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Everything posted by MrSeriousOak

  1. It is not true! Many Players dont like snipers. And they are saying it clearly and loud. I never said to make snipers a God like class, so you are the one shovling Words down the people's throath. If increasing the armor for few % is God like, then don't do it. For your info, I am quite satisfied with my sniping skills. What are you talking about. Snipers are perfectly fine. I don't know what your problem is, but if you want snipers to be good in close quarters combat, then you clearly have forgotten what a sniper is. "a rifleman who fires from a concealed place, esp a military marksman who fires from cover usually at long ranges at individual enemy soldiers" - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sniper
  2. I'm pretty danm sure B2B would be more than possible from up there, and that wall was build for snipers, not artillery units (and imagine the butt hurt apache drivers once MRLS's discover they can camp for them there)
  3. He is called Joshua, and if you right click -> open image in a new tab then you can see alot clearer
  4. Well, take a look for your self
  5. When I was playing on canyon recently, an enemy officer died (supposedly with silent pistol) and it stayed floating in the air awhile.
  6. The only way that I know how to deal with Patch is either Chemie's or flame troopers.
  7. This looks like ascension Much beeps, such ion, many nuke. I really missed something... That was not even the best part, seeing your screen flash from blue to red/orange for 30ish seconds constantly was also pretty cool
  8. Yeah before it started (during ion/nuke party) we wanted everyone to get nukes or ions and meet up. Some people didn't listen and went sniping or calling airstrikes. I just realized I misspelled one of the easiest words in the English dictionary, I feel REALLY stupid now
  9. Our team was communicating, just I think half of our team was not listening/being stupid/doing their own thing
  10. That officer ascended before it was cool.
  11. I will try make it this time - although I am sick
  12. I'm not really too keen on the minion idea, but I do understand what you mean. My idea is similar to yours, but kind of opposite. You have a commander (Not like yosh's mod where you give alerts and stuff) that can basically do what the commander in other games did. Then have him purchase upgrades, give commands and think of an overall strategy etc etc. Of course the idea I gave right now is really crap, but you get what I mean. Have somebody with a top-down view of the battlefield (maybe give the commander [ONLY] a fog of war).
  13. I quit the game after that then I reloaded it and everything was normal. Anyway thanks
  14. This is a BAD idea! Not only are the SBHs a threat, but your own team mates! (Imagine this on walls) You finally hit the 800 credit mark - Awesome, you buy a med from the PP and then run to the WF. You tank spawns, and then it gets stolen by a troll camping inside the WF. Getting sniped by someone is already frustrating enough, and we deserve to lose a vehicle that we bought because our character can't run from the PP to the WF/strip in 5 seconds?
  15. Hey guys, So I loaded up volcano a few moments ago and when I joined, my game looked like this: http://imgur.com/a/yLto1 Also here is my log: http://pastebin.com/W7MCYQb1
  16. Well, I first liked it because of the SBH possibilities
  17. Then give the people who voted no guns to fight back? I am usually a no-voter on these surrender votes. Aktually thats the reason to vote for "Yes" because you dont have any guns to fight back (HoN/Rack, Airf/Wf destroyed). I would still pick up my nearest rock (what if we could actually do that :OO) and go caveman style on you buggers!
  18. Then give the people who voted no guns to fight back? I am usually a no-voter on these surrender votes.
  19. Attention! We have some very disturbing news from our front line Stealth Black Hand units. It has come to our attention that they are fielding new vehicles with technology that can rival ours! So far we have been able to identify 3 of these new vehicles. It is unknown whether they are testing or deploying more. Here are some pictures. EDIT: I tried so hard to get the images to show just right click the little boxes then open in new tab http://imgur.com/a/Eo8CJ - for the whole album
  20. will try that Turn RenX music off then have the rest at say 25% - works like a charm for me
  21. You want to remove the very thing that makes Renegade be known as Renegade? Not just some crappy CoD game with destructible buildings and a currency? Burn him! Burn him in the fires that he was sent from!
  22. Agree, but these creatures were unfamiliar with any form of communication... Most of us don't have mics though
  23. That nuke might of been a treacherous mcfarlander :3
  24. I thought we only got it to 75? Then the following orca rush got the airstrip to 65
  25. I will most probably be there
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