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  • Totem Arts Staff

Awesome i'll add the Minimap later at the day and upload the new version at the same day or on the next day.
Glasses needs some work too. ;)

Greez. DaKuja

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, DaKuja said:

Awesome i'll add the Minimap later at the day and upload the new version at the same day or on the next day.
Glasses needs some work too. ;)

Greez. DaKuja

Hurry up and just finalize Eyes... Doesn't have to be PERFECT... would just be nice to have a minimap


7 hours ago, DaKuja said:

"Jawohl!" as soon i'm back at home i'll finish Eyes

Hope you are not on a five weeks vacation than. Keep up the good work with your map(s)

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Here we go, new Eyes for everyone!


Including new awesome Minimap!
- Bug fixes
- Culling work done
- AddedCovers

More Details
- Particle Effects
- Some new Materials
- Adding some Light/Fog Effects


Hope you will enjoy it!

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


- Minimap is broken (Henk had the same problem on a previous Tunnels version)

- Nod front Turret is useless (cant trigger)

- did you change the Nod Obelisk range on purpose? [if so... GDI is 100% OP now, Obi can't even detect Inf @ new tunnels, while GDI AGT kills infnatry at the inf path]

- GDI can still hit HoN & Nod PP with Gunner / Rocket soldiers... :/

- GDI harvy gets a path finding problem every ~ 2 hours ending up stuck in the Ref bay, exploding after some minutes


will post some screens later


Edited by DarkSn4ke
Gunner / R-Soldier B2b
  • Totem Arts Staff

Meh.. thats some bad news - why these bugs only happen on the Server and now already on my PC? - Well it maby will take some time for the fix or maby not i'm not sure at all. Sorry about that!

  • Totem Arts Staff

In case Yagi wasn't able to get a long distance shot here is a basic minimap. (roofed paths visibility not included)

  • Minimap
    • Map Center
      • X : -7494.00
      • Y : 7395.00
      • Z : 0.00
    • Map Extent : 57500.00


It is nice to see a minimap and overview map for Eyes at long last. 


If there have been any visual map changes to Eyes since the current release then this will have a few missing/incorrect map visuals. But it is a template.



I was able to get a sublime large-scale overhead image, and I mounted it and saw it to be of acceptable quality.

On Tunnels, the problem was, when "Importing" into "Content Browser", the "TextureGroup" or "TextureLayer" was not correctly "dropped-down menu and select TextureGroup_UI". Possible operator error, rather than manufacturer's error. When I released minimap, I offered a replacement warranty anyway, it still stands if necessary.

Assuming it is mounted as TextureGroup_UI, it should look fine, and in fact has a sloppy effort at "roofed pathing". I took 4 shots, each corner all sharing a "centerpoint", and then 4 more shots the same way after deleting the "roof overtop of paths", and then went over it with various painting tools because darkness is different in different places and make paths too obscure.

Also, there are IMPORTANT map changes. New base entrances, modified field rock placement, new in-base layout. The difference would be "glaring" to "total" (total being using the "Islands" minimap on "Eyes" to navigate with as a comparison of "how different"). EDIT: Well, laying them overtop of another, not that different, but Nod Powerplant direction changes, and roofs cover tiberium field and important base entrances.

Lastly, I love the way you filled empty space around the map with wasteland-plateau looking scenery. I went with a "slim" look so bringing up map left as much transparent space as possible so one can handle combat while the map is up, but yours does visually look better than mine, a lot brighter too.


@DaKuja I assume you didn't adapt the harvester routes?

While testing both harvesters have problems finding the correct path. As mentioned before GDI harvy happens to get 100% stuck in GDI Ref bay (after driving to WF before) while the Nod harvy explores the Field before going to harvest Tib again :/

will need some more time to document all the strange harvy routes.

Harvesters throw error msg in the server log, but I don't know if this is normal or not (as harvesters have always been buggy)

  • Like 1

- inf path (cave) just partly blocked for vehicles. Flying vehicles can easily enter it, stankz as well (due to their amazing mountaineering abilities xD)

- plenty of stuck spots & other collision related stuff



Bad harvy route. Change of direction take way too long for harvesters, even more time for GDI to destroy it :/

9c79ec8da3074732adf0bde107b9f62e.pngbugged harvy route (after dump), unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to see the origin point yet :o

Will upload the other screens later. (and sum up all the bug posts!)

