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There are yet various maps to play on.

What is your favourite and/or the most beautiful map?

What is the most balanced or unbalanced map?

I am going to list all current maps, select some and discuss em:

(more maps are coming within next updates of course...)

  • CNC_Field

Personally my favourite map in RenX is Mesa-II. Beautifully made. I like the darker colors and these metallic rocks. My style. A typically Nod map, but this should not mean that Nod is favoured there. But there is something else which annoys me, that bridge inside the cave.. it is not possible to jump over these lower rocks.

Whiteout is a nicely made Hourglass clone, i like it too. This snowy ambient inside this cool balanced map rocks. My 2nd-favourite map.

Then at 3rd, Walls_Flying - a classic map. Has nice improvements there.

LakeSide is cool, but needs some improvements as for covering base. Maybe add some more turrets in there.

I don't like GoldRush!! The only map yet I don't like.

It is way too easy to kill GDI's AGT but it is a mess to destroy Nod's Obelisk. Planting Nuke beacons is also easy for Nod, not for GDI. Especially not with the bugged Obelisk. This is a map which favours Nod. Also to run as a trooper, this map is too huge. Too tight ways for vehicles. The ambient is nicely done, but gameplay is a mess in GoldRush.


Walls and Islands are my favourite. Good mix of infantry and vehicle gameplay. Not too big and not too small, lots of different ways for each team to win..

Whiteout I would like more if the base defences weren't so crazy OP.

Lakeside is a good map but the shaking needs to be removed.

Mesa is alright but I find it favours GDI most. Nod just doesn't have the firepower to hold the middle too well.

Similarly with Field. Almost every game I've had on Field ends up with GDI camping outside of Nods base.

Goldrush is my least favourite of the 7. It favours Nod way too much. GDI base defences are so poorly placed they might as well not be there at all.


In this order for me:

CNC_Mesa-II (Favorite. Looks good and plays good.)

CNC_Field (Can't go wrong with it.)

CNC_Walls_Flying (Gets annoying after a while but it's not horrible)

CNC_Islands (dislike running through the tunnels over and over again as well as vehicle path kinda sucks)

CNC_Whiteout (Would rather have Hourglass back but turrets are interesting to use.)

CNC_LakeSide (At least it isn't GoldRush...)

CNC_GoldRush (Hate this map.)


Mesa 2 and Field.

Mesa looks great and is quite fun.

Field because it's an old map that I remember.

Both maps have base defenses which makes them more interesting to play imo.

While field is often a stalemate because one team camps the base entrance of the enemy all the time it's because people don't push in.


Anything but Field, its an absolutely terrible map for anything above 24 players. I have no idea what people like about it at 40 players or more, I wish it would get removed.

I tend to prefer Walls the most, I just don't like (like all no-defense map) when it devolves into a sad Nod-nuke rush wins that nobody on my team is capable of stopping.


On larger games, GDI should consider mining the tunnel entrance rather than the buildings. Then, station a single guy to check up on the mines. Makes it twice as hard for sbh to get in.

Anyway, I think my favorite map is City Flying :D


I have bad experiences with vehicle lag on Field and Whiteout which kill those maps for me. I'd otherwise love them... but I just feel so helpless when I'm playing on those maps.

I think it would be cool to have variations of these maps which are just slightly more open to allow a higher player count without making the match feel too crowded.


Goldrush and Mesa II are my favourite maps so far. And Tbh... Goldrush is not Nod biased at all. I've been practicing some walking routes on an empty server as GDI, and i managed to get in every building on my second try. If you take the time to learn all the paths, it's a beautifully made map with many paths to a building.

Goldrush and Mesa II are my favourite maps so far. And Tbh... Goldrush is not Nod biased at all. I've been practicing some walking routes on an empty server as GDI, and i managed to get in every building on my second try. If you take the time to learn all the paths, it's a beautifully made map with many paths to a building.

Yea, if you perfect the routes and run in to no resistance, you can. Meanwhile, nod can just walk into any building they want with little hassle =P


Id like Whiteout a lot more if they copied the original entirely and brought back the mountain tunnel.

As it stands, I like Mesa II and Field mostly because they look the best (Im a cave troll, so I like the dark), though neither is perfect.

Islands is always a lot of fun, too, because it feels like the only map without base defenses where the base is easy to defend.


Field - Removal of tunnel beacons and the tiberium silo make this map wayyyyy to much of a stalemate in a 20v20 situation now. Meh. It plays well with 12v12 but there are basically no servers who aren't 40 player. 2/5

Goldrush - The asymmetry is really nice and both sides have lots of options. At the moment it's a bit too big and complex for most players I think though. Also vehicles get stuck on walls everywhere. 3/5

Islands - Always a good game IMO. My only complaint is the tiberium fields in base. 4/5

Lakeside - I've played this map 6 times and in all 6 of them one side had lost 2 buildings in about 5 minutes. So I can't really say much about it as such, like Goldrush it will hopefully get better as players get better.

Mesa 2- Never liked how exposed the Nod Power Plant was in the original. Now in Renegade X, the Mammoth tank is buffed and the best counter to massed tank sieges is airstrikes... which don't work indoors. ehh. Otherwise I like the map. 4/5

Walls_flying - It's alright. Nothing special but nothing horrible. 3/5

Whiteout - With the base defenses being way too strong it's just stupid. Nod can't do much but SBH nuke and GDI can't do much but hope the Nod engineers fall asleep and forget to repair. 1/5. I really like the map otherwise, once the base defenses are nerfed it will probably be a solid 4/5.


Field and mesa II is by far the ones i find most fun.

Opposed to many others who speak up in here, i really only like the battles with alot of players.

I like that it requires alot to tip the balance of the game to your advantage.

Maps without towers are simply too small for less than 100players in my opinion, and the brand new maps are way to big for me to enjoy at all, with the extremeley low player cap.


I'm a fan of big maps, such as Lakeside. I think it gives you a lot more maneuverability. The bigger maps are still fun if you have a high player count as well, whereas maps like Field are not.

  • 3 months later...

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