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  • 1 month later...

Well, Due to the SDK always crashing when Trying to Test the Map and No Fixes have been found YET, I've spent time gaming instead.

However I started playing a new game Orion Prelude - and guess what, they use UT3, so I decided to make a map on their UDK engine

Its called Wolf-Harvest (Currently) and is nearly complete shockingly - Just have bot pathing to do : )

Best Bit is...Had no Problems what so ever with their UDK version

P.S. Hourglass = Need to make sure the sounds are working (when me and Yagi played it - some were fucked) The Minimap, and of cause the Air lift keeps fucking up now - but I know what to do, but I cant test it : (

Stronghold = Need to test the bases and infantry paths before continuing with the other areas

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Well, Thx for the New SDK, No problems Yet - Hope this continues : )

Well Hourglass...

Fixed all the errors/bugs that I noticed and noted

The Hovercraft sound seems fine - Will have to test Online


Left to do...

Build All Lighting

Minimap - Yagi said he was going to create a minimap for Hourglass - then his SDK stopped working - However I've noticed that my Minimap has come out Alright - but the minimap is a bit dark like the map...


Here's a sneak peak at the soon to be released map




Edited by TheDeadlyWolf
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, after playing the majority of DLC 4 in Black Ops 3 I was able to continue with the map - Build Lightning

However, the SDK has another idea...Lets Crash

It crashes whenever I build lightning, goes for around 1.50mins before crashing - Only way to close it is CtrAltDel

Tried on Stronghold - Which only has building light, and what do you know...It Crashes after 490 miniseconds

Both Times - Building Static Lighting

Seriously, Why me?


Thx for the input but I was hoping for a solution, as it will be very annoying when i need to make changes

You cant have everything...

I'll probably get the Doctor to build lighting, but thx

P.S. Better to Crash on Build Lighting than Testing Map


If it crashes after a certain amount of time, I bet that is because your memory is filling up and due to that your computer says no.

  • Try optimising some more, make sure you don't have insane lightmapresolution on items (32 is enough on a dark map on all assets) and also make sure the radius's of lights aren't infinite or so.
  • Make sure the sky isn't accepting lights and not dropping shadows
  • Make sure the background rocks (if acceptable) drop no shadow where you can't see them
  • Make sure you use a LightmassImportanceVolume around the heart of your map (don't include background)
  • If this isn't working, I'd suggest optimising materials to instances and master materials (as few master materials as possible)

Good luck!

Posted (edited)
  On 10/15/2016 at 3:59 AM, Handepsilon said:

Little question, there's no speedtree object in the level right?


well, there was 22 SpeedTree actors in Hourglass...Deleted them and still crashed

Stronghold had nothing, still crashed

Tried Canyon and didnt crash

Went back to Hourglass...

  On 10/14/2016 at 7:47 PM, Ruud033 said:

If it crashes after a certain amount of time, I bet that is because your memory is filling up and due to that your computer says no.

  • Try optimising some more, make sure you don't have insane lightmapresolution on items (32 is enough on a dark map on all assets) and also make sure the radius's of lights aren't infinite or so.
  • Make sure the sky isn't accepting lights and not dropping shadows
  • Make sure the background rocks (if acceptable) drop no shadow where you can't see them
  • Make sure you use a LightmassImportanceVolume around the heart of your map (don't include background)
  • If this isn't working, I'd suggest optimising materials to instances and master materials (as few master materials as possible)

Good luck!


And I looked at Sky Box - Was Fine - Still crashed

Searched for LightmassImportance Volume - Added one around Hourglass - Still crashed

Haven't tried the rest, But

I just don't get why Stronghold crashes when it only has the Basic lighting on buildings

Edited by TheDeadlyWolf
  On 10/20/2016 at 7:17 AM, kenz3001 said:

have any autosaves ?.. maybe try one of those ... your main save might be corrupted


Well, no Autosaves from old SDKs, and ones from the new one crash when building, thx anyway

  On 10/20/2016 at 5:59 AM, Handepsilon said:

How about your landscape? How complex is it?


Hourglass = Terrain

Stronghold = Landscape Wouldnt say complex

  • Totem Arts Staff

terrain is supported its just a legacy system that lacks features of landscape like material blending and erosion ect ...

is there a log from the crash ( file and something in the paste bin "crash >>> hit paste in notpad" )

i had crashing on light builds when the build took more memory then what i had or using the 32bit udk ( try using 64bit udk to build lights if you have over 4 gb in your system )

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Well, had this discussion about terrain before, if it needs to be converted i will after release

  On 10/20/2016 at 11:00 AM, kenz3001 said:

terrain is supported its just a legacy system that lacks features of landscape like material blending and erosion ect ...

is there a log from the crash ( file and something in the paste bin "crash >>> hit paste in notpad" )

i had crashing on light builds when the build took more memory then what i had or using the 32bit udk ( try using 64bit udk to build lights if you have over 4 gb in your system )



On the other hand Kenz,

Loaded up the 64bit version, and what do you know...It actually Works (No Swarm though), but thx - Have 16gb

However, when I build lighting with Lightmass, the Swarm Boots up, seconds later

'The Lighting Build Failed' see the log for more information

AgentLog_131214397423420861.logFetching info...

Edited by TheDeadlyWolf

Told you the memory was filling up.

'Terrain' is not meant to be built with lightmass. Therefore the swarm-agent will fail to build. You have 2 choices:

  1. Convert the terrain to a landscape to build with lightmass - or -
  2. Build with legacy lighting

Personally i'd go with option 1.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/21/2016 at 9:14 AM, Ruud033 said:

Told you the memory was filling up.

