts Staff

The APC Stuff is funny but on Pub. Servern totally overpowered. Its way to fast and nearly impossible to land a hit. Guys who learned to drive this little Monster will do maby 50+ Kills by Roadkills. The most funny fact on this is, you drive into the Enemy Base and there jumping 5 Guys out of the Apc like the Cartoon Cars with there 10+ Clowns.

That funny APC will be not on the next Update, its funny but ye.. don't really important.

Ye the old known missing Collision on the WF Prefab, i'll fix it for the next Update thanks for the recall.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Well I worked another Hours on Glasses and made some Progress:

Nod's defense took some Damage!


Nod reinforcement!


GDI defense took also some Damage


Old Stractures which get lost at the last Attacks from both Armys


New Tiberium-Silo Chamber


More Details - Covers on the Ways and Fields



- Added bunch of Rocks on the Field and Pathes to had some Cover

- Added more Grass and Bushes

- Added old Bunker Stractures

- Added Rocks around the Tiberium Field (Infantry Path) to prevent B2B Action

- Added more Details around the Map

- Added Ambient-Sounds

- Added PT Level

- Added EndGameCamera

- Fixed missing Collision at the Tiberium Field (Tiberium Meteor)

- Fixed Tiberium Fog

- Fixed Collision around the Map

- Fixed Harvester Spin-Party

- Fixed Missing Materials at the Tiberium Field

- Fixed Missing Materials inside the bigger GDI Bunker (Back Entrance)

- Fixed Collision Bug at the Nod Infantry Path behind the Nod-Refinery

- Removed the so much loved Mini-APC (Sorry Guys!)

- Removed LensFlares at the FloodLights at the GDI "Warehouse"

Currently i'm still working on the next Version but i'm pretty sure i can release it in the near future on the Official Testserver

Greez. DaKuja

  • Totem Arts Staff

Hmmmm very hard to see....

But if you can access that bunker, mind that bunker pc has no collision or very bad collision. Put a blocking volume around it

  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Here an fixed Version of CnC-Glasses:

http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/dat ... f640c1--de

EndGameCam still missing cause of an weird bug - still try'n to fix it.

I'm still happy about any kind of feedback - BugReports or Balance Issues

Next Version may take a while cause not much free time these days, let you now guys if there some progress.

Greez. DaKuja


Is a decent map. I was not able to test it in editor. As such, you have a minimap with no testing done. I can give you the center, and the alleged scale, but the scale will be off, and if your SDK works, you can walk up to a wall and see if your standing against the wall. If you are standing away from the wall, raise the number. If you are standing inside the wall, lower it.

Coordinates: X=538 Y=-3027 Z=0

WorldSize: 39900 (untested, test and adjust yourself please)

Don't Use Image Below, It's Just a Preview, use zipped-file link for .TGA


Rx_Minimaps - Glasses.zip


In your .ini file please look at the top line:

[CNC-Canyon Rx_UIDataProvider_MapInfo]












  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff


On 25.9.2016 at 9:14 PM, Ruud033 said:

So whats the status of this promising map? Are you still finishing it??

Ye, still in progress but the work on it goes really really slow cause of hardware issues and missing time.
I don't know when it's got his next update sure is that it will take several days - sorry about that but can't change it at the moment

Posted (edited)

- WF GT can't detect Nod at close range [Freak told me it's likely due to a volume/collision around it.]

- Inf path (HoN -> Bar): theres a gate in a fence you can't walk through (neither from field side, nor from inf path side)

- Tiberium Field Meteor: you can shoot through it (but you can't walk into it)

For screenshots look here: http://tyrant.gg/showthread.php?tid=710 (sorry I'm too lazy to add them here...)


Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Places to get stuck:

- between boxes next to GDI PP: http://prnt.sc/cq77xr [was looking for a glitched nuke spot and got stuck there several times... you'll also get stuck behind the upper box]

- INF path (HoN -> Bar): http://prnt.sc/cq7b7a / http://prnt.sc/cq7cds [reticle]

- behind GDI Ref: http://prnt.sc/cq7dq4

Missing Collisions:

INF path (HoN -> Bar): http://prnt.sc/cq7f6r [wall next to Sakura Spy] / http://prnt.sc/cq7frv / http://prnt.sc/cq7gmi / http://prnt.sc/cq7h92


*** Special Thanks to: Try-Out ***


Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

I'll try it!
(Bad-;)) -luck but last week i started my education as Game Designer/Level Designer. This will take 90% of the time until i'm done with it.
Sadly i got still the problems with my Win10 and hardware - seems my hardware getting way to old and died slowly after 7 years of duty *salute*

Well i can't promise anything about some progress in the next 2 years
But after finishing the education i'm pretty sure i get way more knowledge about everything for games nd hopefully I can put this into the future of Renegade-X and my projects! 


Greez. DaKuja


  • Like 1

2 years, that's a long time :P

Don't know how much work exactly is left but maybe someone else can help you finish it? If it's just small things like missing collision and things you can get stuck on it's still your creative work and design.

