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I'm aware of this. I didnt put a blocking volume there just yet because I don't really know where to block off them orca's. I'm still considering the location of these things.

Thanks for the heads up anyways! It's quite a view you have there (the last screenie)

I'm glad the performance fix worked out for you. How are you doing in terms of FPS when looking at the background (rocks and fog)

As for the map opening.. I don't really want people to get on top of the ship, thats why I blocked it. The ceiling contributes to that. As you hover over the field in the middle, I think that, with these current settings, your air vehicle becomes a bit more vulnerable to AA.. I might just up it a little bit, but I don't want the air vehicles to climb too high.

more screens

I'm aware of this. I didnt put a blocking volume there just yet because I don't really know where to block off them orca's. I'm still considering the location of these things.

Thanks for the heads up anyways! It's quite a view you have there (the last screenie)

I'm glad the performance fix worked out for you. How are you doing in terms of FPS when looking at the background (rocks and fog)

As for the map opening.. I don't really want people to get on top of the ship, thats why I blocked it. The ceiling contributes to that. As you hover over the field in the middle, I think that, with these current settings, your air vehicle becomes a bit more vulnerable to AA.. I might just up it a little bit, but I don't want the air vehicles to climb too high.

performance was definatley better, but still looking at the OLD gdi base I get 55 fps some of the rocks on nod when you stand up and look at the ship it drops to 48 fps.

I'm on 680GTX SLI w/i7-4770k @ 4.4 ghz cpu which is on par with a titan x card. So if I'm having fps issues others will most definatley. Everything is running maxed all settings on ultra.

I would say remove detail from areas you can't access and cut down the map, reduse trees, and possibly remove the OLD gdi base non accessible buildings like bar, destroyed guard towers. Also the wrecked tanks cut them down.

Personally I think the whole map should be flying with units available to both teams but that is just my thought, I like the concept but after playing it it is a 90% long range vech attack, only way to keep arties at bay is to have orcas, and MLRS with apaches. I am to hit all bldings while being outside the base with arts/mlrs

the concept of the destroyed weap is cool however, i would have liked to see a hover MLRS spawn there instead. 4 choppers is pretty limiting on this map.


Had also took a look at this map tonight in skirmish ..One word ..it's Beautiful map:)

Too bad it's taking eternity to load :(

Gdi Base is very nice with the bridges ,If I were you I would reduce the space betwee the 2 bases .Although its very nice as it is 'it's way too big space (imo) Very good job ,,I like the ligthing wich is very relaxing for the eyes



Thanks thanks, I'm also really fond of the lighting of the map.

I haven't posted in a while, but that does not mean i'm not working in the map.

I've been tackling a lot of performance issues, removed all dynamic lights etc.. removed all light functions. That really did something. I also thinned the forest out.

I've also been researching into adding collision to the foliage, which I've succeeded in so I don't need these huge blocking volumes on top of the forests. I have added a new volume that's called: "FoliageCollisionVolume" . Every foliage thats in it, gets collision. I still need to test this in MP servers however.

I'm also rescaling the map, I've done a lot of grouping and layering so i can get to my stuff back easily later on. I'm downscaling everything a bit because it's a bit to large at the moment. I'm thinking of a factor 0,8 - 0,9

I'm also making stuff pretty every now and then so it looks fancy. Culling stuff out and again, have more performance.

Smooth sailin' mateys

  • Totem Arts Staff

Thankfully I took my time to apply collision to all my foliage trees, then use VehicleBlockingVolume to sort out the loose ends

Shoulda just used a single BlockingVolume per tree tho, might be more optimized....

"the FoliageCollisionVolume script has a bigger impact then using normal static meshes ... thats why we didnt use it

Hmm I haven't noticed any performance issues with this? We'll see. It might not even work because of the script it uses (it spawns the collision on level loaded). I might have to fix this, or make this different. If all fails, I'll be forced to get the blocking zones back again.


So, today i downscaled the map by factor .7, I'm really happy with the result, suddenly the size of the map gave me the feeling that i was looking for at first. Before I tore the map apart obviously I saved stuff and grouped everything, now its a matter of fixing everything and putting it back into place. Base to base is now 20-25 seconds with an apc. I'm gonna redo the Nod base entrance since it's now viable to do so.

Maybe open up the GDI base a bit as well.. We'll see.

The middle field isn't as large anymore, neither is the ship, that also means shorter tunnels (jeej!) and less walking.

