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[Map] CNC-Uphill (V1.3) and [Map] CNC-Tomb (V1.5)

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)


I hope you're doing fine. I have a huge announcement to make. Today I Release CNC-Uphill and CNC-Tomb. These are 2 Re-Makes I announced a few days ago.







I give the permission to add it to any test server. I also want to ask if these maps can be tested on a Saturday before PUG so I can fix stuff in the future.

Thanks for all the support you guys gave me


Download Here CNC-Tomb (V1.5)

Download Here CNC-Uphill (V1.2)

Edited by ThommyK0104

Again: Tomb looks so cool! Can't make it for this weekends testings and PUG, but can't wait to see them in action!


Look forward to trying these one I am home from work :)

Will see if we can get a few of us on one night and have a good run around and test on it as I think this weekend 2 maps have already been assigned for the map testing session, although nothing stopping us trying these after the PUG if people want to hand around.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Super-Kh":15k2h0tb]I don't see much of the maps really...... MORE SCREENSHOTS

You also can watch the test videos


Thommy, please use the default folder structure of UDK so we can 'merge' folders and overwrite files. Right now you just have all the files in a single folder. This is really annoying when us server managers want to add the map over and over again.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Thommy, please use the default folder structure of UDK so we can 'merge' folders and overwrite files. Right now you just have all the files in a single folder. This is really annoying when us server managers want to add the map over and over again.

Will do that for next map

  • Totem Arts Staff

Why are you using soft boundaries on maps that are basically all blocked off? Uphill especially. Also, the soft boundary on uphill by the barbed wire on silo side is broken. If you walk out of it you can never get rid of the countdown.

Honestly I'm still confused as to why Uphill even has soft boundaries... it's almost completely walled off already, except for that really awkward bit at the back of both bases. Why not just completely separate the bases with more of the mountain (so you can't just walk out the back of one base and into another) then add a full line of barbed wire to the back of each base. Just fill in the gaps on the edges of barbed wire with blocking volumes.

As for Tomb: Nod has a pretty distinct advantage at the silo considering BOTH staircases are on their side...


I agree with yosh56 about the soft level boundary.

Also think uphill is to big, can you scale it down to 60-70% of what it is now? The scale feels way off to me in comparison to the scale of the vehicles, the characters and their movement speeds. Tomb performs way better at this I think

Your choice, but I'd make it smaller, I don't think it will do the game play any good.

The original was pretty darn big aswell, but could still make for great games. You see, 50% of the field never gets used at the same time anyhow as with such a field it's not easy for both forces to sustain a strike force in the middle of the field with little to no cover. The biggest trouble with such a big field is actually retaking so much ground without losing your support troops to snipers located at the top, which is once again going to be a huge issue in this map.

The sniper issue could be solved by making the top a LOT more narrow with rocks across the entire middle part so it's a lot easier to get splashed on by vehicles.

But i've never played this map before in RenX so i'm not sure how things will work out in this version. :)


I have tried them out. Thank you very much for the maps!

I have got one issue. Are they fully finished? Because I dont want to be an ass.

I think you might wanted to create polished, clear maps, and I can already grasp the thick mood, the

lighting and layout is great, and I am so excited to play them with you guys. However the lack of decorations and lack of covers strikes me that they are actually empty for a bit. For navigation, the tunnels in the map Uphill are too similar, in the heat of battle I can lost orientation much easier. They doesn't serve as navigational aids. Just like at the tomb. The title bearer of the map exists as a simplified sarcophagus. That would be a major focal point, as a landmark and as an artistic focus for the map. It is simplified in a way that makes it feel a bit empty, and creates a high-risk scenario whenever I enter, because the only cover is the coffin. But I am not talking about covers only. I know you don't have many egyptian decals and models for decorations, and you wanted to make an original, well playable map. I just think more personalization could have a great effect on these maps. I wanted to be constructive so what about this: if you would like to place some decorations and additional models into the maps, I would like to help you with the creating of the materials and models. If you write a list of the needed decals, models, or materials, I think I can create some during the spring. How about that? Sorry for this criticism. I adore your works!