Posted (edited)

2b5ab70970e140cfa94d906e4f81a44e.png Nod Bunker not vehicle proofed :P

with an APC you can jump on top of this steel girder...


apart from the things I've posted I couldnt find anything else...

one last thing might be the crate spots.... 1 SBH can easily farm 80% of the crates... :-/

PLEASE.... finish that map... anyone... as Dakuja is too busy with RL!

The map is good! Just needs some bug fixing and polishing...


Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • Totem Arts Staff
On 10/15/2016 at 2:20 PM, DaKuja said:

I'll try it!
(Bad-;)) -luck but last week i started my education as Game Designer/Level Designer. This will take 90% of the time until i'm done with it.
Sadly i got still the problems with my Win10 and hardware - seems my hardware getting way to old and died slowly after 7 years of duty *salute*

Well i can't promise anything about some progress in the next 2 years
But after finishing the education i'm pretty sure i get way more knowledge about everything for games nd hopefully I can put this into the future of Renegade-X and my projects! 


Greez. DaKuja


Dude, if all CNC-Glasses requires are collision fixes, a minimap and a loading screen then if it's okay with you I could finish the map up for you?

Then in 2 years you can have something more fantastic or a renewal of Glasses. :)

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey guys,

great news - @Madkill40 is working on this map! :) He already sorted Minimap and fixed a stuck spot.

Let's hope it gets finished a.s.a.p. B|

Here's a summary for Madkill:

- WF GT can't detect Nod at close range [Freak told me it's likely due to a volume/collision around it.]

fb9ab7edfd4740e1aea41d2225d95df7.pnglong range works

6aef15097ae94917afeb337241fa55a3.pngnot working from that distance

- Inf path (HoN -> Bar): theres a gate in a fence you can't walk through (neither from field side, nor from inf path side)


- Tiberium Field Meteor: you can shoot through it (but you can't walk into it)


Places to get stuck:

- between boxes next to GDI PP:

dc3c223d2ca54b0da97caeef81fc3bea.png[you'll also get stuck behind the upper box]

- INF path (HoN -> Bar): [reticle]



- behind GDI Ref:


Missing Collisions:

INF path (HoN -> Bar):

9fa6b481f13342a7b6363e77c6a2fb13.png[wall next to Sakura Spy]




Missing collision @ bunker:

2b5ab70970e140cfa94d906e4f81a44e.png Nod Bunker not vehicle proofed :P

f5e11a3ddfc646dfbfd75dab0234da08.pngwith an APC you can jump on top of this steel girder...

Bad INF-path vehicle blocking volumes:


72bccfc334fa475a8659a0f86fa5def8.pnglooks like this then

f70970ef820e4fce849c2c2fc4331c59.pngsimliar problem on Npd side, origin: Nod PP - needs additional collisions.


AGT shooting to Silo:

32c2924261444322b1b9ff12d02b3843.pngAGT can hit Nod INF there...

Hope that's everything... :D

You also may reconsider the crate spawn spots. One SBH could easily farm 80% of the crates. But we can also wait until we do the first 40 players test on Glasses ^-^




Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Not going to move the crates.

I noticed by a GDI pillbox that the maps surrounding blocking volumes created a large empty gap, I cannot ungroup the volumes and move them individually so I improvised and filled this empty no-go area with some props, these little additions to one tiny inaccessible area of the map do not change the map in any way at all.

The issue with the blocking volumes and the gate seems more like those volumes were meant to be vehicle blocking volumes or at least in part meant to be vehicle blocking volumes instead of them all being regular blocking volumes. Again, I couldn't change the one volume into an individual volume so I've used the existing volumes as vehicle blocking volumes and added new blocking volumes to stop players getting to places I assumed the bulk of the volumes were for.

All stuck points, vehicle no-gos and reported issues have been fixed.

Minimap has been added to the map.

Map is now being 'built'.



Not sure if an EndGameCam was ever applied to Glasses, haven't checked, I hate the damn EGC. But will do it after the next playtest if it does not already exist.


Edit 2- 

It would seem something went wrong in stopping gunfire going through the meteorite. Strange that the volumes within are ignored.

Edited by Madkill40
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

About to update the map file with the remaining issues ironed out.

  • Nod arty can no longer hit GDI Harvester from the Nod base Entrance.
  • Gunfire will no longer pass through the Tiberium meteorite.
  • Gawdy snow bunker material changed. (snow pretending to be sand in this map looked too pixelated, standing out in a bad way)
  • Obelisk moved an inch closer to reach to the same extent as the AGT.

That's all reported and newly discovered issues sorted.

Until new places a player can get stuck are found anyway. :P

Minimap will need a tiny bit of an update for that one rock, I'll use a demo from the test server of the last Glasses map test to make a loading screen.


Map updated, download below. Added to CT Test Server.

Also added a potentially psychotic Endgame-Camera.


Edited by Madkill40
Map Updated

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