@DaKuja but first of all we got to apologize to you. We've never published a bug report for Eyes and assumed that you would fix the old common ones. Guess there have been too many single bug posts in the forums over the year. And there hasn't been a decent - complete - bug report for Eyes yet... :/


  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Well today after School i fixed the Nod-Harvester Path issue - the GDi Harvester get totally random stucked at the Ref. Bay but i'm still working on it.
Also i fixed the Obi Range Issue and now he fires at Enemys on the new Infantry Path.
Both Nod Turrets are now also fixed and shooting now like normal

AGT Range got buffed too because of the big Dead Angle from the Rocket Launcher against Attackers at the Main Gates - so the AGT GT's firing early to deal soon damage against rushes

Well about the Minimap Issue i had no clue how to fix it, even to test it on diffrent Server - at the SDK Playtest it works perfect

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja

I mentioned TextureGroup_UI. If you set TextureGroup to UI, and it's still doing it, then it may be a bug. MadKill offered another minimap, it's flawed but try to install it, if it works then we can take it and start from there. I may, with his permission, just overlay fixes atop of his map at equal scale.


Preliminary Bug Report for Eyes_1.7:

-Harvy issue:


b23499802f9e47a681e04acf67908978.pngThis can be triggered by leaving a vehicle near GDI ref. Harvy pushes the vehicle to WF then turns around to dump the tiberium.

But at some point the Harvy just blew up and there was no vehicle around the Refinery. [too bad we didnt see why it blew up through...]

- Misc.:


1a4d366b8fb943a7b6507bb1e319442d.pngIf you move to the right you can hit Nod PP as well

- Collision related




20f91411767c481f93ea1090f499d1f6.pngit's very annoying to access the upper inf path in the cave from GDI side. it's like a jump-n-run quest :/ you can't just run ontop op the ledge :o

76c885e7b8d64383a00452cc707b6efe.pngwhile GDI can easily access airstrip by jumping down the rocks, Nod is blocked. [Nod can reach barracks though... but on low health only due to AGT - unless you can distract it or know how to dodge AGT hits]

92a44793d4c149cda46a792c5616f853.pngnext to thw new GDI inf path is a death pit


you can see *out of the map* near GDI base back entrance. and there is a vehicle stuck spot to the left [near a rock]

e37f9bfba22b40d588ec25c689d0e38b.pngGDI base back entrance

3e25829990db4858af787823d02c7f21.pngGDI bridge

aeac84f85820411f9ea2fc4952557ca1.pngyou can access the Tunnel to Nod Sniper Bunker with orcas / appaches. But you can only leave the tunnels voa cave. (tank blockers from field side) - you should block the whole INF area for vehicles.

358703cc7ec84f16acab3e0d36180bfe.pngnew Nod INF path

d2739713f78948fdb06df5f047507e60.pngmultiple bad collisions (incl. minor stucks) around Nod PP rocks

f15e6857e69e4758b8644987de70251a.pngstuck at Nod INF path tunnel entrance

b75ca1a7c69f4a099753a84063c8a546.pngnext to Nod cave entrance. Bush got collision & floating rocks next to it ;)

45e4616715e542a3a07bf0b8d869c5bd.pngNod bridge. put a texture on the collision? :P

933dddaf10d0482d98bd638d589bd531.pngpossible vehicle stuck spot

cb05065268c646728eb2b4132793af8b.pngdid you really move the GDI PPs bush here? :/

39cf6818c28a49e2a7b90abcaea55122.pngstuck at upper Nod bunker

9b9518883eef4d898511d085d7f83859.pngstuck inside a rock on the mid field

0d372d93d6f94efbbea8967f0e580bda.pngstuck next to Nod bridge


116d9f259b184f00994ff94075efdfb1.pngthere's a spot next to the GDI upper inf path entrance where you can glitch a stank up ;) -> BLOCK the whole INF path section for good :D

7438537c1f9e468a91d65d31b1092f6f.pngyou'll get toxic tiberium dmg in the lower cave part (inf path / tunnel)


b5e97d936b8e499582ead37551f4730c.pngeindeutig Gebirgsenzian - wächst nur am GDI inf weg ;)


Alright.... I've got some more screens but I need ti upload 'em later.

Other balance issues:

- GDI can hit HoN / Ref from side path. Nod can't hit anything threough Ref tunnel, except for the front GT..

- GDI can easily sneak Nod PP without ANY dmg. Nod has a 0,1% chance to get to GDI PP unharmed... (you need to completely distract the AGT for that)

- GDI can place IONs at the end of strip (near PP) with total cover from Obelisk. Nod can run to Barracks but will be on very low health....

Weiter so Kuja!



Posted (edited)

@DaKuja other stuff from Eyes_1.7:

- possible sniper vantage points (intended or not intended? :/)


2a4f80e1d17342f28e2c85e5c7e14f8d.pngTop of the cave, GDI side (tbh, I can't remember if AGT will hit you as Nod there....)

3d16bef836524ef39e12d89f0a32d253.pngA GDI sniper could easily defend GDIs backentrance from the rocks here

c1f247f08f414d2a895c5178ee65ccfe.pnggood sniper spot with overview of the field / cave exit and  - if you move to the right - even the Silo (near GDI base) maybe add toxic tiberium dmg?