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm gonna do some changes soon

- Changing Softboundary volumes to blocking

- More background decoration

- Add some stuff for cover


The desert looks alright with soft boundaries. Canyon was alright with them. Just make sure, rocks you shouldn't be able to stand upon, are literally within the soft-boundaries so you can't. That, or make it a groundwar map (no air), and then put tank blockers on edge (probably not even that necessary anymore), and then put blocking volumes straight up from atop of rocks so they aren't climbable. Solved.

Dw about humvees, by time these maps make it in, a 7 second timer shouldn't allow what a 10 second time used to.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

CNC-Uphill and CNC-Tomb Release V1.1

After the testing session there were some bugs that I needed to fix. I wanted to release all of this earlier but I completely forgot to update Uphill. So I did that today and hope you like it.

Changelist Uphill

- Changed Softbounday Volumes to Blocking Volumes. (The reason of the change is because it only works for 50% and to prevent B2B)

- The rocks in the field have better collision and is now accessable as an infantry unit

Changelist Tomb

- Changed Softbounday Volumes to Blocking Volumes. (The reason of the change is because it only works for 50% and to prevent B2B)

- Fixed the collision on the destroyed houses in the field

- Did some work on the background

- Added a blocking volume to the top of the middle so you can't get on it

- Fixed the landscape in the GDI base

- Fixed the rollout nodes at the GDI Weapons Factory

- Fixed torches that came out of the floor in tunnel

Download Here CNC-Tomb (V1.1)

Download Here CNC-Uphill (V1.1)

  • Totem Arts Staff
Did you not fix any of the gameplay concerns people brought up on tomb?

Not really. I think it's good for now

Did you not fix any of the gameplay concerns people brought up on tomb?

Not really. I think it's good for now

So you're going to ignore people that tested your map because it's okay in your eyes while most people are concerned about it?

I will say look into it and ask the people about how to improve the gameplay.


Okay... so... I have been working on a minimap. First time was rough, was sick anyway so was going to pick this up in the morning. Still wanted to take the rough draft, mount it, and get some practice with it and see how far I was off (probably a lot).

So, this is as far as I got on the Minimap. Points: Tunnels were sloppily placed in transparency, the overmap itself is actually probably precision-scaled though, unfortunately since you can't get the same top-viewport zoom twice in a row, you usually have to start over if you fail to get all pictures needed in the same setting.

The main problem, is when I did go to test this, seemingly through no fault of my own, it simply did not want to show up in the HUD in Play-From-Here. What I Did:

1) Used "Rx_Minimap.psd" from Kenz3001 video on Minimaps. As listed below, I also followed instructions.

2) Obtained shots using a scale point. This is not in question right now so trust I did it right.

3) Collected them all up in a copy of Kenz3001's file, layed atop one another, with a top-layer that had a pink cross shape at canvas-center.

4) Canvas size was originally 2048 and never changed.

5) Saved first, as a PSD, then as a TGA, then as a PNG. All 32bit (PDN doesn't have an option for 32 on PSD so I assume it was smart enough to autodetect 32 as desired setting).

5) Imported it to Content Browser, saved in environmental package for Cnc_TombRedux, as a UI texture.

6) Opened World Properties, and set it in Minimaps as World Texture. First tried 0,0 location, then tried location of node used in centering images. Entered size as 41200 as per video.

7) Play-From-Here, Minimap was still empty.

8) Saved Current Level, Play From Here, Minimap Still Empty.

Any idea what is going on? I will try to make a better quality one tomorrow (might try to make without-tunnels and keep pictures stored separately of tunnels to add after working), if I am feeling better. Perhaps get answers tonight if someone is interested (has anyone made a custom map with minimap for it yet?).

