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Post your original Renegade names


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I have used Wizard17 since the days of Doom2 at LAN parties and ever since then in every game I play on line. I recognize quite a number of other players some of which like Major Patterson are still very active in original Renegade.

A couple of games I had to use Wizard017 as someone else was using Wizard17 but in Ren it wes always - and still is Wizard17.

Vash, yeah I remember you and Sniper and several others too, see you guys in game shortly - I hope - if there is room!


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KeiZka earlier, KeiZka still.

Did play with these names too at some point: nenoniek, Fincrest, KeZi, kezist. Kezist I used on WoL, and keizka on GSA.

But KeiZka is my real nick, now and ever.

as for old stats.. KeiZka first:






of the others I could find any stuff. Shame.

And been playing all the time occasionally.

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I used to hang around the official WOL forums before the Renegade MP demo launched. A bunch of us got together and played on the "WOL Forum Players' Server", and later they became "WOLF."

I reinstalled Ren about two years ago and played on Jelly Servers and N00bstories from time to time, although I haven't touched it in about a year. Now with Renegade X, I won't have to!

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