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Renegade x mac/linux client[version 0.2 is live]

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Posted (edited)

i just got Renegade X working on osx

also a shout-out to zeek who got the linux version working!


Personal Notes:

the port is still WIP there are a still some problems with it

the sound issue has been fixed version 0.2 is now live.

My System Specs:

- OS: Mac OS X 10.9.2

- CPU: Intel Core i5 1.7GHz

- RAM: 4GB 1333MHz DDR3

- Video: Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB

- Disk Space: 120GB

Known Issues:

- there are some graphic glitches in-game


download the game from here: http://renegade-x.com/download

you can download the wrapper here : https://mega.co.nz/#!MJkTAD6D!ZKXZplGZzDxUBo-jIkWxTEkFHWRl-iK-vnmOoAN_jNY

install fontsmooth=rgb via winetricks to fix the white text issues -zeek

warning: the settings are default to high so if you cant get to the settings menu's in-game

updated minimal system settings file by MajorLunaC: http://pastebin.com/eJXbHXFp


newb friendly instructions

I don't understand how to install on my mac, please help!

first you download the game normally - link in main post

then you download my wrapper -link in main post

extract the Renegade X 0.2.7z

then right click on the extracted wrapper and click "show package contents"

open wineskin

click "install software"

select the renegade x setup EXE

follow the install normally

afterwards go into advanced in wineskin

and in windows EXE insert or browse to: /Program Files/Renegade X/Renegade X.exe

to fix the white text glitch in the launcher, go to the tools tab and click winetricks

search for: fontsmooth=rgb

check the box and click run

when it says "winetricks commands finished!!"

click close

now you can start the app and the renegade launcher will show up


the settings file is in: C:/Program Files/Renegade X/UDKGame/Config/UDKSystemSettings.ini

i have also made a extra low setting file which you can download here

you can just rename the other file or replace it with this one

warning: the ground will be black(not trying to be racist)


instructions for linux users by the amazing zeek.


+ install d3dx9_36 to prevent

"wine: Call from 0x7ed0877e to unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXDisassembleShader, aborting"


you're welcome :)

Edited by Guest
Very impressive.

Probably shouldve ran this by the devs first, though.

Yea but how would i contact them?

Theyll probably be happy to rubberstamp it, but always best to be sure. The devs are the ones with yellow names. Send Fobby a message and Im sure he will take a look at this.

Very impressive.

Probably shouldve ran this by the devs first, though.

Yea but how would i contact them?

Theyll probably be happy to rubberstamp it, but always best to be sure. The devs are the ones with yellow names. Send Fobby a message and Im sure he will take a look at this.

i tried twitter last night but no response

i send fobby a pm so i hope he sees it


Hey, trying to get it to install but every time I do I get the same "No new executables found" message. I'm running a 2011 macbook with the same specs as yours listed above (although im only running OSX 10.7.5 so that may have something to do with it). I'm not too used to running things through wineskin, so that may also be the problem.

Hey, trying to get it to install but every time I do I get the same "No new executables found" message. I'm running a 2011 macbook with the same specs as yours listed above (although im only running OSX 10.7.5 so that may have something to do with it). I'm not too used to running things through wineskin, so that may also be the problem.

No offense to you Apple noobs, but why on EARTH would you play this game using such inferior [Gaming] hardware and software ?

Hey, trying to get it to install but every time I do I get the same "No new executables found" message. I'm running a 2011 macbook with the same specs as yours listed above (although im only running OSX 10.7.5 so that may have something to do with it). I'm not too used to running things through wineskin, so that may also be the problem.

could you check the wine drive-c/Program Files/ to see if there is a renegade folder in it

also with these system specs you wont be able to run renegade x smoothly expect about 10 fps

Hey, trying to get it to install but every time I do I get the same "No new executables found" message. I'm running a 2011 macbook with the same specs as yours listed above (although im only running OSX 10.7.5 so that may have something to do with it). I'm not too used to running things through wineskin, so that may also be the problem.

No offense to you Apple noobs, but why on EARTH would you play this game using such inferior [Gaming] hardware and software ?

No Offense to you Troll noob WHY ON EARTH will you Prevent this game to be Spreaded more ? ON SUCH platform are like 4% of the player Community ( mostly more i will say are the most accurate stats i have is steam ) http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey

I guess they are 20% and Linux are like 10%( or even more i dont know )

Still i see Only Positiv things

in your Post i see only stupidity sorry ( and sorry devs for the rude ness from me are this is actually one post of full crap ).