170d25679f5a4d679b3263385884e59e.pngA GDI sniper has decent cover and at least some insight into the Nod base from that point - though stankz can climb up here :D

6f27bfc6a0ae49d18ba364c7b22efafa.pngObelisk can't hit you here (old range though..), Turret can, but if you step back from the ledge you're fine

e83f2531e4fd43f09872fbea95938128.pngthough you've changed the Obelisks range, it won't trigger if you hide here - with good overview of ~75% of Nods base

c7b8b1d05d60455d8a5bc6359396d4f4.pngas you've changed obelisks range this sniper spot should be lapsed, need the new version to test it ;)



9e0996bf63a34399b65759447e34c59c.pngfloating GT (for additional height?), maybe add a rock here. also there is just one anti-tank spike here

00d4a8326bfc4e97b2c6a678742334ee.pngfloating rocks #1

8182e06f55b14daaa9aefe5233008446.pngfloating rocks #2

c9a4ca4935984d7e8d439c024d1d27b6.pnginvisible blocking volume you can stand upon next to the Silo

a685380ab4b74693b198ccac666d1e4b.pngmaybe add anti tank barriers to silo path (GDI side) to have a visual barrier for tank drivers. newbs might to drive up there to seek cover

efe7a9d8ab624a21868c7f419525d940.pngNods Refinery infantry path is not blocked for vehicles (from base side) while GDIs Refinery entrance is completely blocked

Hope that's it. Keep at it Kuja!

EDIT: @DaKuja could you please move GDIs back GT so it will defend the GDI Ref but can't trigger at the backdoor? Imablanced in favour of GDI :/



Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • Totem Arts Staff
13 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

EDIT: @DaKuja could you please move GDIs back GT so it will defend the GDI Ref but can't trigger at the backdoor? Imablanced in favour of GDI :/

Well it's pretty easy to get into the Ref without getting shot by the GT can even disarm the mines there without getting shot all you need is nerves of steel and quiet hands! ;) 
And if the AGT shots at you while you runnin' behind the Refinery and not a single GDI notice that and checking the area - they deserved it to lose there Refinery. I played alot of Matches - sometimes it works and sometimes i get catched by some Players which keep thier Eyes (hö hö~) on the base.


@DaKuja I'm well aware of that and it would be fine if Nod had the same Ref protection. Don't get me wrong, but put yourself in the position of a RenX noob playing Eyes for the first time. If he tries to sneak up to GDI Ref he will most likely fail. GDI noobs sneaking to Nod Ref have good chances against the base defence. And we're talking about autmatic base defence, not defending (or even camping) players.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Well but the GT can get killed "pretty easy" by some Tanks from the Backentrance otherwise you had to try to find a way in :P

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

CNC-Eyes Fix (01-13-17) is done!






- Added Minimap(!!!)

- Alot of Culling work done

- Bridge textures got changes

- Added some Particle Effects

- Collision fixes



- Obelisk of Light & AGT Range increased from 1.0 to 1.25

- Nod Turrets now working as normal

- Fixed B2B from GDI Wall to HoN or Nod PP

- Nod PP got rotated by 180°

- Added Cover on the Main Field

- Added Cover on the Nod Bridge - GDI no longer able to hit Nod Refinery from the Bridge

- Moved the "Silo Crate" down to the Main Field next to the Silo

- Completely revised infantry paths at the base back-entrances


Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja
  • Like 1

Dear @DaKuja,

I'm sorry to say... but your latest Eyes build is still bugged.

GDI harvy can't leave Refinery bay after the 1st dump.


spamming the log that it's unable to find the correct path


Until now, I've restarted the map twice... default settings...

And as we speak of default settings. Minelimit is now 24 again :/




3 hours ago, DaKuja said:

- Added Cover on the Nod Bridge - GDI no longer able to hit Nod Refinery from the Bridge

Really? :/





d61fd96eecfa4ff58a5f031d59bfa6bc.pngmissed that floating bush in the last bug reports...



I didn't test it, but technically Nod should be able to push the harvy into the anti tank barriers, it could get stuck here [I know it's nothing to worry about, Nod preferably will destroy the harvy for VP]

Oh yeah... I've tried to PUSH the GDI harvy out of the GDI Ref bay.... the only thing I've achieved was pushing it further back into the bay... the harvy completely stopped working there.... :/

No bug report - this is just for the record:

- AGT missiles will hit you in the tiberium cave

- Obelisk can't reach the tiberium cave



  • Totem Arts Staff
17 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:
4 hours ago, DaKuja said:

- Added Cover on the Nod Bridge - GDI no longer able to hit Nod Refinery from the Bridge

Really? :/

Well from this Spot Nod should be able to defend thier Refinery quickly, on previous version GDi Tanks are able to shoot from the other end of the Bridge against the Ref. thats what i fixed.

