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Kriemhild Gretchen

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Everything posted by Kriemhild Gretchen

  1. Ohhh nice to know ... funny this stuff happens in "silence" so the users are unaware they are being spied upon. Recording what data? entire machine or just the torrents? Honestly, I can't say. I just know that a lot of suspicious connections are made when uTorrent is running.
  2. I'd like the concept more if it was more along the lines of the team deciding where to put buildings, how to align them and where to put defenses. This would have to be done very carefully, though, to prevent more endless stalemates.
  3. uTorrent is a bad idea. They were bought out by ISPs and record your data. (Not that you're doing anything illegal by torrenting Renegade X, but still.) I recommend Deluge. http://deluge-torrent.org/
  4. Aim for the head.
  5. >Tesla GPU >crappy
  6. The thing is, this game isn't made up of two perfectly identical factions. They're very asymmetrical, and that's what makes it beautiful. Different factions having different assets, and therefore, different strategies is what makes the game so interesting. I don't think that the LCG should be the same as Gunner, for the same reason that there shouldn't be a GDI equivalent to the SBH. The factions are different, and that's okay.
  7. Direct downloading is for plebs, even with programs like that.
  8. Honestly, I'd have waited a while before making a topic about EMP grenades, giving more time for people to use and develop opinions of them. Now, with that said, I'd like to see more use of them. They seem to be highly useful in immobilizing and annihilating vehicle rushes if used correctly. It's hilarious to stop an enemy Mammoth/Flame Tank in front of the Obelisk or AGT, for example. I need to work on integrating them into my own strategy.
  9. That's interesting. You mod this in?
  10. I have literally never seen a torrent get corrupted. Try that.
  11. Yeah, it is kind of irritating. REALLY sucks when I want to go nuke SBH and accidentally buy the nuke before the SBH.
  12. It's fine, it's fine. Thanks for all your hard work.
  13. Will that be in Beta 4 or will that be released in a hotfix of sorts? I'd like to see something of an automatic updater, like commercial games, but I've been told you don't have the mechanisms for that, nor the bandwidth.
  14. Wait, aren't DHT and PEX things, now? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorren ... d_trackers I'm not an expert on BitTorrent but I think that would mean that if trackers die, a torrent wouldn't necessarily die with it.
  15. Jesus, got enough trackers, there?
  16. Can you please not support that company? They're a horrid member of the gaming journalism industry that vilifies the people it's supposed to serve. By linking us to them, best case scenario, we give them ad money. Worst case scenario, we'll get SJWs down our through telling us how we're oh so evil misogynists, how Sakura's outfit is waaaay too revealing and unrealistic, how patriarchal it is that most of the characters are male and a million other irrelevant things. https://archive.today/RITwn Here's a link to anyone who wants to view the post without giving them ad money. I'd like to request you take the post down, however. We do not want the attention of the sort of people who read Kotaku. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Kotaku More information (Fair warning, potentially NSFW ads and articles) http://loltaku.tumblr.com/ Ridiculous things they post
  17. Hello and welcome to the forum. Don't expect to see much action for a bit, we're downloading and playing Beta 3.
  18. As in, you want voice communications? There's comms if you hold control, alt, or both, but no true communication. Which is really frustrating in a game like this. People have been requesting it for a while but (to my knowledge, I'd appreciate a correction) it's mostly just been radio silence from the devs.
  19. Protip: Posting "Bump." as your sole reply is a good way to establish yourself as a shitposter. With that said, I can't say whether or not this would be a good idea. I do think that the advantage should be with the defender, and they should get slightly more points than the attacker, but I'm not knowledgeable about the game's balance to say to what extent. 1:1.5 does seem really overkill, though.
  20. >noobjet >free Havoc and Sakura cost 1000. Anyway, another issue is, as you pointed out, balance. It would add yet another layer of balance on top of an already very complex game to add in veterancy. When properly done, game balance is a very beautiful thing, like an intricate machine. Even thinking back to Tiberian Dawn, balance was done quite well. Nod got Attack Cycles to compensate for GDI's slow, powerful machinery, they got the Turrets, too, GDI had the Guard Towers to deal with Nod commandos, et cetera.
  21. As for whether or not veterancy should be lost upon death, I think it really depends on how you want the flow of the game to be. Do you want people to be cautious and conservative to keep their advantage? Or do you want them to go all out, arcade-style? Honestly, I don't have an answer. Renegade X is the sort of game where you can do either of these things, depending on your playstyle. (Of course, how effective it will be varies, but that's another matter entirely.) I read a suggestion for it to be points based, so repairing as an engineer would make your pistol slightly less useless.
  22. So should we not talk about people murdering others? That's illegal. Please show me a law that prohibits advocating breaking a law. >Everything Else And if I feel the law is unjust? I do agree with the forum rules, though, as it's a free service that I don't have to have. Herein lies the problem. You basically don't have an argument for advocating pirating a game being against the rules. Other than it being against your personal morality, of course. My interpretation of common sense is not to do anything that could get the forum in trouble, such as posting illegal material. I have done nothing of the sort. I have stated that I believe it's unethical not to pirate C&C games. I have not posted links to torrents or even mentioned sites to download them from. Though, I do believe that's not even illegal. If I'm wrong, please show me a law that says "It is illegal to provide links to pirated software".
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