PS: i play on Windows and ever did just saying.

Hey, trying to get it to install but every time I do I get the same "No new executables found" message. I'm running a 2011 macbook with the same specs as yours listed above (although im only running OSX 10.7.5 so that may have something to do with it). I'm not too used to running things through wineskin, so that may also be the problem.

No offense to you Apple noobs, but why on EARTH would you play this game using such inferior [Gaming] hardware and software ?

No Offense to you Troll noob WHY ON EARTH will you Prevent this game to be Spreaded more ? ON SUCH platform are like 4% of the player Community ( mostly more i will say are the most accurate stats i have is steam ) http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey

I guess they are 20% and Linux are like 10%( or even more i dont know )

Still i see Only Positiv things

in your Post i see only stupidity sorry ( and sorry devs for the rude ness from me are this is actually one post of full crap ).

PS: i play on Windows and ever did just saying.

just wanted to say thank you

Hey, trying to get it to install but every time I do I get the same "No new executables found" message. I'm running a 2011 macbook with the same specs as yours listed above (although im only running OSX 10.7.5 so that may have something to do with it). I'm not too used to running things through wineskin, so that may also be the problem.

No offense to you Apple noobs, but why on EARTH would you play this game using such inferior [Gaming] hardware and software ?

I know it won't run well, I was just seeing if it would run at all. I am well aware my specs are garbage. You must have such a fun life going around making fun of mac users. I bet you make TONS of friends like this.


Sadly I get a bunch of errors when installing some of those depenancies, one was:

"dotnet40 does not yet fully work or install on wine. Caveat emptor."

The game installs fine but appears like this:


(Just seems to absorb whatever was on the screen at the time or goes to a black screen if nothing is there)

Don't suppose you know how to delete this install so I can give it a fresh try?

Sadly I get a bunch of errors when installing some of those depenancies, one was:

"dotnet40 does not yet fully work or install on wine. Caveat emptor."

The game installs fine but appears like this:


(Just seems to absorb whatever was on the screen at the time or goes to a black screen if nothing is there)

Don't suppose you know how to delete this install so I can give it a fresh try?

you could try "wine uninstaller"

in the terminal i believe that should allow you to uninstall programs including dotnet

you could also try updating winetricks to make sure you get the latest dotnet40 support

and make sure your wine engine is fairly new (i am using 1.7.13)

EDIT: if all of that doesn't work you could also try launching the game from:

C:/Program Files/Renegade X/Binaries/Win32/UDK.exe


Yeah I tried it in Wine Tricks - then tried it in Play On Linux using different Wine versions. I managed to get a little further using Play On Linux.

Thanks for the tips. I'm going to give it a few more goes and tweaks. I've just got Star Trek Online working so feeling optimistic :3

EDIT: Might be worth editing the OP to include Wine Version for those who will miss the replies :)

And some questions:

1) Did you set it to 32/64 bit build?

2) d3dx9; which one? (There are numbers 24-43 here usually)

3) While any version of IE should do, can you let us know which worked for you to help rule out potential problems?

Yeah I tried it in Wine Tricks - then tried it in Play On Linux using different Wine versions. I managed to get a little further using Play On Linux.

Thanks for the tips. I'm going to give it a few more goes and tweaks. I've just got Star Trek Online working so feeling optimistic :3

EDIT: Might be worth editing the OP to include Wine Version for those who will miss the replies :)

And some questions:

1) Did you set it to 32/64 bit build?

2) d3dx9; which one? (There are numbers 24-43 here usually)

3) While any version of IE should do, can you let us know which worked for you to help rule out potential problems?

Just going to answer my own questions to help OP

1) 32 bit mode. 64 seems to make it die.

2) All of them (there might be a better method here but hell it works...)

3) IE8 worked for me


Clicking to launch game takes some time. In game works fine on menus etc. Crashes on actual game play though. Still testing...


Managed to get it working on minimal graphics. Absolutely ripped everything down to "low" or "very low" for test purposes.

Game boots and runs though is quite laggy. Sound is juttering approximately every half a second and connecting to servers takes longer than usual. Blue tiberium texture is also just a black square.

It does "run" however, so... progress.


The instructions don't help at all. What do I do? My friend has a MAC, and unfortunately I'm only an expert on Windows :P What do you do? We installed it on his MAC. He has Wine but the game wont start up. What do you do with the wrapper etc...?


