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Kriemhild Gretchen

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Everything posted by Kriemhild Gretchen

  1. That would be quite an interesting game mode, a sort of King of the Hill. Like that game mode with the Psychic Beacon on Mental Omega. It would open up many tactical possibilities, as well, in that you could win either by holding the temple or by destroying the enemy base. Perhaps there could be Whiteout-esque static defenses, as well, in good positions to defend the temple but very able to be hit by MRLS/Artillery.
  2. Did it drop a log? Don't know the location, but check the game's install folder and appdata folder.
  3. Protip: Link the images on imgur directly rather than the links with the images embedded. Try this.
  4. Would it be possible to keep everything, all the mechanics, all the characters, weapons, etc. exactly the same, but change everything's textures and in-game names and descriptions, and have it regarded as its own game. I was thinking that, at some point in the future, the team could do precisely this and publish the game in full, completely unrestricted by EA. This would potentially allow them to monetize and make a profit off of Ren X.
  5. What are your computer's specs?
  6. And that is why I have a desktop.
  7. Check the power settings. You might have fucked something and set it to change to Power Saver when you plug it in.
  8. I'm gonna keep posting this until you learn to discuss things without insulting each other.
  9. Yeah, the newly formed Wikipedia article mentioned that. Made me chuckle. Honestly, it comes down to how they play the game's angle, how they portray the protagonist, and most importantly, whether or not the game is fun.
  10. The thing is, Renegade X, as it stands, doesn't really have many tools for coordinating teamwork. We have in game text chat, surveys and out of game VOIP. The first two take up time that could be used for shooting, pushing, etc. and it's incredibly unlikely that the whole team will be on the third. The devs have stated it's impractical to implement in-game voice chat without Steam integration. It's unfortunate, but we need to work with the game as it is. Teamwork will be limited. Typically, the team which is most effective is the one that has a pre-stack, so to speak, of four guys in a Teamspeak server. This is why Field lags on and on and on for so long. It's difficult to coordinate teamwork on pubs, even moreso without voice chat.
  11. No. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Kek
  12. Haha, I remember that game. I kekked when I walked by you guys as Sakura.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrX7G-1xPLs http://hatredgame.com/ A lot of people have been saying it's trying too hard to be darknedgy but I'm actually pretty excited for this one. Few other games have killing normalfags as a main premise (Postal and Super Columbine Massacre RPG come to mind). It will really come down to how well it plays, of course, but a game where you are the bad guy, where you are the mass murdering psychopath, could prove to be great. It doesn't seem to be their intention, but they could even make a damn good story if they explore what drove the protagonist to this.
  14. So, something like Natural Selection? I'd like to see something more of a compromise, though. The MCV driver deploys, then controls the base, becoming the commander. Basic infantry are controlled by the commander. Tanks are deployed without drivers, and guys have to be sent into them. Commandos, however, have much better stats than basic infantry. This extends to them taking over vehicles. They are also player controlled. Commanders can give them general orders which they are rewarded for following, perhaps with increased veterancy points, but they can disregard them.
  15. No, it is not. Torrents don't get corrupted like DDLs do. Did you wait until it was fully downloaded? Are you sure you have Beta 3a? Did it make a log file? If so, post it.
  16. What the fuck did you just fucking send to my base, you fascist scum? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Officer Corp, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on small outposts, and I have over 300 confirmed bases destroyed. I am trained in micromanagement and I'm the top commander in the entire 17th regiment. You are nothing to me but just another GDI commander. I will wipe your base the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with sending those Titans to blow up my power plants? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of bases across the world and your transmission is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your base. You're fucking dead, commander. My forces can be anywhere, anytime, and they can destroy your base in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with a commando. Not only am I extensively trained in base building, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Brotherhood of Nod and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your fascist ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little attack was about to bring down upon your base, maybe you would have held your forces back. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. My forces will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. PEACE THROUGH POWER!
  17. No, it isn't. It's weaosme.
  18. If you want help, you're going to have to give a more specific request than a double post of "it didn't work". What, specifically, happened when you tried it? What did you do?
  19. IRC is just a well-made piece of technology that still holds up today. Nothing has really come around that's better (at least in terms of being light-weight). It isn't the oldest piece of technology we still use, either. E-mail, for instance, was made before IRC and improved over time.
  20. It's not grainy. It's just set in the past. Everything looked like that back then. Haven't you ever seen any old TV shows?
  21. I'm very opposed to beacons being delayed by EMP grenades. As it stands, beacons often help to break stalemates. I like the time as it stands, as if deployed during a siege, it forces the opposing team to divert resources from repairing buildings. Defending would be way too easy if beacons could just be mitigated like that.
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