As it looks like right now:


There's still a lot to do, have to repaint all foliage but that should be rather easy, i've got it all setup already so.

Currently i'm moving assets back into place.


Uploading a new version right now!

* scaled down the map by a factor of 0,7 (did i mention that before already?)

* Fixed a lot of stuff

* Removed a lot of stuff

* Map still needs some touching

* Removed "press E to blablabla" at the destroyed WF PT (waiting for the SDK patch to come out)


* Added New foliage (still need to update this I know.

* Added the TITAN vehicle released by Havoc89!

* New custom PT

Overall I'm really happy with the new scale, it really makes a difference in gameplay I think! Makes the map less of a drag


Still many bugs by the ship and too many places you can get STUCK and have to sucicde.

The orcas and titan do not spawn an error message appears saying path not found.

Size is good and performance is better, bu some cahnges have added new problems, e.g. you can hop to the back of the destroyed gdi weap but when you do there is no way out and you can't hop out.

The cave with the skeletons was gone... too bad...

Main issue left is with the ship and the surround areas that need to be fixed. Also the area behind the ship.

Still many bugs by the ship and too many places you can get STUCK and have to sucicde.

The orcas and titan do not spawn an error message appears saying path not found.

Size is good and performance is better, bu some cahnges have added new problems, e.g. you can hop to the back of the destroyed gdi weap but when you do there is no way out and you can't hop out.

The cave with the skeletons was gone... too bad...

Main issue left is with the ship and the surround areas that need to be fixed. Also the area behind the ship.

Yeah I know, need to optimise terrain later on..

I've fixed the orca&titan in the next build. Good to hear that performance has increased!

Skeleton cave will return.. with time ;) Thanks for the feedback!

Edit: new build up! Got the titan and orca fixed. Also added more background foliage. Keep track of that performance! Personally i've had a bit of a dip near the center due to the many lights I applied I think. I'll look into that.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Having low spec Laptop helps sometimes...

The FPS is quite unstable in my laptop, but it never reach 20 FPS in empty map, unless I look up the sky. I'm unable to determine which place hits the performance most





Do note that the massive quantity of lights on Airstrip's lightbulb might affect performance as well

Having low spec Laptop helps sometimes...

The FPS is quite unstable in my laptop, but it never reach 20 FPS in empty map, unless I look up the sky. I'm unable to determine which place hits the performance most

Do note that the massive quantity of lights on Airstrip's lightbulb might affect performance as well

Thanks for the feedback! I'll include a precomputedvisibility volume next build.. see if that affects performance. I think the airstrip and the amount of lights also affects performance yeah. I've got a few performance drops near the middle tib field myself, I think this is due to the many lights I use there. Im thinking of reducing the lights there and amp up the brightness of the remaining ones.. should give the same effect and less of a performance hit, also thinking of cutting off shadows in those lights.


for me performance is fine, it struggles on the laptop but that is expected. Im getting ful 60 fps with the occasional drop down to 55. This is with 32 stupid bots causing problems.

Paths for harvesters and bots need to be set.

  • Totem Arts Staff

GDI harvy is fine, but Nod's harvester stopped after first drop off

Consider putting harvyblock pathnodes to force the harvester path. Sometimes it tries to use paths suitable for infantries that it became confused and rotates in place or get stuck on some places. It actually happens in official map, where a harvy tries to drive over the railing of Canyon's GDI ramps when it turns


Ok we need to set a day to play, the test map server is offline when are you guys going to be online, Post time GMT I will join so we can find and squash bugs.

But map is heading in the right direction, I love the titan! However it shows up as a TANK and not a titan also the icon is of a med tank.


Ruud033, aren't you going to add bots into the game?

Also how can I input the cheat code to summon a Titan, because I would like that unit be activated in other maps too? It's not even available in the buy menu.


Today I've updated the map, fixed the bots. Get the update! Server is already updated.



The only thing I forgot to change is the 2 second debug from the meteor, so the meteor comes in after 2 seconds.. other than that it's working great (I think).. just have to hope that bots don't fuck up

Today I've updated the map, fixed the bots. Get the update! Server is already updated.

Two questions:

1) Is the update link in the first post of this thread the most recent one with working bots in-game?

2) The first time I tried loading your map, I cannot find the Titan unit to buy. It should be an additional unit in the buy menu. Also, how can I summon the Titan via the dev console?

Today I've updated the map, fixed the bots. Get the update! Server is already updated.

Two questions:

1) Is the update link in the first post of this thread the most recent one with working bots in-game?