Well sometimes the pathfinding seems to be totally wrecked up :
I just changed the Harv Pathnode from GDI and this effect to the Nod Harv to and gets spinning around thier Base and both Harvester killed themself after some minutes.

I let the Game run for like 10 Minutes an no one of the Harvesters goes crazy on some way, if it goes crazy again on the public Servers i can't do anything more for this...


Just replace the .udk file with the last one.

  • Like 1

Alright, hope it's working now. I can absolutely understand if you don't have the time to continue working on RenX maps at the moment.

Will test the new build in a few hours.

Maybe you'd like to ask another experienced mapper to take a look into the harvester path (if the new build has problems too)? e.g. @Madkill40 ?

  • 2 weeks later...

Ive taken a look at the map, downloaded the latest items.

I made the following changes:

  • Changed the camo's to be a desert theme
  • Added base-volumes
  • Did a collision check (seems to be good didnt do anything)
  • Fixed paths (they were quite poorly done, i'm sorry) 
  • Changed all PathNode_Dynamic to Pathnode actors
  • Removed settings from the tib destination path node (the reason the harvester was not doing a second run was because you set the path to be destination only at first)
  • Locked the landscape in place (can't move it now, its a fail safe, you can easily undo it in the properties)

That's it. Thanks for updating the map.


On 25.1.2017 at 10:31 PM, Ruud033 said:
  • Fixed paths (they were quite poorly done, i'm sorry) 
  • Changed all PathNode_Dynamic to Pathnode actors
  • Removed settings from the tib destination path node (the reason the harvester was not doing a second run was because you set the path to be destination only at first)


@Ruud033 - excellent paths :P [Nod harvy does that every time he drives back to Ref to drop]

  • 7 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)


I'm back for now 3 Weeks where i finally can spend some time to fix Eyes and i'm already working on it and currently nearly done with most oft the fixed and changes (detailed List of Changes and fixed down below)

I will release a previous Version of the final fixed Version so thats the chance to find the last Bugs and problably to figured out if the Map still crashing.
I will still be very happy if feedback is left in the respective thread to improve the map

List of Balancing Changes & Bug Fixes

Balance Changes :

Nod Refinery moves near to the Air Strip
- Now the Obelisk are able to see and shoot the Enemys which tries to infiltrate the Nod Refinery from the short Tunnel near by the Bridge

Nod Turrets
- Both Turrets get slightly more Range to get a fair chance to fight back Medium -  and Mammoth Tanks
- Also the Turret on the Back Entrance get moves bit forword to give the Backside of Nod Refinery additional Cover


- The AGT was moved a little farther towards the WF to give him a better overview of the base and to protect it more effectively especially in the direction of the back entrance which was in a 30-40% Blindspot

GDI Turrets

- Both Turrets got a slighlty increased Range to deal with mid-range  and stealthed Units

- The Turret at the GDi Refinery was moved slightly forword to the Entrance to give Nod a higher chance to successfully infiltrate the building

GDI Tiberium platue

- Infantry can no longer go to the plateau to get an immense view across the field, the plateau has been reworked and inflicts Infantry damage over time 

GDI Infantry Path/Bridge

 - The Infantry Path which got reworked et additional Cover against the changed AGT to increase the chance to successfully infiltrate the base

General :


- GDI Infantry can feel more secure in his own base, the viewing radius from the silo to the GDI base has been severely restricted, and allows snipers no longer to  hit the Infantry directly in the base. In return, the GDI is no longer able to effectively attack the silo with snipers and tanks from the base.


- Removed the Crate on the Upper Field & Silo
- Added additional Crates on both Bridges


- Increased the Numbers of possible Covers on the Field

Vehicle Limit :

- The most of you waiting for this and here it comes : Vehicle Limit got increased from 8 to 14


Bug Fixes :

- Some stuck points on the Nod ramp to the Tiberium Cave have been fixed

- Fixed a stuck spot at the GDI Vehicle Path between Base and Bridge

- Fixed Stuckspots on the Nod Bridge

- Fixed missing Collision on the Nod Laser Pillars at the front Turret

- Some errors that occurred during the map were analyzed and corrected & missing culling values get set in order to provide additional stability

Upload the new version in the course of the day !

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByG-mxdc6YijS1VwVXpFUjRXbzQ/view?usp=sharing ]

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja
  • Like 3
  • Totem Arts Staff
4 minutes ago, DaKuja said:

In the config i set the minelimit to 35


You need to do it in the world properties.


  • Totem Arts Staff

New Version uploaded :

Feel free to check it out and leave some Feedback i will fix them as soon as possible to upload a newer version


- Fixed some new Stuckspots and missing Collisions

- Fixed Soft Boundrie Volume

- Fixed not spawned Crates

- Changed MineLimit to 35

- Changed VehicleLimit to 14


Greez DaKuja

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