Jam Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available! DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download Our first post-launch game update is now here and addresses a huge number of changes and fixes! You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Your game will notify you if it is out of date. This is a full release, not a patch. This is due to a major change in how the game compiles; it will now use much less memory and prevent several game crashes. It is recommended that you uninstall Open Beta 1 before installing Open Beta 2. Check out the complete change list HERE. This is only the beginning and we have many more updates planned for the future which will include new maps, tech buildings, game modes and more! Thank you all for the enormous amount of support and feedback you guys have given us; it keeps us motivated to constantly deliver a more enjoyable experience! Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Well there goes my weekend... Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted March 21, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 21, 2014 Time for the new wave of complaints. Me on the other hand, I shall merrily go about losing my weekend. On a side note, I saw nothing about the GDI harvester's constant malfunctioning on Walls. It wasn't on the list, but was that an issue that was corrected ? (Referring to the fact that it often dumps at the ref... then just stays there. Quote
Rockfire Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Those in the UK who want to torrent legally, go to one of pirate bays proxies and search for renegade x open beta 2 Quote
Mrcod Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Wooo! Just in time for the weekend. Downloading now. Quote
Daedhart Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 w00t, hopefully this brings back a lot of players. Quote
SFJake Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) Great work on the patch. I thought I'd write up a few things about it, small things that were missed and undocumented changes. Few minor things that have not been fixed: -Weapon reloading-cocking sounds don't play in 3rd person if you didn't "load" them in first person before. -You can still jump on the left (Nod side) wall of Walls_Flying. -Running out of stamina doesn't properly stop sprinting (it does, but stamina will never regenerate until you let go -> particularly annoying for people with toggle sprint). I get that this is very small but I just wanted to point it out. -I'm guessing the Whiteout tunnels will be expended? They are just one straigth way. Man its been so long playing Hourglass but I thought it went on the side. I know the tunnels are mentioned as "work in progress" so I'm just asking of your plans. -Whiteout defense respawn time is now 1 minute 30 seconds, in my opinion this nerf is WAY too soft. Undocumented changes: (tell me if I just missed those out of the change log) -The patch made no mention of removing the screen freezing effect from Whiteout, and only mentions the rain effect in Mesa. Do let me tell you that this is a GOOD THING it was removed from both, just that the change was not documented. -Vehicles now show passengers (shows Empty if nobody is inside, and shows ----- for empty seats, very elegant) -Allies are now GREEN instead of yellow or red, enemies are ORANGE (while this is good for newcomers, there should be an option for old timers) -Refills now refill stamina Nevermind, it does not refill online. I'm certain there is plenty more but this is just what I quickly could notice. Another thing: The LAUNCHER shows old servers. Since everybody is still stuck in Open Beta 1 it seems, its hard to get a game through there now. It shouldn't matter soon enough though, but for future patches you should consider applying that change to the external launcher just the same as the in-game one. Edited March 21, 2014 by Guest Quote
dommafia Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 ... Great write up! Nice to see some of those undocumented changes. Passenger list ftw. Quote
SFJake Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Have to add that crashing at map switch (its not RIGHT as the maps switch, but as you are inserted into the game, generally right as you're spawned for the first time, like always) was not fixed at all. Actually there's also one now right after the scoreboard (game freezes there). I don't recall actually having that before. There's also still the common freezing in certain maps when something explodes and seems to be seen all through the skybox. Quote
Antisymmetric Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Haha, have so much work to do this weekend, its going to be rough. Cheers Quote
SFJake Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 So not even 25% of the player base seemed to have moved to Open Beta 2. I updated straigth away but now I came back, also talked to people on the Open Beta 1 servers and it seems nobody is getting the notification to update through the launcher, and neither am I on my open beta 1 installation. This is I guess why most players and most servers are still stuck on Open Beta 1. This is kind of a big deal. Only a fraction of the people care to follow news around forums and such. People online were openly clueless about the new patch. Quote
Valor Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Getting more frequent Built with UDK crashes now, not just at map change anymore. Other than that, I find it weird how objects like crates and the tiberium silo have hitboxes. Still getting map change crashing too. Quote
A-Rodge Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 I'm only getting like 90 kb/s on direct downloads from all US mirrors. But my torrent is downloading at 800 kb/s Quote
