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Everything posted by Kriemhild Gretchen
Agreed, I'd appreciate more clarification. I'm not trying to be a jackass, I just want to know the official position.
I read the rules again (Last updated in 2007!) and there's nothing against advocating piracy. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=66 I'd imagine that, for obvious reasons. links to torrents or anything are banned, even though that's not explicitly mentioned.
Dude, if it takes you 10 fucking hours to make an .iso, you must have a CD drive from the 90s. Also >moralfagging about pirating a game owned by EA when it'd be immoral to buy it and give them money
Automatic yes vote when you start a survey
Kriemhild Gretchen replied to Kriemhild Gretchen's topic in Renegade X
The question I have is, why would you ever bring up something in which your answer would be no? It's like getting in an argument about where to go eat, and saying "Want to go to Mario's Pizza? I hate that place!" With surveys, perhaps, you could just make your opinion the F1 opinion. Though, surveys are less important, I see very few scenarios where a rational person would bring up a vote where they don't want it to pass. -
To my knowledge, only the suppressed (I refuse to call it silenced) pistol has infinite ammo.
Automatic yes vote when you start a survey
Kriemhild Gretchen replied to Kriemhild Gretchen's topic in Renegade X
I don't think you really understand what my proposal is. My proposal is that, if you hit a vote, you, and no one else, automatically vote yes on it. It's literally just saving you from having to hit F1 after bringing up a vote. -
Automatic yes vote when you start a survey
Kriemhild Gretchen replied to Kriemhild Gretchen's topic in Renegade X
If you didn't want it, why would you make a vote for it? If other players wanted it, why wouldn't they make a vote for it? 99.4% of the time, people will want something they make a vote for. There's no sense in not having this simple convenience feature. -
Could you automatically vote yes if you bring up a vote? There's really no point in this not happening, as if you start a vote, you'd obviously want it to succeed.
What would you guys think of being able to use a melee attack by hitting Q? I know it's not something that was in the original Renegade, but I think it could be implemented in Renegade X. I'm aware that the pistol has infinite ammo and is meant to serve as a backup weapon. Do you think it's a good idea? Why or why not? I don't necessarily think it is, but I was curious as to what others thought. If you think it is a good idea, what should it do? Damage the enemy, shove them back for a moment, stunning them or both?
Animation: 5/10. This is one of the most important things in an anime to me, second only to plot. This is because it's what your looking at the whole time you're watching it. I have to say, Log Horizon's animation was mediocre overall. The one thing I did like was how artificial the monsters looked with their 3D rotoscoping. But overall, character designs were boring, backgrounds were okay at best, motion was slow and kind of jagged like most other anime, and the less realistic moments (don't know how to describe them, it's the cutaways where characters roll around or something) were stupid. Plot: 6/10. Honestly, it didn't really hold my attention enough to want to watch it. I kept going because a friend of mine liked it, and I thought if they did, it had to be good. There was so much potential for it to be developed into something better, something with ambiguous morality and unethical actions being forced. To be fair, this had the dual whammy of being adapted from a light novel, forcing them to follow its plot, and being broadcasted on NHK, which is basically the Japanese equivalent of PBS. Or the UK's BBC. I keep thinking back to Fate/zero as a gold standard for anime to follow, though that certainly had its own problems, pacing wasn't one of them. Every episode was only a half hour long but felt twice as long, and in a good way. Overall, it would have been better for this series to be 12 episodes, as there was SO MUCH FILLER. I have to say, though, the part with the succubus at the end trying to seduce Shiroe was rather interesting. What if he accepted, and became her thrall? Instead, he did the generic shounen protagonist POWER OF FRIENDSHIP thing. The ending was kind of stupid, but that's to be expected, as there's going to be a second season. Unfortunately animated by Studio DEEN, of all studios. Characters: 7/10. None of the characters really did anything interesting and memorable for me. I'm not going to remember their names in a week. Shiroe had a lot of potential, as I said, but again, I would have appreciated him being more of an anti-hero and doing unethical things for a greater goal. Akatsuki was pretty moe, but again, she wasn't exploited to her full potential. What if she were forced into situations where she had to choose between her personal morality and loyalty to her lord? Music: 4/10. I really, really fucking hate to say this, but Sword Art Online had better music. There were basically three tracks that were played every episodes, comic relief music, doin' shit music and the bumper music. There might have been a few more, but they certainly weren't distinct enough for me to remember. Overall: 5.5/10. Averaging these all out gives a rather harsh review, but I can't honestly say I liked something when the majority of time spent watching it was spent waiting for it to be over or thinking how something could have been done better. I do have to say, though, I did have a dream about it at one point. I dreamed that Shiroe became disillusioned with other people's actions and split into two halves. His dark half dressed in red and black, Brotherhood of Nod-inspired clothing. People called him Terry, short for terrorist.
http://www.homestarrunner.com/fisheyelens.html Didn't really know of a more appropriate place to put this. If you don't feel like going to the site for whatever reason.http://www.hrwiki.org/wiki/User:Phlip/Greasemonkey Useful Greasemonkey script to be able to make the toon fullscreen, display subtitles, and other things. https://twitter.com/StrongBadActual Strong Bad has an official Twitter account now, too.
Beta3 Question AP shells for chaingun etc?
Kriemhild Gretchen replied to isupreme's topic in Renegade X
So now the Officer classes will actually be useful! -
Yeah, I meant that it should add to the normal vehicle count, inclusive an extra count for the recon bike only. Similar to the Mommoth Mk II in Tiberian sun. The thing is, if it's map based then all players want to have one. And the team with only bikes will probaly be stomped pretty hard. Typically, whenever a new item/vehicle/character/whatever is released, it's only like that for about a week. Everyone wants to use it because of the high of novelty. But after a bit, they learn how to effectively use it, and integrate it into their overall strategy.