2) The first time I tried loading your map, I cannot find the Titan unit to buy. It should be an additional unit in the buy menu. Also, how can I summon the Titan via the dev console?

1) Yes

2) It's a seperate PT terminal in the destroyed WF. If you want to spawn it, its called (at the moment):

summon titanmech.TA_Vehicle_Titan

Edit: Oh lol just have seen Handepsilon's post.. Thanks HandE

What was the meaning of TA btw?

Tiberian Aftermath or something I believe.

Anyways, for people who're wondering what I am doing right now, I am writing a script for the foliage collision volume. Right now it has to much impact to implement performance wise. I'll get back to mapping later.


Today I've finished scripting the FoliageCollisionVolume.. Now it's time to get back to mapping. Feel free to use the Foliage Collison Volume script, it's downloadable. I've inmediately optimised my map for that script, added a lot of volumes, split some of them up. Also added / moved paths around.

Added a few details and easter eggs somewhere..

Optimised and culled some stuff out where needed.

Added blocking volumes @ gdi waterpath so you can not get on top of the rocks anymore

Still have to do a lot of stuff.. will come over time. As it is summer in Europe right now, don't expect to much from me :)



Did some work on the map again today.

Re-added serveral lights in the tiberium fields, added tiberium zones.

Nod base


and the GDI base


Also added some more easter eggs in the map, one of them can be found somewhere on this picture :P


  • 3 weeks later...

Jeej I've got some good news.

I haven't posted in a while, that does not mean I'm giving up on this development. It's stalled for a while due to holidays and still is a bit stalled... I'm going on a vacation so :D

But, meanwhile I've gathered stuff for the tunnel development, it's looking really good!

Will post screenshots soon!

I've also done some optimizations and expanded the foliage collision volume.

I've started reworking the Nod base entrance..

I've added the capturable MCT (still figuring out kismet)

And lots more, cant remember.. Will post screenshots soon and update the map on the server ofcourse.

  • 3 weeks later...

Found lots of bugs in the version I released (bugs in kismet) I'm fixing them now. Will try to do a new release tonight. I'm also gonna remove that piece of tunnel in the map for now, so that saves you 200 MB of download lol. It's not finished yet so.

I've also found a nice file with a lot of EVA voices, I'm adding these to the game package.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Did some work on the map again today.

Re-added serveral lights in the tiberium fields, added tiberium zones.

Nod base


and the GDI base


Also added some more easter eggs in the map, one of them can be found somewhere on this picture :P


Is the easter egg the guys behind the window? ^_^

  • 2 weeks later...
Are you going to make all the TS purchasable now that the latest beta has support for them?

Maybe in the future if we have custom PT UI support.. I have not received a response yet from the developers as I have joined a béta program for this. For now it's a no, I'm sticking with the settings as I have them right now (only orca+titan+wolverine)

First I need to get the ship done so we can release the first official 'test' version of the map along with the other map releases! I find it necessary to include the infantry tunnel system first for the most awesome map experience.

Stay tuned on this topic I guess?

so oldschool ... ;)

You can reply and ask to be notified when a reply is posted. This will make you receive an e-mail, so that might work?


Yeah stay tuned I guess?,..

Meanwhile, whilst updating my map and fixing the kismet sequence for the purchase terminals, I have found out that the purchase terminal's teamnumber does not get replicated. In other words, when we give a different teamnumber to the PT via kismet it won't update the interface for the client.

RypeL already knows this. I hope it'll get into the 5.004 patch. Meanwhile I've developed a mutator to test out this new piece of code. I've tested it and it works perfectly! Proof:


The only things is now to get the teamnumbers right, the variable property that's assigned to the team is called: "TEAM", this variable gets a more like a string instead of a number, you'd expect 0 or 1, depending on whether its GDI or Nod, but unfortunately it's going more like this:

var TEAM TeamNum

TeamNum = Team_GDI

TeamNum = Team_Nod

So.. I don't really know how to capture those 'Team_GDI and Team_Nod' values in Kismet, so I can do stuff with it. Getting a teamnumber from either the capturable MCT or new PT does not work, so maybe if I use 'Get Property' to get that value, we'll see!

  • 2 weeks later...
hey guys any update on this map?

Yes there are!

I've made many small changes to ensure proper gameplay in the map, and the biggest improvement is that! *drumrolls..*




That took a really long while, but was worth the wait.

The ship also had some updates by @Action_Hank. He is still finishing it though, he needs to do it quickly :P




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