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About Calvin

  • Birthday 06/26/1995

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  1. I usually snipe for this reason too, except field because of the fun sniping combat you can have in the tunnels. When they don't sit in the back of their base which most snipers do nowadays, they can be extremely useful at taking back the field, Reservoir for example if those snipers actually moved out and played properly, the reps on field would have had a bad time. Which would likely result NOD to take the field and eventually win. I was on the enemy team though that match I think the snipers are fine, it's just the playstyle that some people have makes it extremely annoying to play against, hardscoping one point, sitting far away in the tunnel on Field for example. But to change snipers because of people playing like this is a bit much. However i do agree with the fact that it's super annoying and making it so that snipers cant get away with sitting at one spot anymore hardscoping all game would be nice.
  2. better finish it!
  3. I have everything on very low and 400 dpi 7 sens.
  4. Listen this while playing and you will be a god.
  5. i grew up watching my whole family play games like Renegade - Red alert - Zero - Generals etc everytime when the pc was free i would open up the C&C Pack and tried every game within the pack. Renegade was always the game that stood out for me even when i watched my family play the game i would just sit behind them and learn it. I played the shit out of old renegade pretty sure i have around 5k hours in that game if not more.. later i heard about a closed beta that was supposed to be a newer Renegade. I applied for closed beta testing talking to Jam a lot and i finally got in there. instantly i fell in love with the game! i died a lot and wanted to get better to compete with those amazing players at the time. I must say i was a little disappointed at first because there was no free aim (im pretty sure the idea originally was to add free aim don't quote me on that) It really felt like renegade but even more fun you could get side arms and everything sounded and felt so cool. the fps was amazing back then and even with a literal potato i got 60 fps 40/50 when recording. my love for it went down when the nerfs and changes started going down.. it slowly started becoming a different game (as of now it's not even renegade anymore just a different game) i had issues with that nobody likes change at first especially when you're so used to old ren where it's snipers are OP? deal with it. EA was harsh in that clearly. I took a long break from this game i think it was about a year, and started playing again that's when i gave the game a long try and instantly fell in love with it again. the devs made this game so awesome, i do wish some changes didnt happen ofcourse and i do wish they stayed more like old renegade but i adjusted and i am having the best time playing. Huge thanks to the devs for making this awesome game, but stop making poi nerfs.. thanks
  6. just nerf snipers to shit so the good players won't snipe every repair in the game anymore problems fixed
  7. this! aslong as the balance happens at the beginning of each match this should work just fine. And just watch for people constantly re-joining to be on another team. Could just make it a rule but i don't know how well that would work out, worth a try certainly
  8. Quinc3y should take the name poi
  9. Nerd
  10. alltho i do like this! im going for Cerulean
  11. you can still hit front of the airstrip on xmountain from the silo area
  12. trying to get good with 1800 dpi eventually i will be ! :
  13. I made this topic with the purpose to show my gameplay to the people that think i might be cheating but it changed to this kind of topic again. @Ryz sadly i cannot control people like reaper to not swap to my team even though i don't think he swapped just to be on my team. but still a very nice post well said!
  14. I don't take polls seriously ingame, i know that a lot of people just press f1 for the lols. I know there are more people. but certainly not the majority and the 40 player supporters mostly already left the game ~
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