Lesser a problem, is the shadow on the right side of the center-rock. Some sort of shadowing artifact, Kenz3001 video said caused often by cascading lighting, but was unable to find a light to modify to rid myself of it. Lesser concern only because I can blend it away in photo editing. [EDIT] Found the light that causes it and how to change it.


  • Totem Arts Staff

Ooh the tunnel system looks nice

Standard size in world properties is 39900.0

Make sure you've set the image to UI (if it is set to world, you don't almost nothing) and uncheck SGRB(or something like that)

Oh and Yosh, stay alert for an updated one soon (before the release of 5.15). V.1.12 will contains the minimap

Ooh the tunnel system looks nice

Standard size in world properties is 39900.0

Make sure you've set the image to UI (if it is set to world, you don't almost nothing) and uncheck SGRB(or something like that)

Oh and Yosh, stay alert for an updated one soon (before the release of 5.15). V.1.12 will contains the minimap

If the minimap doesnt make it, it's not that great a shame. Small update for next patch next month.

I need to make an entirely new one. I will tell you scale I based it off, and center coordinate, and you can mount it and tweak it until it fits.

The scale is supposed to be 41200. According to Kenz3001 video. So you can try 39900 but if it makes things a bit too small you know how to adjust it (increase the number).


I am going to work around this for now, but I am quite literally having formed visibly separate sections appear on landscape in the shadowing of lit mode (doesn't appear in unlit). I will take a picture real quick before going on.

It is exactly what is happening on this thread I googled. And holy shit it's Neilson and Havoc89 in the thread, circa 2011. Wonder if either of them figured this out...

https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/80 ... -artifacts

Below, you can see the unedited capture of the overhead. For some reason, even in PlayFromHere, these damned squares of standing out landscape appear. They go away if you stand at very certain places on their edges, which is how I am able to get some of them to go away. However, they are going to cost me a LOT of time taking multiple pictures to put together a full image out of...

  • Totem Arts Staff

If I'm right I putted a PreComputedVisibilityVolume and a LightmassImportanceVolume in. I think if you remove the LightmassImportanceVolume and rebuild lighting it will be fixed.

At the moment I can't help you because I'm on vacation. And I don't have the SDK on my laptop. I tried to use it but it crashes when loading assets.

Upcoming Friday I go back to home. So I hope I can help asap

  • Totem Arts Staff

I think the fix was to paint a "bottom layer" at .01 or lowest opacity possible and paint all others on top of that, set that layer to alpha blend as well. You can make this layer middle gray or just a normal map or something so it doesn't interfere with any of the other layers.

edit - lol Havoc also says this in his post btw. If this fix doesn't work for you then it's a different problem, I assumed it was the black squares since I can't see the picture posted in the thread anymore.

It could be related to different stuff otherwise, you might have to "regenerate" your terrain (change the size of the squares but keep the same overall size will force it to recompute and usually gets rid of weird errors and stuff) or it's the lightmap on the terrain having too low a resolution.

or it's the lightmap on the terrain having too low a resolution.

I think he's referring to the shadows being very squared, not random black spots in the landscape ( I can't spot them )

@Yagi, the rocks have 3 LOD's, if you move far up the LOD3 state will be triggerd. Try forcing LOD0 in the mesh' properties and then take another screenshot. That'll get rid of the squared shadowing produced by the rocks.

If that fails too, you might want to set the lightmapresolution of those rocks to 64 and rebuild lights @ production level. Don't forget to force LOD0 when taking screenshots again though.

  • Totem Arts Staff

The spots are on the landscape though, not the rocks so the rocks' lightmap res has nothing to do with it, they're only responsible for the shadows on the rocks themselves not the projected shadowmap. The rocks even at lod 3 aren't that square that they will project anything bad.

The landscape components are all individually placed on a landscape lightmap, either too high or too low a resolution will cause bleeding or insufficient resolution and you get crappy sectors, that is the most likely cause.