With regard to Linux, I can't seem to improve the performance past what I've already done. I've submitted my findings and such to PlayOnLinux. Maybe they will be able to finish it but I doubt they will have the time.


The instructions don't help at all. What do I do? My friend has a MAC, and unfortunately I'm only an expert on Windows :P What do you do? We installed it on his MAC. He has Wine but the game wont start up. What do you do with the wrapper etc...?

you need to download the game and install it using the wineskin installer

go here for more help: http://portingteam.com/tutorials/article/11-using-pre-made-game-wrappers/


Anything back from App DB man?

PlayOnLinux is silent on the matter atm.

I managed to get it working though. I'll post some spec stuff soon, but here is a screenshot:


EDIT: I don't think it will add my store to the whole leadboard thing seeing as Steam doesn't run in this wine bottle but one step at a time yeah? :P

Double EDIT: Frame rate is probably something like 20 FPS. Not fantastic.

Hello, how do I change white background on launcher?

i currently don't have any way to fix this, you can just start udk.exe directly instead of using the launcher

I tried, but it crashes without any details. I use Mac Book Air 2013, OS X Maverics and the latest Wine

I tried Debug

[03/14/14 19:11:05] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_d3dx11 -----

[03/14/14 19:11:13] - Running wine-1.7.6 UDK.exe (Working directory : /Users/username/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Renx/drive_c/Program Files/Renegade X/Binaries/Win32)

fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"generatePublisherEvidence" in state 4

fixme:mscoree:parse_probing privatePath=L"Editor/Release" not implemented

wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xfffffff8 at address 0x245a1a (thread 0009), starting debugger...


I tried, but it crashes without any details. I use Mac Book Air 2013, OS X Maverics and the latest Wine

I tried Debug

[03/14/14 19:11:05] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_d3dx11 -----

[03/14/14 19:11:13] - Running wine-1.7.6 UDK.exe (Working directory : /Users/username/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Renx/drive_c/Program Files/Renegade X/Binaries/Win32)

fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"generatePublisherEvidence" in state 4

fixme:mscoree:parse_probing privatePath=L"Editor/Release" not implemented

wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xfffffff8 at address 0x245a1a (thread 0009), starting debugger...

have you tried this using my port, you need to use my patched engine or the game window will stay blank and crash

I tried, but it crashes without any details. I use Mac Book Air 2013, OS X Maverics and the latest Wine

I tried Debug

[03/14/14 19:11:05] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_d3dx11 -----

[03/14/14 19:11:13] - Running wine-1.7.6 UDK.exe (Working directory : /Users/username/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Renx/drive_c/Program Files/Renegade X/Binaries/Win32)

fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"generatePublisherEvidence" in state 4

fixme:mscoree:parse_probing privatePath=L"Editor/Release" not implemented

wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xfffffff8 at address 0x245a1a (thread 0009), starting debugger...

have you tried this using my port, you need to use my patched engine or the game window will stay blank and crash

When I try to run your APP file it says that it is damaged and cannot be opened

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I have Linux Mint 16(it's a fork of Ubuntu) installed at work on a beefy computer. So i'm going to get this installed and see how far I can get with it. As I'm typing this I've got the game setup to start and start installing things. If all goes well I'll paste in here what I installed/version of wine and such.

From the looks of it now though, wine does not like dotnet40 at all, mine didn't even attempt to install it. However, I'm thinking the latest mono should do just fine without dotnet40 installed.

Hey guys, I have Linux Mint 16(it's a fork of Ubuntu) installed at work on a beefy computer. So i'm going to get this installed and see how far I can get with it. As I'm typing this I've got the game setup to start and start installing things. If all goes well I'll paste in here what I installed/version of wine and such.

From the looks of it now though, wine does not like dotnet40 at all, mine didn't even attempt to install it. However, I'm thinking the latest mono should do just fine without dotnet40 installed.

make sure that before installing dotnet40 you have msxml3 & corefonts installed or it will crash

good luck!

Hey guys, I have Linux Mint 16(it's a fork of Ubuntu) installed at work on a beefy computer. So i'm going to get this installed and see how far I can get with it. As I'm typing this I've got the game setup to start and start installing things. If all goes well I'll paste in here what I installed/version of wine and such.

From the looks of it now though, wine does not like dotnet40 at all, mine didn't even attempt to install it. However, I'm thinking the latest mono should do just fine without dotnet40 installed.

make sure that before installing dotnet40 you have msxml3 & corefonts installed or it will crash

good luck!

