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  1. I have no idea what TDM, KOTH and CTF are
  2. I wonder if it would make a difference if the orca would be able to fly a little bit higher than the apache.
  3. I kind of agree with this but I think the problem isn't the map size but the current 60 player limit that make most maps very chaotic. I'm also very sick of playing the same maps all the time, I just don't get why people want to play field, walls, under and islands over and over again. I've been trying to get back into the game lately but it just seems that I always join a game on field and then keep going to walls and then to field again, that's usually when I quit. Maybe we should have unchangeable map rotation again or a map vote with just two map options.
  4. I think this is a bad idea in every way, one player might have some command powers but every player is still equal and nobody should be able to destroy other players vehicles. It would also be very unforgiving to new players who have little money and just want to join in with the others on the battlefield. What's wrong with a little anti infantry vehicles among the tanks anyways.
  5. Not sure what those are
  6. I'm thinking something like this: Tank officer - gives a small boost to nearby vehicles Infantry officer - gives a small boost to nearby infantry Support officer - gives a boost to field repair Base defense officer - gives a defensive boost inside the base. I don't think there is any need to give them any other powers except maybe some smoke grenaids or something, leave the powers to the commander. The officers would not be very powerful but would take initiatives to lead groups in their class or territory. Infantry officers would primarily work in the tunnels while tank officers would work to control the field and assault the base, base defense officer would stay in base mostly and look that everything is getting repaired, mining and prevent sbh and hotties from sneaking around.
  7. 1. 64 players (64 players on snow, do I need to say more?) 2. games with a team that isn't playing as a team (Often it is a player that takes a leading role that is required) 3. always the same maps being played 4. butthurt players that spam " FU LOSER TEAM etc." in the chat while not doing anything useful themselves, doing change map and surrender votes for the smallest reasons 5. It just feels Renegade X was more comfy to play some years ago but maybe I remember wrong. Started playing RenX again yesterday after an over a year long pause but the problems that made me leave are still there I think.
  8. This is how sbhs should be in my opinion.
  9. Seriously? what a dumb joke, and here I thought it was time to come back playing this game
  10. holy shit
  11. Can't we just have pre-written message sentences that players can choose similarly like the radio messages but without the voice? Radio messages lack many useful commands anyway.
  12. buy a light tank and drive in from behind and start driving over the confused hotties, sometimes they even start repairing you.
  13. 40. I stopped playing when the servers started to have 60 players. With 60 players the game is really spammy, so much going on everywhere, players running around and dying/exploding/flying all over the place while the teams get nothing done.
  14. If you look from a bigger perspective that decline is minimal and quite normal if compared to the last five years: I do wish that EA will go bankrupt tough
  15. I really like the flak tanks, Nod could really use one of those.
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