To be honest, these all appear to be /really/ overpowered, to the point where they'd basically decide which team wins the game. I wouldn't be opposed to something that gave very slow autohealing, or slightly higher ROF, or a bit more armor, but it shouldn't be something that would win the entire game. The thing with silos is, even if the enemy team has it, you can still win. You'll be at a disadvantage, sure, but it won't decide the entire game. The neutral defenses seem pretty cool, but where would you put them? In front of bases? Well, they're not so neutral then, are they? In the middle, overlooking a silo/other tech structure? That'd make it all too easy to just roll out and make it impossible for the enemy to make a comeback. What I would like to see at some point in the future is Forgotten hubs, where teams can buy their loyalty. You'd be able to get special classes that heal in Tiberium and ghetto (But effective!) vehicles, a la the C&C 3 mods The Forgotten and Tiberium Essence. They'd obviously be more expensive than regular troops, though, and you'd have to be able to hold their hub. I'm not sure what their vehicles would be like thematically, though. In the later games, they utilized outdated military equipment and converted civilian vehicles. For instance, in The Forgotten, their MBT was the Nod Tick Tank, with a few upgrades. If they were to be put into Renegade X, what would they use? Old, upgraded Heavy Tanks, V2 rockets and Shock Troopers? Hell, maybe Tanya or Volkov are members, now... I'd love to see more tech structures, as the game is getting a bit stale as it stands. But they need to be properly balanced, and not be game winners in and of themselves.
That's likely not going to happen unless UE4 is released for free. The devs are doing this in their free time and out of their own pocket. (Not that I'm shaming anyone for not donating or something, they're legally not allowed to take donations for this) If the devs are still working on it five, ten years from now, we might get something on a ghetto-ass VR headset port of UE4. Not to mention, it's a lot of hard work to remake the game in an entirely new engine. What would be the benefits of it? What can UE4 do that UE3 can't?
Last night when I left (Dutch time) this was already going on. I remined a building and two minutes later the mines were gone. Sometimes the person mined in odd places, another time he used a lot of remotes. We've lost quite few matches because of this. Later on someone was also handing over vehicles. At that moment the biggest problem was identifying the person. Would it be great if you can see who's c4 / mine / remote is somewhere? Makes warning (and further on kicking) players a lot easier. There's another request. Please display names when you hover over mines, C4 and the like.
Today, on TheMatrixRen.Net, we had to deal with a team hamperer across multiple games. This person would deliberately mine poorly to leave doors open, immobilize vehicles by ramming them with an APC and blocking off Obelisks with a light tank, rendering the people inside unable to get out. He was kickbanned at least half a dozen times, but he had a VPN so he couldn't be effectively perma'd. I'd like to ask for additional measures to be taken to make bans more effective. One idea I read was implementing UUIDs (I presume this stands for unique user identification) for installation. That would work really well. Even if it could be circumvented through reinstalling, it'd be a lot of trouble to go through. As it stands, the game is extremely vulnerable to deliberate team hampering. While, oftentimes, it's indistinguishable from simply being new to the game (Nothing wrong with that, so long as they listen to other's advice, watch the videos and learn) in true cases, more should be able to be done.
That's what i expected to read when i first came into this topic "agt is a joke" not the SBH lol I agree , agt was always weak but thats cuz of light armored vehs on nod , but on RenX its way too weak . I mean arty can reach it in Field with still about half hp <-- bad Not that Nod can ever take the field on Field.
I think the gist of what he's saying is that he wants crate-only vehicles and classes. Which, to be fair, would be pretty neat. It'd be rad to be able to play as ReGenesis mutants, members of the Forgotten, visceroids or use those special cheat vehicles from Renegade.
He mentioned that he speaks through Google Translate, which is another problem. He can't achieve a full understanding of English without proficiency in it.
Honestly, I think the best thing would be for people to answer questions that get asked a million times. (Will Ren X be put up on Steam? When is Beta 3 coming out? When is SBH/McFartland getting nerfed?) This would remove the need for an official position while also taking a bit of load off of dev's backs.
Further idea. Characters and vehicles should get specific effects for veterancy. For example, SBHs and stealth tanks would be invisible at closer and closer distances, and, at heroic, wouldn't be detected by base defenses. When heroic, Sakura and Havoc wouldn't have tracers. There could also be some neat cosmetic effects, like flame tank's flames turning blue.
Yeah thats a good point. Yeah so probably SBH should just be a bit more flickery or something when sprinting. My suggestion is being able to Q them after shooting them once, regardless of whether or not their cloak is intact. This would prevent people from just Q-spamming common infiltration areas while, at the same time, making it easy to alert the team of an infiltration without being on Teamspeak or something.
One of my favorite parts of the older C&C games was how units would gain rank based on kills. It's somewhat accurate to real life, given how soldiers would learn to better utilize their arms and equipment and treat wounds in the field, allowing them to do more damage and fire further. I'd like to see something similar implemented in Renegade X, if not by default, then by an option server owners can turn on. At each level, you'd do slightly more damage, your guns would have slightly more allowing you to get the drop on enemies and you'd have a bit more health. At Heroic, you'd also auto-heal. To keep this balanced, Veteran units should have chevrons displayed next to their names and should give more money when killed. This would also further incentivize staying alive for as long as possible. As it stands, there's really very little motivation to be anything but cannon fodder when you're the basic rifleman. They give, what, four credits for killing? If you could gain veterancy for staying alive and be able to do more damage the longer you stay alive, you wouldn't want to die so quickly.
I think what he's saying is that he wants EVA to say "Reinforcements have arrived." when a vehicle is delivered via Airstrip. Which would be a neat touch.