Yea, I realized that the first time around (then I forgot to make it a 32bit arch and it failed even worse after I was done)... So Ren. is installing once more...lol I also found some write ups on UT3 in general which I'm going to see if any of those help us out at all. I really am curious though as to why the text is all white in the launcher.


Yea, I realized that the first time around (then I forgot to make it a 32bit arch and it failed even worse after I was done)... So Ren. is installing once more...lol I also found some write ups on UT3 in general which I'm going to see if any of those help us out at all. I really am curious though as to why the text is all white in the launcher.

i think it is a java error as the launcher is written in java

btw i tried the unofficial launcher but it doesn't work because it uses dotnet45


Yea, I realized that the first time around (then I forgot to make it a 32bit arch and it failed even worse after I was done)... So Ren. is installing once more...lol I also found some write ups on UT3 in general which I'm going to see if any of those help us out at all. I really am curious though as to why the text is all white in the launcher.

i think it is a java error as the launcher is written in java

btw i tried the unofficial launcher but it doesn't work because it uses dotnet45

Well, with Wine1.7 I can't seem to get the game to launch.... I even downloaded your Mac wrapper to see if I could see anything in there that was different than what I had setup and wine and they almost look like the same install....


Well, with Wine1.7 I can't seem to get the game to launch.... I even downloaded your Mac wrapper to see if I could see anything in there that was different than what I had setup and wine and they almost look like the same install....

could you post the wine/game logs maybe i can find something


Well, with Wine1.7 I can't seem to get the game to launch.... I even downloaded your Mac wrapper to see if I could see anything in there that was different than what I had setup and wine and they almost look like the same install....

could you post the wine/game logs maybe i can find something

Well, I did some research and it seems computers with an ATI card and linux can't play any UT3 games with wine. Found quite a few things out there about it.

Edit2: Seems like this problem arises if you don't have the proprietary drivers installed for your graphics(not sure how true that is, but people with steam had this issue and that was the problem). Going to install the latest ATI drivers and see how it goes, last time I had them I got greeted with a black screen of death cause they weren't compatible with ubuntu 13.10's kernel...

edit: here's all there is to see :/

fixme:thread:SetThreadStackGuarantee (0x370fc04): stub
err:ole:CoGetContextToken apartment not initialised
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
fixme:gameux:GameExplorerImpl_VerifyAccess (0x16bbb8, L"C:\\Program Files\\Renegade X\\Binaries\\Win32\\UDK.exe", 0x370e4f8)
fixme:thread:start_thread Started native thread 0000005d
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x370e668,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:d3d11:D3D11CreateDevice stub: adapter 0x170090, driver_type D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, swrast (nil), flags 0x1, feature_levels 0x370e894, levels 0x1, sdk_version 7, device 0x370e898, feature_level 0x370eb30, context 0x370e89c
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x370e638,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:winediag:AUDDRV_GetAudioEndpoint Winepulse is not officially supported by the wine project
fixme:winediag:AUDDRV_GetAudioEndpoint For sound related feedback and support, please visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1960599
fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS)
fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 53 (SPI_SETTOGGLEKEYS)
fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 51 (SPI_SETFILTERKEYS)
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x34324644 (as fourcc: DF24) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x34324644) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d9:D3DPERF_SetOptions (0x1) : stub
fixme:d3d:query_init Unhandled query type 0xc.
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x4d91562, (nil), {8e9f5090-2d75-4d03-8a81-e5afbf85daf1}, 1, 0x370960c, (null), (null), 0x552347c): stub
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:validate_addr64 Unsupported address fffffffff73b0000
fixme:dbghelp:validate_addr64 Unsupported address fffffffff7380000
fixme:dbghelp:validate_addr64 Unsupported address fffffffff50b0000
fixme:dbghelp:validate_addr64 Unsupported address fffffffff4e10000
fixme:dbghelp:validate_addr64 Unsupported address fffffffff4df0000
fixme:dbghelp:validate_addr64 Unsupported address fffffffff4850000
fixme:faultrep:ReportFault 0x370a230 0x0 stub
fixme:process:FlushProcessWriteBuffers : stub

Posted (edited)

Just going to do a reply, after installing ATI drivers 14.3 the game loaded up without any horrid errors this time :).

Edit: It also fixed the white background/white text issue as well.

Edited by Guest

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