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Everything posted by EnkerZan

  1. I think it should get removed, not because of what it's about, but because people will be stupid enough to abuse it. Plus some snowflakes are gonna get butt-hurt when it happens to them and then leave the game.
  2. Yeah, with a rifle.
  3. Stumbled upon this while hunting SBH, and yes you can shoot through it. lol
  4. Just got out of Lakeside and noticed the spotting locations that appear on the message board are incorrect. I was on Nod and an enemy Mobius was in the trees right in front of the HoN, when I hit the key to spot him, it said he was on GDI's side of the Forest. Then towards the end a rush group ran into the HoN and when I hit spot on the enemy inside there, it said the same thing instead of them being at the HoN.
  5. When the game crashed on me a few times, I did not retain my credits or my points, and on the the 3rd crash I got put on a different team when I rejoined.
  6. It's gonna take some time for people to learn the game and get better. I estimate about a month of consistent play from newbies and they will have better knowledge of the maps and understand what tactics are viable for winning games.
  7. That change solved all my issues. The map that kept crashing came through during the map rotation stopped doing it as well.
  8. Oh wow, I didn't know that was an option. I kinda thought it would default to 64-bit based on the OS when it installed.
  9. It was great getting some games going the past couple days, yesterday was pretty fun, but today I had some problems. One of the maps in the rotation (I forget the name but I'd know it if I saw it, very large map) was causing me Out Of Memory errors, once on startup, and again 5 min later. Luckily the map ended quickly where we could start a new game. The other problem is I sometimes am getting a game crash when I exit the game, normally I'd dismiss it, but it when it happens I can't get out of the game in any way shape or form unless I log out of my PC.
  10. Glad to see these servers filling up again. Will probably hop in now that there is a NA server. ^^
  11. I remember this change being a permanent thing on n00bstories back in the day, made the game so much better. I wish we had it here.
  12. From what I have seen over the years, there are 6 major factors as to why the popularity and playerbase is so low: 1. Many players from old Renegade really despise this game, and have gone to great lengths to tell other people to stay away from it. 2. There is very little advertisement for this game anywhere. 3. The lack of servers for all countries (only recently this started getting remedied.) 4. Many people don't like stand-alone games that aren't linked to major game distributors like Steam. 5. Lots of people don't have good PCs that can run this game properly. 6. People who play competitive games like this one would rather play it on a console than a PC to avoid any and all cheats that could occur.
  13. A server is finally in the US? And nobody bothered to flag me to support it...
  14. Well if you do, let me know. I'll help support it.
  15. Are there any plans for servers in other countries?
  16. Hundreds of views on forums topics, yet only 5-6 in the UK servers during their late nights. Where is everyone? Once I was lucky to find around 20+ players in 1 game, but the server they were on had such horrid ping it made the game unplayable.
  17. I'm looking to check out the recent new patch when I have time, what are the times the servers are active with players? And does anyone plan on getting people together to do non-marathon matches? Those servers are usually dead and would like to switch it up.
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