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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by [TmX]Super-Kh

  1. remotes are pretty crucial in engie rushes,if you remove them then engie rush (which is a game changing rush most of the times) won't be a thing anymore
  2. one word : PEDISTALS they were Iconic for Epic game wins in old ren,would be awesome to have them in renx
  4. BEST RUSH IN MY LIFE @david : hell yea i was teleporting,THE LAG WAS MASSIVE (theres your proof B0ng )
  5. is crash site going to be run fast from first run this time ? unlike the previous version ? :3
  6. well,you can't blame the devs for your own problems really,they are adding a feature that even casual shooter games doesn't have (not to be offensive or anything) #NIGHTWALLS_2015!
  7. sooo anything going on in this thread,been 2 weaks now
  8. I thought daybreak had no wf ?
  9. @Ryz : you still had the Anti tank mines,we rushed from the front,not from wf side
  10. this PUG was more fun than the previouses especially the field one,even though we lost,was tons of fun! here is a selfie we took at the last seconds of the field match : http://i.imgur.com/b3y6uZu.jpg I'm waiting for that Eyes match uploaded Kenz!
  11. but they cannot know bugs and imbalances........etc without testers would they ? so how are they going to know ? we tried hosting a custom map test night,we had 8 people at MAX
  12. oh yea,commander mode could be usefull for PUGs (unless it still destroys my fps ) maybe in 5004 we can have the server admin to decide when we are dropped into the battlefield,and maybe we get to change during the spectator mode (because you can't change teams while in the first 10 seconds atm,maybe it's a bug ? idk)
  13. so far nothing is working,I've been talking to Ruud on irc to find a fix,updating to 8.1 doesn't work at all,I have to format to get it working,and I don't have any place to back-up my files to,please any help ?
  14. what if everyone that doesn't use microphone has (NoMIc) tag in the teamspeak server : so that next time teams can share the people who don't use the microphone 50% 50% that way both teams have a chance ?
  15. and also we had crashers every game
  16. ahh,silly me
  17. A wonderful typo! I don't get it
  18. I would like to note that there is someone impostering as TmX members, making us look bad infront of the puplic,he posed himself as Dottier yesterday,and today he posed himself as me and Luffy,please if you see a TmX member with a bad altitude and 12 year old reactions,DO NOT accocciate him with the TmX clan.
  19. I tried running it with compatibility mode,doesn't work crashes on the same thing (foliage......blah blah blah)
  20. 8.0 not 8.1
  21. I have all my drivers up-to-date,maybe there is some sort of drivers I don't even have ? what are all the drivers that the sdk needs ?
  22. windows 8,32 bit,and yes I run the win 32 version of the sdk,and yes I haven't merged the game with the sdk and yes I added Editor in the end of the target box
  23. ok you posted it,I tried both solutions,nothing works I really have an Idea I want to try and do,even if I don't finish it,I will try to learn on sdk,and do my own map
  24. so,I've tried everything even the thing Aeibon says,nothing works,it keeps blocking back again I even tried using cmds in adminstrator mode,any help ? it also says : foliagematerialspherebrush then crashes Edit : I've moved it to the D:\ the blocking thing is fixed,but it still stops at folaigebrushwpherematerial
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