Urgentemente Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Just played for the last 2 hours or so, 2.0a seems way way way smoother than the previous beta, and I saw numerous people saying the same thing. Quote
sterps Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Just played for the last 2 hours or so, 2.0a seems way way way smoother than the previous beta, and I saw numerous people saying the same thing. I agree with this. So far i've noticed that character crates cause you to die And i've had one crash so far, right as the game ended Quote
Mrcod Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 After playing a few hours, yeah, this is certainly a more polished experience than beta 1. I have experienced two crashes, but both of those times every player on the server also crashed out (even though the game kept on going) which leads me to believe it was probably a server issue. All the new little features like being able to see who's in your vehicle are great touches that add a lot to the experience. There's still more polishing to do like making sure reload sounds play even in third person view, but I am very happy with this release. Well done devs! Quote
Letty Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 I seem to be crashing more than ever before. Before I would estimate a 50% chance of crashing on map change. Now I have a 50% chance of crashing on map change and a 50% chance of crashing immediately after the end-game scoreboard pops up. I can provide system specs and configuration details if needed. Aside from that good work! Quote
NodCommander Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Im concerned about the publicity this update is (not) getting. Im a tester and I didnt see this update until today. Quote
Mussuy Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 I really liked the accidental role of purchasable weapons as "permanent upgrades", and the synergy they had with "one life weapons" that is basically what characters are (plus more health), but I agree that keeping them the next round was far too lame. They allowed teams that were stuck with free classes, either for losing the ref (in a map with no silo) or losing both production buildings, to fight back, or at least make things more challenging for the winning side, something that I found extremely fun compared to the original Renegade. They also added versatility to free classes, as they had access to a secondary weapon that could do jobs that their primary weapon wasn't able to do, making them funnier, without contradicting the role of free classes as completely FREE fodder until you have enough money to buy what you want. With the new update, not only purchasable weapons receive an overlapping role with characters as "one life weapons", but as their price is the same no matter if you buy them with a 250HP character or a 100HP free one, you will only see them in high-tier characters, and maybe adv. engineers (tiberium rifle is +50% basic sniper price, but only +25% advanced sniper price). To sum up, I would prefer to make the secondary weapons more expensive so they could stay as "upgrades" that last until the round is over, and explore that "upgrade" role with other future items or kits, than to make them like "character expansions" that the cheaper your character is the more a waste of money they are. Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Whoo! Downloading now. If anyone's already suggested this or it's something already in the works, I apologize, but might I suggest making it so that the launcher acts also as a patcher, checking for new updates, notifying the user if there is one, and downloading and installing them? Quote
H.D. Lovecraft Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 I really liked the accidental role of purchasable weapons as "permanent upgrades", and the synergy they had with "one life weapons" that is basically what characters are (plus more health), but I agree that keeping them the next round was far too lame.They allowed teams that were stuck with free classes, either for losing the ref (in a map with no silo) or losing both production buildings, to fight back, or at least make things more challenging for the winning side, something that I found extremely fun compared to the original Renegade. They also added versatility to free classes, as they had access to a secondary weapon that could do jobs that their primary weapon wasn't able to do, making them funnier, without contradicting the role of free classes as completely FREE fodder until you have enough money to buy what you want. With the new update, not only purchasable weapons receive an overlapping role with characters as "one life weapons", but as their price is the same no matter if you buy them with a 250HP character or a 100HP free one, you will only see them in high-tier characters, and maybe adv. engineers (tiberium rifle is +50% basic sniper price, but only +25% advanced sniper price). To sum up, I would prefer to make the secondary weapons more expensive so they could stay as "upgrades" that last until the round is over, and explore that "upgrade" role with other future items or kits, than to make them like "character expansions" that the cheaper your character is the more a waste of money they are. I do like the idea of a per-round upgrade system. There could be some cool ideas that come out of something like that. Perhaps adding to the depth of the game but also keeping it intuitive. Quote
