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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by [TmX]Super-Kh

  1. but it takes time to lock,and orcas can mess up the targeting by hiding behind a tree,clif or even a freaken invisable wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so rocket soldier is cheap for a reason.......
  2. seems good,also could work better vs inf and dancing humvees
  3. I'm not sure he uploaded it,I'll ask him if he still has it
  4. can there be a torrent download plz ?
  5. well....yes I was so pissed,I wanted to leave after volcano,also I was spamming stank rush help me plz! I got AGT to 40% with !-1-! stank,if I had 3 or even 2 stanks,we could have got agt and maybe ref too,but Nooooooooooooooooooooo,also minji was requesting a rocket soldier rush,only 3 came out of 12
  6. seems logical,honestly there was a mod with scrin in it for renegade x,was made by Nero,but it was dumbed because it was hard for 1 person to handle,however the scrin building models are still there,you can ask him for it if you want to
  7. Love the Idea!
  8. I have GigaByte nvidia Geforce GT 630,honestly I don't know which one is better,but just telling you mine so you can take it in consideration
  9. I have the same,CPU,GPU and RAM Ali, however when I used to have windows 7 I had less than 20 fps,while on windows 8 I have over 50 fps and I already have a graphics card GT 630,it is good,I can partly snipe with it xP
  10. was hoping for water,but ok also,on low graphics the map light looks depressing
  11. great!,now I can shotgun engies faces while still being able to capture the silo
  12. hahaha nice
  13. can't you make it like : if you capture this 1 silo you capture also 1 more silo hidden somewhere or merged with the silo you capped ? that way if you cap 1 silo,you will cap two and you get 0.5 x 2 to get 1 credit per tick or do the same principle for 4 silos so we get 2 credit per tick
  14. OK,tested and ran all around the map,awesome design,seems good here are some few tips and bug reports : 1- the silo : the MCT is facing nod side,so basicly nod can own the silo by having 1 sniper watching it from nod's base,would recommend either flip it so that both teams can see it (which could be catastrophic ) or put it in the middle hill. 2- the trees next to the tiberium field : those trees are somewhat good,except for the fact that you can see the emptyness behind them would recommend make a mountain or water behind them for extra beauty for the map also there is this thing on the left : http://i.imgur.com/fSbd3SK.jpg 3- harvesters : now harvees are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay expozed to the point that you can shoot at them from your own base,either make a wall around the tiberium field or work up a solution by yourself ,I'm not good at mapping
  15. so here are some glitch spots I found : 1- a way to get up the mountain and snipe nod : http://i.imgur.com/9ZlsBJv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DRX83Pf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ztFbY9P.jpg after the third Image you go a bit further and jump on the rocks,and be able to snipe nod in their base second one being : http://i.imgur.com/yfuC7LW.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6jG2SEV.jpg
  16. the problem is that EA said that : this game is not allowed to promote itself,advertise itself or even fund itself without the permission of EA. which means we can't really help the game unless EA allows it
  17. downloaded! will test soon Edit : hmm,I downloaded 3 times already and keeps saying : download failed
  18. uuuuuuuuuuh why does that video say dottier ? not you ? NVM me,I posted this before I watch the whole video
  19. to me,it was disapointing for the fact that no one would listen to me on chat,except for a few people I said that I won't use the microphone because I have anoying background sounds. even on the walls match I was typing : APC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APC!!!!!!!! APC!!!!!!!!!! and litterly everyone on teamspeak was like : what do we need to do next ? then I just unmute my microphone and shout APC INC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,and just mute it again. also I was a tech behind pp and there was 4 sbhs in GDI's base,NO ONE cared to help me,Yosh and lavadragon was next to me behind the ref I was telling them to come but 0 responds,and the pp was mined ALOT,then ruud spots me,and c4s my head all in all,I think the cause we lost this is lack of communication nothing else,he had a good start on islands,but then everyone went to take revenge on bananas or Iontech in sniper battles (which we all know you won't win it) same on lake,someone was inside of the airstrip when we x3 IONed it,if he told us he was inside we could have helped him,instead we made him get expozzed. PS: I HATE INVISBLE WALLS
  20. btw, are you considering making naval units after finishing lands units ? c:
  21. update your game to the last version (Open the game's launcher and it will Auto-update) if that doesn't work our friend Yosh put up a manual download for it : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ubwv ... BnNjQ/view also if you are interested in downloading custom maps,there is a custom map downloader up to the latest version of the maps :https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ChT8usemtMOHQtUHNNOE0/view?usp=sharing
  22. as always : remember to blame Kenz
  23. also nod has inf advantage over GDI but the tunnels are eeeeeeeeeeh...........lets just say,not suitble for inf battles. also usually sneaking out stanks work perfectly to kill repairs and maybe get enough of them to do an actual rush on the AGT while GDI is busy camping the front,however it is not possible at for them to get out at all,maybe try to make the enterance more suitble for that ?
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