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Everything posted by SMayhew

  1. Makes no sense for a former lead and a former senior programmer to lose access to the testing and the internal forums.
  2. Thanks for everything you've done, your dedication to Ren X and Firestorm has been nothing short of remarkable, I wish you all the best for the future! Sam
  3. SMayhew

    I'm out

    A break will do you some good, hope to see you back soon!
  4. The colours are beautiful. That's my succinct feedback. Hot pink and teal are gorgeous.
  5. I wasn't going to say anything, but whatever... The targeted abused aimed at @poi, @jpjtyld and @Sarah. quite frankly is shocking. Three players who have played this game for a long time, who are massive fans and love to play it, one of whom has dedicated so much time, energy and effort into making this game what it is today, and to see her treated with this level of disrespect is pretty poor to see. Team switching was a much bigger issue a few years ago, even nowadays I see players on Discord all switching to be on the same team together and getting easy victories, those players don't get anything near to what these three players get. Why isn't there any effort to control those players from doing this? Or are we going to make one rule for some but not for others? Are we really going to have a Discord server for this game to encourage people to play together and then stop them from doing just that? As I say, the abuse towards these three is targeted. The amount abuse that @poi in particular has had to put over the years has been shocking, and not a lot of effort has been made to stop it. Many players in the past and present have stacked, none of them have had this level of toxicity aimed towards them. It's interesting how FPI seem more hellbent on punishing these three players for playing together, rather than dealing with the high level of toxicity in the community. It's almost as if they want to drive away these long term players, and want to preserve this toxic environment that attempts to push anyone away they don't like. That poll posted in the other topic needs to have a 'toxicity' option. That's the bigger problem. Anyway, that's my two cents.
  6. SMayhew

    Sunday PUGs

    5v5 was an exaggeration. A poor attempt at humour. It'd be good to see the Sunday PUGs return, providing people turn up on a regular basis week in week out. The last few weeks before the cancellation were quite sparse in numbers, and in some cases moderators weren't around to run it due to other committments. If it is a little more organised by the moderators then it'll be very good to see them back.
  7. SMayhew

    Sunday PUGs

    If 5v5* matches are you thing, then go for it. *definitely not exaggerating
  8. I need to go on the forums more often to see these incredible posts by Mint. Great effort, I'll give you that. The fact you consider me B tier infantry offense is astounding, I shouldn't even be C tier.
  9. 40. Easily. I think having 64 players on one server is not only hectic, but it also it means only one server is full up and the rest of the servers aren't filled, which goes against wanting this game to grow tbh. 20 v 20 is more fun.
  10. Madkyll's voice in the first match, let's just erase that from our memories. Meanwhile I'm moving from Best Defence to Best Offense, it's all good. Very good games today!
  11. I'm sorry Schrott, but all I'm reading from you is constant negativity and absolutely no constructive feedback or solutions to whatever you're annoyed about. I say that because I can't see anything constructive in your comments e.g. "Even if you do it for free or out of your passion, you should do it right." which isn't very constructive at all. You're not giving much credit to the developers who are still giving up their time to continue helping this game grow (a game which btw is still in BETA, please remember that), yes there was a mistake in the last patch but look at how quickly another patch was released. The developers care a lot of the state of the game and it's disappointing that you've written such negative comments that are offering nothing constructive, if anything it can easily cause more and more negativity in the community. It's good to post proper feedback in the feedback topics as that will help the developers out, and if you're having real problems with the game or have concerns in the community it's probably more sensible to chat privately to a developer instead of publicly posting negative comments.
  12. I'm can't really help with the positions listed , I'm a Graphic Designer, but if I can help out anyway then I'd be happy to.
  13. This bashing of @poi and @jpjtyld has just gone too far, way too far. Some absolutely ridiculous comments in this topic. The accusations of arrogance (which is bs) insinuated from people are far less troubling than the abuse/hate I often see poi getting in game from players, I rarely play public games at the moment but the comments are a regular occurrence and need to stop.
  14. Definitely need a "Mines!" command, and every time you hammer it down it increases in urgency: "Mines" "MINES!!" "MINESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" etc.
  15. Yeah a very good PUG! Won't be there next weekend unfortunately.
  16. Good work Thommy. It's good to have a basic mining video to help newcomers out. Maybe you/someone can do an advanced one some time down the line.
  17. Let's all blame Thommy! Two hours Lakeside but good fun, balanced teams. It was good. EDIT: Oh and we did Walls a few days before we did Lakeside.
  18. I love that guy, I imagine he's amazing at pep talks!
  19. Fun games tonight.
  20. Well I do genuinely apologise if my criticism of it was excessive, but I found the moaning about this incredibly unnecessary. From what I gather your commander had a few opportunities to pick Cannuck at the start and chose not to. And you guys had ks.ol, who’s a really good sniper, so one of the teams would have had two good snipers anyway. I found it very strange that Cannuck and Poi were asked by some people not to snipe because they’re too good at it. Well they are good, they’re playing to their strengths. If the commander wants them to be snipers they can be snipers, we can't just tell each person what they can and can't do in game. I’m not going to lie, obviously if I was playing against really good snipers I’d find it frustrating, but the complaining about it was unnecessary and damaging to the morale of the PUG: this was stuff to be discussed after the PUG but not during it.
  21. Fun games last night, Tunnels in particular was a good one. Canyon was clearly our victory, team 2 purposely crashing the server was very petulant.
  22. Blimey that whole video sounded painful.
  23. Yeah people kept doing their own thing, the Barracks incident during Lakeside was pretty depressing. I mean I and others called out about 45 seconds before the Bar exploded that people were in it, yet despite people getting there it went down, because they just focused on remining or dancing or whatever the hell they were doing. I nearly quit at that point. Too many raised voices were the main annoyance though, absolutely nothing wrong with Ryz's commanding, the vast majority of people weren't listening to his or anyone else's suggestions. It sounds very alike to what others were saying about Saturday's PUG.
  24. Sorry for leaving early, but that wasn't very fun. Way too hectic.
  25. A very fun Sunday PUG!
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