A-Rodge Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 @mussuy I disagree. Granted I feel the permanent "upgrades" added an interesting flavor, I do not think they should be re implemented. In my opinion, it comes down to investment/loss and risk/reward that merits involvement in the game. When I purchase a 1000 credit character I have made a big investment that could either result in a gratifying payoff or terrible defeat. My involvement in the game becomes much more intense as I am focused on making that 1000 credits worth it before I die. I feel much the same way when I purchase a weapon. I want that extra cash I dropped to enhance me uniquely and let my skill determine whether or not I can keep the investment. Quote
drastic Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Stupid to release this game without an auto updater. Quote
goztow Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 You guys should stop talking about things you know nothing about. The game has an auto updater. It seemed silly to use the patcher to release this version because the "patch" is bigger than version 1 due to a significant change. The only thing that needs to be done is to stop beta1 from joining online servers and hint to the new download. Quote
SFJake Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 You guys should stop talking about things you know nothing about. The game has an auto updater. It seemed silly to use the patcher to release this version because the "patch" is bigger than version 1 due to a significant change.The only thing that needs to be done is to stop beta1 from joining online servers and hint to the new download. If you have to be a dick, do it right. You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 You guys should stop talking about things you know nothing about. The game has an auto updater. It seemed silly to use the patcher to release this version because the "patch" is bigger than version 1 due to a significant change.The only thing that needs to be done is to stop beta1 from joining online servers and hint to the new download. If you have to be a dick, do it right. You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. I could counter this post by quoting from the tester forums, but i doubt that is allowed. Goztow is right on this one. Quote
LionsPhil Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 CREATE A SYSTEM RESTORE POINT BEFORE UNINSTALLING THE PREVIOUS VERSION Dunno if it does this in every case, but the goddamn uninstaller is broken and can nuke AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs, i.e. erase the entire per-user contents of your Start Menu. You can see it doing this if you hit "show details" during the uninstallation. If you have a system restore point (and at least Windows 7), you can at least browse to the Windows part of this path under your user profile (C:\Users\You\), select the Start Menu folder, and pick "Restore Previous Versions" from the context menu to get everything back. Poor form to have not tested the uninstaller before releasing that first beta. Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 Confirming that it is also happening under Windows XP64 (Service Pack 2). The uninstaller cleaned out my entire Start Menu folder for Administrator. (Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\). I'm about to see whether or not it has seriously affected my system by restarting; it didn't touch anything in the All Users version of the start menu (thankfully), but this whole thing makes me concerned as to what Renegade X is doing with the registry when installing and uninstalling, as that part is glossed over by the installation log. Considering I have had a rash of BSoDs happen after installing and playing Renegade X's Open Beta 1 (and I only had, like, one BSoD throughout all of last year) ... I've got reason to worry. While I'm at it, why exactly does Renegade X's installer require a restart? I can't recall many other games that do this, and in fact (at least on XP64) the installer is pushy about it, shutting down programs even as it's asking if you want to restart now or later. Quote
drastic Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 You guys should stop talking about things you know nothing about. The game has an auto updater. It seemed silly to use the patcher to release this version because the "patch" is bigger than version 1 due to a significant change.The only thing that needs to be done is to stop beta1 from joining online servers and hint to the new download. Don't give a chit if it's bigger, were not running 56k connections any more - stick it on the auto updater. Pretty sure there will be a fair chunk of players who will know nothing about this update. Quote
itjo4u934875 Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 Open Beta 1 uninstaller (?) has also deleted my start menu (Windows 7 x64) User/X/appdata/roaming/microsoft/windows/startmenu/programs was empty lucky i made a backup 1 week ago Quote
LionsPhil Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 ...this whole thing makes me concerned as to what Renegade X is doing with the registry when installing and uninstalling, as that part is glossed over by the installation log. I'm hoping nothing. If it took a similarly broken approach, I'm not sure where to look for evidence of that. While I'm at it, why exactly does Renegade X's installer require a restart? What the beta 2 one? I haven't run it yet, because I'm honestly put off by the incompetence of the first. Quote