From what I can tell it looks really low res per sector atm so just try upping the lightmap on the landscape first.

or it's the lightmap on the terrain having too low a resolution.

I think he's referring to the shadows being very squared, not random black spots in the landscape ( I can't spot them )

@Yagi, the rocks have 3 LOD's, if you move far up the LOD3 state will be triggerd. Try forcing LOD0 in the mesh' properties and then take another screenshot. That'll get rid of the squared shadowing produced by the rocks.

If that fails too, you might want to set the lightmapresolution of those rocks to 64 and rebuild lights @ production level. Don't forget to force LOD0 when taking screenshots again though.

It happens when using PlayFromHere so I am thinking it'll do it ingame for a lot of people. Thommy might need to look at a lot of those suggestions just for cosmetic sake.

Ask for the actual minimap, I just blended the lines best I could by hand, and will be posting the minimap file here shortly in an edit. Center coordinates are x1230 y90 z0* and scale is based of #08 on Airstrip from Islands and thus is 41200 (USE 50000 because it was way off for some reason). I got it to work for me, but it renders really super unhelpfully dark. I have original layers, so LMK if I should resize so it's closer to 41200, or to make it brighter.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxV7t ... E5NRUs5cmM

I will take a look at asap

Don't forget to enjoy your vacation :)

I will :P

I forgot about that, but now remember hearing that before. Yeah. You do that man. Have fun, don't focus too hard on all this.

Didn't want me to make a working minimap save of otherwise identical version of TombRedux and it's env-package meanwhile, so it can make it into the patch if there's still time? Or do you want to do that yourself? I asked Yosh if he is building patch now and told him the minimap can make it in if he/you/I want to slip it into the package and world properties.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I think the plan of Yosh was to release the patch upcoming friday (february 26th). If he is so kind to wait a few hours, I'll probably will have it done in the begin of the afternoon.

I will the around 12 AM - 1 PM home tomorrow. I can start my pc up and release it within a half hour

  • Totem Arts Staff
For Tomb....Can still drive into the barracks and hon. GDI can still wreck building safely from behind the rocks on the back path. Silo is still in a crappy spot.

Can you show what you mean? There are blocking volumes. I used the prefab so what is going on?


Don't know how to put it any better. Installed the newest version of tomb and went into skirmish. Hon, barr, and gdi pp doors I could go through with vehicles. Could be something on my end maybe? I couldn't get on the testing server to check. Kept giving me an error, so I can't confirm it really.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Okay weird. There is a vehicleblockingvolume around the bar and hon

EDIT: Bar and Hon are fixed. It is a weird bug i think. When the volume don't hit the ground, it will not be active

I'm going to make a few changes with blocking volumes at the tunnel entrances (possible to get stuck with humvee / buggy)

CNC-Tomb Release V1.13

- Fixed vehicle blocking volumes at Barracks and Hand of Nod

- Fixed tunnel entrances at both bases to prevent you can get stuck with a vehicle

About the silo location. I'm not gonna change that. I really need to see what's going on. I can Always fix that in the future

Download Here CNC-Tomb (V1.13)

CNC-Uphill Release V1.11

- Added a minimap

Download Here CNC-Uphill (V1.11)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

CNC-Tomb Release V1.2

---Changelist V1.2---

- Added base defence to prevent most of the infantry rushes at the beginning of the game

- Fixed the blocking volume at the GDI Refinery and moved it so SBH's can't get on it and shoot people

- Added to both Power Plants blocking volumes at this spot to prevent Ion's / Nuke's will glitch:


- Fixed the vehicle spawn in the Tomb

- Infantry Path's leading to the 1st floor of the Tomb are only 1 sided ways so Snipers can't get easy on the wall

- Removed at the same road some rocks so you don't need to get back to base and get on it

- Added crate spawn in the destroyed houses at silo road

- Edited the background with rocks and pyramids

Download Here CNC-Tomb (V1.2)

Map also added to the Mapper Cloud Storage

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