'Terrain' is not meant to be built with lightmass. Therefore the swarm-agent will fail to build. You have 2 choices:

  1. Convert the terrain to a landscape to build with lightmass - or -
  2. Build with legacy lighting

Personally i'd go with option 1.


Well the same problem occurs on all maps including Kenz's canyon when trying to build with Lightmass

Happens on Stronghold as well, which is made from Landscape

Edited by TheDeadlyWolf

Both harvies seem to have a problem to return to Refinery after harvesting Tiberium.

Hope you'll be able to fix the light problem a.s.a.p. so we can see the real beauty of the map. :)

will post a review as soon as possible

Posted (edited)

That is more or less the lighting you'll get, even with lightmass

Back in the SDK the Harvies worked solidly, when testing in the actual game it turned out to be around 80/20 working

The Harvies do fix themselves, but the GDI one doesn't always...

However the SILO does give around 3X as much credits and don't forget you receive free vehicles later on...

Edited by TheDeadlyWolf
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

 I got to play this map last night. Very good stuff Wolf. :D

However, there's a few issues with the rain mode. When the building floors are flooded, proximity mines fall below the water and you can't see them nor target them; this makes surprise mines OP and your team doesn't know what mines were lost, since active mines are invisible. Proxy mines don't even show up period if you move your mouse over them when the floor is flooded.

Also outside in front of each base is a very steep incline to the point when the ground is flooded, vehicles take damage when driving over the ground volume (I doubt this was intended by you). Also, infantry resort to swimming on this volume when walked over.

It was a pleasant surprise seeing bonus free vehicles appear behind each base after 45 minutes (do more reinforcements come later on or is it just this one shipment?). But behind the GDI base is a pair of Anti-Air towers, doesn't do GDI any good if Nod doesn't have air units. Is there a purpose to them or just for a sense of realism? If only realism, make them invincible if possible as they can only yield points, money and veterancy to Nod.

Edited by Chrisjh0223
Posted (edited)
  On 6/3/2017 at 10:25 PM, Chrisjh0223 said:

 I got to play this map last night. Very good stuff Wolf. :D

However, there's a few issues with the rain mode. When the building floors are flooded, proximity mines fall below the water and you can't see them nor target them; this makes surprise mines OP and your team doesn't know what mines were lost, since active mines are invisible. Proxy mines don't even show up period if you move your mouse over them when the floor is flooded.

Also outside in front of each base is a very steep incline to the point when the ground is flooded, vehicles take damage when driving over the ground volume (I doubt this was intended by you). Also, infantry resort to swimming on this volume when walked over.

It was a pleasant surprise seeing bonus free vehicles appear behind each base after 45 minutes (do more reinforcements come later on or is it just this one shipment?). But behind the GDI base is a pair of Anti-Air towers, doesn't do GDI any good if Nod doesn't have air units. Is there a purpose to them or just for a sense of realism? If only realism, make them invincible if possible as they can only yield points, money and veterancy to Nod.


Well Chris, Glad you liked the Map...

However the depth outside of the base was intended by me, you could walk underneath the water so I added swimming (more realistic) + vehicles driving through thick water will damage their body works and rims - Worst Vehicles are Hummvee and Buggy, however you can easily avoid the volume : )

The Reinforcements Come Once!

The towers on GDI shore are a sense of realism and defence - GDI on a beach...Anyone can attack - Nod on the other hand, have a tiberium epidemic

  - For this reason they should still be destroyable, and at one point...I thought of making an Hourglass_Flying Version - Never Before

Already know about the proxy mines vanishing upon flooding, however this makes it more interesting while generating a quicker end game - Main reason Hourglass was disliked, was the Hour long matches - As you cant see any mines, group rushes are more effective...TEAM WORK!

The Non-Visible Mines also create great Banta and laughs..had great fun on the testing servers with limsup and tryout, overall very entertaining - But at the same time it will be annoying for miners...so its good and bad

+ Provides a unique strategic advantage for the defending team

+/- Only happens after 50mins

- Cant disarm with repair guns or see them : )


P.S. New Update coming Tomorrow after built lighting!




Edited by TheDeadlyWolf
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

I'm Back with a Patch, and I should be starting the Mesa Remaster when I can find some time away from other shit

Just a quick patch to finalise some issues and make a few improvements to Hourglass before @limsup session

Version 2.5 - Version 2.6
Redone Nod's Reinforcements (Kismet) - Made it better, this was the first Kismet I had ever done : )
Made changes to Nod's Abandoned Airfield
Changed the Weapon Spawn - Temple Side
Fixed the Damage Volume - Now Damages Everyone
Rebuilt Lights
Added a Notification/Alarm for Uplink - People wanted a notification of sorts for when the base defences had gone offline, rather then the satellite just spinning around, SO...
 - When Nod's Obelisk is Offline, it Plays a Low Pitch Alarm
 - When GDI's Advanced Guard Tower is Offline, it Plays a Higher Pitch Alarm

File can be found on the downloads area or 



Edited by TheDeadlyWolf
  • Like 1
  • 5 months later...

A late Happy Birthday present for Renegade

Here's a long awaited update to Hourglass

Version 2.6 - Version 2.7
Removed Flooding - that includes everything in relation - Flood Doors, Beach Lockdown, Swim Zones, Kill Zones etc
Removed Rain
Reworked Thunder Sounds - No Longer features rain in the background
Replaced the plated flooring textures - No Longer features the rain effect, same reworked textures that have been used in TDW-Stronghold
Increased Time Delay on Crows
  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1

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