OfficerMeatbeef Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 (edited) Poor form to have not tested the uninstaller before releasing that first beta. This is a very troubling thing! In fairness to the devs though, uninstalling the first beta doesn't seem to have affected my Start Menu at all. So they very well could have tested it and had no trouble. It seems to use a fairly standard uninstaller application. Not saying it doesn't suck though. But, ummmm, yeah... beta. We need to find out why this happened with you and not me, who's also running Win7 64-bit. Make sure to post about this in the bug report forum. Edit: Having dug deeper into my own situation, here's what I can provide: as the only account on the system, I'm admin. All my start menu stuff (including where RenX defaulted to) just goes in C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu, my Users (Documents & Settings for XP) Start Menu stuff is pretty much dry. I haven't ever changed anything related to this in Win7, so it would seem to be the default? So I'd hazard a guess that this happens if you're on a system with multiple accounts, but then we run into the question of why it would happen, since from looking at the unins.dat for Ren X I see no indication it would delete anything but what it originally placed, like any other standard installer/uninstaller. As it didn't, in my case. Edited March 23, 2014 by Guest Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 What the beta 2 one? I haven't run it yet, because I'm honestly put off by the incompetence of the first. I saved the log, and going by that I think it was the OB1 uninstaller. Quote
OfficerMeatbeef Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 While I'm at it, why exactly does Renegade X's installer require a restart? It doesn't, or at least shouldn't. It might prompt for that (I can't recall, and I don't have the installer available at the moment unfortunately) but I didn't restart after install and had no problems. Prompting for restart is a simple flag feature of Inno Setup, nothing more. I don't think it can even force a restart like you describe (shutting down other programs etc), though I could be wrong. But it certainly didn't for me. Where did you get this installer exactly? I'm starting to worry there may be a rogue version of the installer out there that's causing all these problems. Quote
cncforever Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 With Beta 1, I only used to get crashes on map change but now, I get random crashes mid game and just before entering the map. Once I am in game, it runs a lot smoother and feels much more polished though. Quote
LionsPhil Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 So I'd hazard a guess that this happens if you're on a system with multiple accounts I'm the only active user account on this machine, although as is the default for Win 7, it's not the Admin account. The uninstaller UAC-elevated when ran. Where did you get this installer exactly? I'm starting to worry there may be a rogue version of the installer out there that's causing all these problems. I got the open beta 1 installer from one of the mirrors on the download page from this site, although I'm afraid I can't remember which any more. Pretty sure I checked the SHA1 checksum, though, since one was provided, and all was well. (As above, I haven't run the OB2 installer yet. The Start Menu damage was done by uninstalling OB1 manually in preparation, per the advice on the front-page news post. And, yes, I appreciate you're [also] asking Trev-MUN.) Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 While I'm at it, why exactly does Renegade X's installer require a restart? It doesn't, or at least shouldn't. It might prompt for that (I can't recall, and I don't have the installer available at the moment unfortunately) but I didn't restart after install and had no problems. Prompting for restart is a simple flag feature of Inno Setup, nothing more. I don't think it can even force a restart like you describe (shutting down other programs etc), though I could be wrong. But it certainly didn't for me. Where did you get this installer exactly? I'm starting to worry there may be a rogue version of the installer out there that's causing all these problems. I've been grabbing my installers via the HTTP download link on Renegade X's own site, from Renegade X's mirror. It is strange why the installer would do that on my machine, but it does; it makes me wish I had thought to make a screenshot comparison of the installation in progress and then what happens once it's completed. In both cases where I installed Renegade X OB2, I didn't wait to see if the installer would make Windows XP64 shut down all the way without my consent, or if it was just telling Windows to close programs down in preparation. I've never actually encountered this kind of behavior before from any other installation program, though. Quote
OfficerMeatbeef Posted March 23, 2014 Posted March 23, 2014 I'm the only active user account on this machine, although as is the default for Win 7, it's not the Admin account. The uninstaller UAC-elevated when ran. Hmmm, ok. Yeah, I've checked the uninstall for Beta 2 out and it also UAC-elevates, though I haven't had a chance to download the installer again so I haven't let the uninstaller complete. So it seems the most obvious difference here is that my account's admin and yours isn't, so that's something to start with at least. I got the open beta 1 installer from one of the mirrors on the download page from this site, although I'm afraid I can't remember which any more. Pretty sure I checked the SHA1 checksum, though, since one was provided, and all was well. (As above, I haven't run the OB2 installer yet. The Start Menu damage was done by uninstalling OB1 manually in preparation, per the advice on the front-page news post. And, yes, I appreciate you're [also] asking Trev-MUN.) Hmmm, sounds like you did due diligence, certainly. To be clear, I'm not trying to accuse anyone here of incompetence or anything, just theorizing and trying to help figure out what went on. After all, all I know is we both ran what should have been the same uninstaller and clearly got vastly different outcomes. Do you recall if you altered the default paths for any part of the original install? In both cases where I installed Renegade X OB2, I didn't wait to see if the installer would make Windows XP64 shut down all the way without my consent, or if it was just telling Windows to close programs down in preparation. I've never actually encountered this kind of behavior before from any other installation program, though. Yeah, that is crazy. It really doesn't make any sense; even if the installer was set up to restart you automatically at the end (which, from some research, appears to be possible with the installer Ren X uses but it's not how it functioned for me, for sure) it would just do that, it wouldn't prompt you and I certainly can't see it closing other things while it waits to prompt you. Just bizarre all-around. Quote
