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I try to change team to Nod to test the other side but I wont respawn /

I do change team in console ,got the message that Im Nod now but I stay there .ENTER (key) doesnt respawn me :(

Id create a start player in both side One set to 0 and the other one 1 in Team index in playerStartProp




  • Totem Arts Staff
I try to change team to Nod to test the other side but I wont respawn /

I do change team in console ,got the message that Im Nod now but I stay there .ENTER (key) doesnt respawn me :(

Id create a start player in both side One set to 0 and the other one 1 in Team index in playerStartProp




Try to rebuild paths

I try to change team to Nod to test the other side but I wont respawn /

I do change team in console ,got the message that Im Nod now but I stay there .ENTER (key) doesnt respawn me :(

Id create a start player in both side One set to 0 and the other one 1 in Team index in playerStartProp




Try to rebuild paths

Done ..:(


Doesnt work ,its lower the kill zone but no change

Got these when checking for errors

PlayerStart_2 : has no paths, and is not inside the navmesh! (If this is a destination or something for players only set bDestinationonly=TRUE

PlayerStart_4 : has no paths, and is not inside the navmesh! (If this is a destination or something for players only set bDestinationonly=TRUE

  • Totem Arts Staff

Definitely should show collision and check if there are holes in it. Assuming it is all landscape (terrain). If it is shooting through dynamic object then that is normal, as the bot that controls turrets only uses fast tracing to see if it can see something, so it will shoot at you through dynamic objects (this is why they will continue to shoot at you through doors even after they close. )

Definitely should show collision and check if there are holes in it. Assuming it is all landscape (terrain). If it is shooting through dynamic object then that is normal, as the bot that controls turrets only uses fast tracing to see if it can see something, so it will shoot at you through dynamic objects (this is why they will continue to shoot at you through doors even after they close. )

Thanks yosh ! Id move my turret ,its somekind of bug I think because it shooting at the landscape mountain ,like if it see a hole at one spot in the mountain ..if i move a bit left or right it doesnt see that hole ..strange


Maybe it's because the hill is so steep.

Don't know what your plan is for the map, but it will probably be fixed when you put rocks or other meshes on it.

add some random meshes (rocks ?)
Maybe it's because the hill is so steep.

Don't know what your plan is for the map, but it will probably be fixed when you put rocks or other meshes on it.

Yeah I think it's the only solution for now ..will do that.


add some random meshes (rocks ?)
Maybe it's because the hill is so steep.

Don't know what your plan is for the map, but it will probably be fixed when you put rocks or other meshes on it.

Yeah I think it's the only solution for now ..will do that.


Check the landscape collision properties, set that to blockall ??

add some random meshes (rocks ?)
Maybe it's because the hill is so steep.

Don't know what your plan is for the map, but it will probably be fixed when you put rocks or other meshes on it.

Yeah I think it's the only solution for now ..will do that.


Check the landscape collision properties, set that to blockall ??

Found and Done ..no change :(

Ty for sugesting :)


Found and Done ..no change :(

Ty for sugesting :)

Np! That's really weird though, try and find out what kind of projectile the SAM site actually fires by searching it's code! Also, try checking the tickbox @ "Block Rigidbody'


I try to convert my Buildings with the ramps and..

With the Barrack after all done I got this Huge green box around it when selecting ..

Normal ?What is it?

EDIT : It resized to smaller around the building by itselft ..I guest its ok/fixed now :)


Found and Done ..no change :(

Ty for sugesting :)

Np! That's really weird though, try and find out what kind of projectile the SAM site actually fires by searching it's code! Also, try checking the tickbox @ "Block Rigidbody'

Block Rigidbody Done ..no change

AGT ,Turrets ,SamSites find holes a certain spot in differents mountains ..So idk if the type of missiles is for something ..and idk where to see these code ;)


Got my Harvy working :)..But

He drop 2 loads and at the second drop he stop at ref .He advance few feet and stop there :(

Rework your paths. The harv system is fine.

Is there something To set to get him repeat infinitly the sequence?

He doing right twice , he goes from WF to Tibur ,go to ref ,come back to Tib,go back to ref ,unload, then Stop. :(


Id place the ref_navigationPoint on the Steel platform instead of out of it



  • Totem Arts Staff

You can add a line with mine- and vehicle limit in the UDKRenegadeX.ini for now until it's fixed.

right now the SDK is bugged with a 0 vehicle limit only way to test it to import the files to the game or just place some vehicles around the map

How do I import yo the game ?

You can add a line with mine- and vehicle limit in the UDKRenegadeX.ini for now until it's fixed.

Like that below ?


Vehicle factory is the best and easiest way to go for testing purposes

Whats Vehicules factory ?

Guys ,keep in mind Im newbies you have to be Clearer ;)

  • Totem Arts Staff

ok i cant ba asked to edit quotes

so adding maps to game found here >>

adding vehicle limit to sdk udkrenegadex.ini >>


adding a vehicle factory (note that only vehicles with the word factory are valid the ones with out will work but may acked buggy "bouncing around when damaged") >>>



K Thanks Kenz :)

Will Watch your video

The purpose of Wanted to see the Vehicules coming out of the WF in the SDK editor Windows is to see if my vehicules go out ok.

The Line :


Doesnt seem to do anything in the SDK editor Windows ?

I guest I did do from Vehicle factory some drag and drop on map

btw SS with Text in it, is very hard to read the text

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
How to use these? .They arent individual Crystals ,They like a premade field ,I cant click on them to see what they are :(

[attachment=0]Crystal field.jpg[/attachment]

That is foliage. It's a tool what we mostly use to place grass, bushes and tiberium. How to use It?

Simple! Open foliage tool by clicking on the plant button (right next to landscape tool button) You can drag a static mesh from the content browser and drop it in the foliage tool. From there you can edit stuff like scale and distance

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