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Everything posted by MrSeriousOak

  1. Something even better God forgive us! I don't know whether to be scared or excited...
  2. Quick question, will the bus have a horn?
  3. Oh, don't mind me GDI, I'm just dropping some school kids off by the ref.
  4. Ah ok, also understand when I said "from what I understand" that also means I know nothing so yeah. I was not really thinking about the SBHs and realize that stealth is a bit of a problem, but then again in the C&C universe I guess those splinter factions barely had access to stealth
  5. It is a case of aim. Sometimes it is easier to take out a patch with a light or arty, than an APC or buggy
  6. Your name is green now! Congrats
  7. Is it possible to have 2 Nod teams to fight each other? From what I understand, it more or less a case of Team 1 and Team 2? I think a map where 2 splinter factions fighting it out would be cool
  8. That is an awesome idea! I hate having to try and snipe my allies with rep guns.
  9. Nothing like a good ol' roast SBH leg while blasting LCGs right out of their red suits
  10. It's from a game called Unreal Tournament. The game engine that Renegade X is using, is from Unreal. Also one of Unreal's maps is in renx (in console say 'open cnc-deck')
  11. As I was reading this I could more or less answer the points you have made so lets see if I can - In the scenario that this map is near completion now and is about to be released, then yes this is a problem, but I think a map like this will take a very long time to make, so by that time RenX could have even hit 1.0, which means more players (I read somewhere that the devs were going to launch a small advertising campaign when this happens). - I have 2 solutions for this. 1:) Make all unit prices higher by 200% 2:) Each outpost (I see you mentioned that the blue circles could be small bases) has a stockpile of recourses of its own (I don't mean credits, I mean that a certain outpost could house 3 meds and 2 MRLS's and more would have to be delivered by a trans heli if a player buys when there are no more meds). Of course solution number one would be FAR easier to do, but solution 2 would be a cool idea. - Each outpost could house a power plant, and once a team has broken through the frontlines, the base is out of power, which means building repairs is 75% slower (Or just 50% slower to make it possible to actually make a comeback if your team is losing). -Each outpost could have 3 or 4 MCTs, and you could have a sneaky tech capture each and have the outpost's defenses activate on the enemy.
  12. The box in the top right is the key. I will list what each colour is here anyway for the lazy guys Black circle = Building Inside circle = ((( Yellow = WF, BAR, PP and REF OR, AIR, HON, PP, AND REF Brown = Adv base defense Blue = Regular Defense (turret/GT) Green = Tech building))) Green circle = Tiberium Black line = Impassable area Red line = Vehicle blocking volume (inf only area) Purple Area = No purpose yet Also, I agree with the idea of a MOBA map for RenX, but that would also mean the 'towers' would have to get a slight buff to make them a bit more threatening (I also don't want to see hotwire having a dancing competition with patch while the turret tries to shoot them).
  13. I'm ready, also I just got back from a paintball match with my family. (That means my tactical juices are flowing )
  14. Wow, wow... I talk a lot, but not all the time Well almost all the time Congratulations, you have been promoted to the "Timeout Detector".
  15. Hehe
  16. I also noticed that once GDI has managed to detect you, and you get away successfully they will still shoot you regardless if you are still invisible.
  17. There is no such thing as too loud. I mean if you are constantly talking about the game, what you are doing etc etc then what harm is there to be done? The only way I suppose you could be considered to be too loud is maybe while your team is busy building a strategy and you are shouting into your mic about how your sister makes awesome cakes.
  18. Alright, so lets whip out my awesome Saturday checklist: 1:) Raining : Check 2:) Computer not being a bitch for once : Check 3:) PUG is on : Check 4:) Food and drinks : Check 5:) Internet is working : Check 6:) Blankets : Check 7:) Cats have shut up: Check
  19. LOL, I didn't know you are from Cape Town! Had I known this, I would rephase my little Rough Guide about the city. And you are right, Cape Town would deserve a standalone map. Check the detail stuff <-----
  20. Ohh ok, got confused there
  21. Uhm, on my game it does clearly show "Totem arts proudly presents" after it shows the unreal engine thing
  22. Some very interesting points there, also I would like to point out that the actual city part of the town (where the buildings are) is not really that big. I mean it consists of say 4-7 blocks of maybe 20-30 story buildings (just because I live there does not mean I know every inch of Cape Town )? Also, I think it would be better to start another map from scratch than take a map like City and suddenly brand it with being South African .
  23. That's too much for me. *goes on 30 second hunt for 3D printers only to find they are more expensive than the computer I own*
  24. I would just like to know why they are used so little? Do map makers have something against them?
  25. I'm looking forward to the day we can give EA the middle finger without them being able to give it back to us
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