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Everything posted by iridesence
well i got my first tank made. everything is working except perhaps the weapons system, which while functions, has some bugs that need fixed. once thats ironed out its fully complete. The tank has light armor equivalent that that of the buggy and Humvee, but it's bulk gives it a heftier 500hp chunk compared to 250hp so it can take more punishment compared to the early scouts. it handles as well as a fast recon tank, but due to it's dimensions it cannot avoid fire as often (its a bigger target to hit.) it Sports a 25mm automatic cannon with a 50 round magazine. excellent for anti infantry work, and with enough time to focus fire, can work down larger targets if ignored. It can also carry 3 people. (1 driver & 2 passengers) What sets this tank apart from the others in-game, and gives it a niche, is its secondary function: This tank is capable of laying down smokescreens for its allies. it can launch these canisters every 12 seconds (to give time for the previous smoke to clear), and it can launch them at a fair distance away. This gives the tank a niche as a battlefield support tank, as well as an infantry hunter. Will probably touch it up a bit once i can get the weapon system un-bugged.
i can give you the 3ds max file if you want it. i cant seem to get the bones on it to line up properly, so i started a new vech. i am doing a few practice models atm just to get used to it.
what i really need help with atm is texturing. i am just terrible at that stuff for some raisin. here was also another attempt i made as practice: again, i am terrible at texturing, so that will probably take me for freaking ever.
its not really a CNC unit. just more of something id like to see.
its was i was thinking. something like the bradley. I just think it would be cool to have more LAV style vechs in the game. I also know waiting around for someone to make one is not going to happen so I am trying my hand at vech creation and rigging. I made a few back in the old days of old renegade, but that was like 13 years ago..
So, I had some time to work on 3DS max for awhile and i came up with a model for a tank. was curious, if people would be interested in something like this. Its purposed was for Anti-Air / Anti-Infantry. (though i could see it taking on light armor no problem.) It sports a quad 30mm automatic cannon mount on a tracked chassis with enough armor to resist autocannon fire. It still needs texture work, and i have to realign some of the bones and meshes it seems like.
so while I couldn't work on my map for a month, i was able to mess around with 3ds max for a bit. the result was this monstrosity: It is about 5% done. needs texture work done, still scaling everything properly, and it is not boned. Buutt.. i figured if I finish the map, it might be my next project for Ren X. its Ulgy as sin, but figured why not. I was bored.
just got new parts in, and it looks like my HDD was ok, all data good. so i can resume development when i am able!
just a heads up, still waiting on pc parts to arrive, so hoping everything is still good to go. haven't abandoned this yet, just having hardware problems atm.
my primary computer needs a new CPU so im having to wait until its fixed(electrical storm messed up the pc a fair bit), so map progress is on hold for now, as my laptop for some reason doesn't like the udk. (even though it runs the game itself fine)
I will take you up on that offer if your serious. Just tell me what you'd need.
harvester pathing and collection as well as vech drop off pathing finished. I'm saving decals and advanced texture detailing for last, once everything game play wise is ironed out. Once i can get game boundaries setup, i should have a playable alpha test map.
was really bothered by the cramped nature of the nod base, so i altered the landscape a bit and put a small alcove in the back for the hand of nod to rest landing strip moved more centrally thanks to the space made available, which really opens up the base for more movement, and possible decor. Air Tower was moved to HON previous position, and the turret defending the area was given a mount to stand on, figured that would look a bit better then just it "sticking out of the ground". The new alcove in the back is raised a bit, so as to provide some noise to the flat area. looks better then pancake ground imo. may or may not swap HON and Ref positions in the future, but for now i am leaving them in those positions.
i do have to give kenz3001 a thanks though, i have been referencing his udk tutorials to help me get around when i am confused sometimes. very useful stuff.
flattery will get you everywhere. but in all seriousness, this editor so far is similar to the one FarCry uses for its custom mapmakers. and i have been using those since instincts to make maps. It what is probably helping somewhat. At least in terms of some things. I am still green as heck though when it comes to guessing map flow for a ren x game in custom stuff.
1st screenshot: GDI Tiberium Field / Base entry. Still adding final terrain features. 2nd screenshot: GDI base overview. Buildings rearranged to make buildings less obvious. barracks still vunerable to artillery strikes, but not as easy to shoot as the ref was before. Mostly likely going to shrink the open space to make it similar to the nod base. 3rd screenshot: GDI bay entrance tunnel. Guard tower placed to deter early SBH rushes. WF can be shot through tunnel, but they must be in a open area to do so. both bases still need detailing work done, but the general layout is there atm.
1st screenshot: Overland nod tiberium field . base entry area. Confirmed turrets are able to pound any tanks in this area. 2nd screenshot: Overview of Nod base. Silo removed, neutral silo to be placed in forested route. 3rd screenshot: Bay entrance tunnel. Hand of nod move a bit to make it harder to hit from outside. turret moved slightly.
well i had a bit of time last night, so i got a fair bit done. figure once i can get pathing done for the harv's, setup the tib field instances, and set map borders i might have an early alpha ready for testing. Still needs plenty of work though.
thanks for the tip, i figured it out by myself though. ('_')=b
i did want to actually, but they seem to have disapeared from my content browser completely. (new blank maps still show them)
Nod base construction is underway: The silo is a non-caputureable, fully functional silo. can be destroyed. provides bonus income and all that jazz. each base has one. Front is guarded by two turrets mounted on Wall-fixtures, which provide cover spots for defending infantry. The Hand of nod is guarded by a single Turret. Debating on if i should keep the single defenses in the bay tunnels or not.
thanks, this helped!
align and shape the box to where u need it, then click the "add volume" button and select the proper one from the list. (if what the UDK tutorials told me is true) edit: i manged to get a water volume in the map doing that, but none of the volumes show on the editor. (no boxes to select or reference)