Urgentemente Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 I don't remember the installer asking for a reboot at all, pretty sure I downloaded, ran the install and started playing straight away (Win 7 64 but without SP1, and my account is admin level) Quote
cncforever Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 It would probably ask for a reboot if you didn't already have Net installed. Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 It would probably ask for a reboot if you didn't already have Net installed. I've got them installed, though. Pretty sure I've got all the versions already installed at that, since some other programs I use (as well as games) require them to run. The OB2 uninstaller didn't give me a log to look at, so I don't know if it uninstalled the framework when I had to uninstall and reinstall it. Quote
DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 DUDE. WTF. WHY WASN'T FLAMETHROWER BUFFED? Caps shall hypnotize you devs into giving me a response. Any non devs who respond shall be castrated by seagulls, highly trained seagulls - the biggest dicks on the beach. Quote
Ramon Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 DUDE. WTF. WHY WASN'T FLAMETHROWER BUFFED?Caps shall hypnotize you devs into giving me a response. Any non devs who respond shall be castrated by seagulls, highly trained seagulls - the biggest dicks on the beach. git gud nerd. Quote
sam93931 Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 You should make an announcement in the first launcher cause everybody who isn't looking at the forum (a lot of people...) will miss this update. At least 200 players are still playing the old version (was playing myself today). Quote
zocom7 Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 Is there going to be a manual patch download in future versions to come or will there be only the auto-patcher? I am passing on this 2.4 GB download until the auto-patcher is available so I don't have to download everything over again and there are still reports of players getting crashes on this latest version of the game. Quote
OfficerMeatbeef Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 You should make an announcement in the first launcher cause everybody who isn't looking at the forum (a lot of people...) will miss this update. At least 200 players are still playing the old version (was playing myself today). Yeah, still not sure why this isn't happening. The capability is almost surely there for the server list to not show Beta 1 at all anymore (as it worked fine for the maxplayers limit) and to display a notice about Beta 2 being available, and even several days later there are clearly still many people unaware the new version is out, as your own example indicates. They are likely occasionally trying to join a server, getting dumped to the menu without knowing why, and moving on until they find one that happens to still be Beta 1. Is there going to be a manual patch download in future versions to come or will there be only the auto-patcher?I am passing on this 2.4 GB download until the auto-patcher is available so I don't have to download everything over again and there are still reports of players getting crashes on this latest version of the game. You might be misunderstanding here. The auto-patcher won't make it so you don't have to download everything over again. The reason you have to download everything over again is because many of the changes were core parts of the game that changed it entirely. Some updates will require you to download a lot of stuff again, some won't. The auto-patcher won't change that, it will patch what needs to be patched just like the manual one. Also, yes, people are still getting crashes. That's why this is a test, and people need to be downloading and playing it anyway to get enough data for devs to discover why. This is the entire purpose of an open beta. There's no reason to be supporting people playing the first version at all I can see. Quote
LionsPhil Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 Do you recall if you altered the default paths for any part of the original install? Yes, to C:\Games\RenegadeX. Quote
alexicon Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I can't install this version.. I keep getting "File is corrupt" notifications. I've tried 2 different torrent sources (tpb and kickass) And I've tried a download mirror twice. Both result in "File is corrupt" after the installation is about halfway (not the extracting) OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 Systeemfabrikant To Be Filled By O.E.M. Systeemmodel To Be Filled By O.E.M. Systeemtype Op x64-gebaseerde PC Processor AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor, 4000 MHz, 4 core('s), 8 logische processor(s) BIOS-versie/datum American Megatrends Inc. P1.40, 2-10-2013 SMBIOS-versie 2.7 RAM 8,00 GB DDR3 1600mhz Quote
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