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On Goldrush, the obelisk can reach the rear entrance making sneak attacks particularly bothersome for GDI while GDI's base is almost completely undefended at the rear.

The one guard tower behind the GDI barracks doesn't do enough damage to kill anyone, allowing Nod to run straight over to the power plant relatively unhindered.

What would help is to either provide more cover at Nod rear entrance or better defence on GDIs rear.


This actually surprised me as well. The entire rear of the GDI base on this map is not covered by the AGT at all. But the Ob kills any infantry as soon as it sees you at the back entrance.


I've found it a lot harder to get near/past the AGT without getting hit . I wondered at first if I was lagging a bit, as a few times as I tried to sneak past, shots from the AGT seemed to hit me through the rockface.

As already said, the Ob can be hit from that middle area by tanks, rocket guys etc without any danger of being hit back the Ob.

Yeah, but the Obelisk has the huge disadvantage where you can attack it from the cave without being in its line of fire.

Yes the obelisk might be at a huge disadvantage from one route, GDI's entire base is at a disadvantage from multiple routes. The only thing the Guard tower really even protects is itself. And for all the other turrets GDI have I think most of them can be avoided in one way or another.

I did some trial and error testing and with nod basic infantry i was able to make it into 3 of the 5 building in one run. Granted yes it was solo play but I also wasn't using a Stealth Black Hand which has more health and armor. I know you can also easily make it into the refinery without the guard tower shooting at you.

Yeah, but the Obelisk has the huge disadvantage where you can attack it from the cave without being in its line of fire.

That doesn't make it equal though. GDI often lose their barracks in the first 3 minutes because of infantry rushes. As infantry it is simply impossible to get inside a building, which is unbalanced.

Also the AGT can be easily attacked by a single flame tank without massive damage. In fact I think you can even reach it without being hit by a missile.

Lots of things that need to be tweaked and improved on this (otherwise great) map.


I'm going to have to agree that Goldrush seems very pro-Nod in the beginning, making it VERY hard for GDI to get a foot hold. I got the chance to play as Nod once, and the Guard Tower by the PP is incredibly quick to fall to two or three SBH.


It's actually nearly impossible to mine the bridge to the bar because you can hop into the river nearby and swim to the shore all without being seen by the AGT.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


Can you mine the water? Lol

Edit: Actually upon close inspection of the map in skirmish I can't seem to find where they would enter that river outside GDI's base and swim into it. Unless of course they happened to glitch through something or I missed a critical section of the map. It appears to me that the only way to the GDI base is over that easily mined bridge.

I'd also like to point out it isn't too hard to run from tree to tree to reach the HON with a hotwire without the Ob being able to hit you. The turret firing at you can give you away (or kill you) but you can fool the slow firing Ob enough to get into the HON.


Give me a screenshot or a vid, but make sure you aren't confusing where they have infiltrated across the bridge and simply swim from the barracks area (which is in base) around to the Power Plant to remain unnoticed. They can be crossing the bridge and swimming afterward (which makes sense). I however ran around the area in skirmish and couldn't find where that water connects outside of the base other than the bridge.


this is why the guard towers had instant hitting projectiles in the original, because anything less than an instant hit can be avoided with even a tiny bit of skill and some luck. not amount of skill or luck will save you from an AI controlled instant hitting projectile in a game like this.


Someone from GDI managed to get into the airstrip and destroy it without the obby killing them.

Seemingly related is how you are invincible in the water.

On a side note, it seems very easy to infiltrate the HoN on this map as GDI. I have no clue why the obby sometimes decides to turn a blind eye.

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