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Kriemhild Gretchen

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Everything posted by Kriemhild Gretchen

  1. Ah, alright, I did not notice that. Most forums typically have it next to the specific thread on a subforum.
  2. When you Q a building that's in desperate need of repair, "That building needs repair immidiately!" displays. Immediately is misspelled.
  3. I'd like to ask why people place them so much. There's really very little point to it, except in the midst of a mass attack. All it does is make people search for 5-10 seconds before someone says "fake" in teamchat and they return to business as usual. All it does is waste $1000 that could go toward much, much better things. There's really no point to it.
  4. As it stands, you can only suggest repairs for your own vehicle via Alt-1, but you can't point to another's vehicle and hit Q to say "That vehicle needs repair! Medium Tank". I'd like to be able to do this to direct engineers standing around.
  5. Could minor defenses, such as the basic guard tower, turrets, SAM sites and anti-air towers be displayed on the tab display? I'd like to be able to keep track of these more easily. Same with the Silo, it'd be really convenient to be able to know who currently owns it without having to ask or run down there and check.
  6. It's really just a break from what reality would be like, in my opinion. In real life, and indeed, in Tiberian Dawn, there's no need for beacons. They'd just launch the superweapons. And if they did have beacons, they wouldn't BLINK AND FLASH. They'd try to sit there as quietly as possible without being noticed.
  7. They play in the Barracks and Hand of Nod. I want to hear them in their entirety but I can't just stand there, for obvious reasons. I could do a botmatch, but that seems like too much work. Are the raw sound files in the game files somewhere?
  8. On other forums, there's a New Posts button next to threads with posts you haven't read yet. Clicking on it immediately jumps you to the newest post you haven't seen. Can we have something like that for this forum? It's handled via cookies on the user's browser, so it shouldn't cause any additional strain on the server.
  9. It should be, though I looked around and couldn't find the hosting software.
  10. I'm not a programmer. So this isn't really possible for me.
  11. That's all well and good, but not everyone has Teamspeak, and those without mics would at least be able to hear the chatter if voice chat were in-game.
  12. I'm assuming those will all come out sometime around Beta 4. Also looking for a few vehicles that were in Renegade but not in Renegade X. I swear there was this Grinder vehicle meant for hitting infantry that had rotating spikes on the front. It's not on the wiki or anything, oddly enough.
  13. I appreciate you being willing to change my username. I'd like it to be changed to Kriemhild Gretchen, please. Thank you for helping. Sorry for wanting it changed so soon. I've had SoldierofNod as my Steam name for I believe around a year and a half, and thought it was time to change it.
  14. Could a queue be implemented to join a server when it's full? It's irritating to have a server full up and no others with more than 10 players. Granted, given that the game crashes quite often, stealing player's slots who intend to join again could be an issue, but I see it as lesser than having to sit there for five minutes hitting refresh hoping someone decides to go eat dinner or something.
  15. Would it be possible to add in voice chat to the game, handled server side? It's really inconvenient to have to type everything that can't be expressed with a radio command, and leaves you vulnerable to enemy assault. Voice chat would be inordinately useful. I'm not familiar with the UDK, so I don't know what's possible, but perhaps Mumble could be integrated, given that it's open-source. I'd rather not have to use an external program that not everyone might have installed for this.
  16. I changed my Steam name to Kriemhild Gretchen and want to be able to change my username here to match it.
  17. Little thing meaning, something small, like a particular texture or mechanic, as opposed to large things like vehicles, weapons, and character classes. My favorite would be the suppressed pistol's reload animation. It's just so clean and professional, what a trained soldier would do to reload their firearm quickly and efficiently. Three simple movements, release the magazine, pop a new one in, release the slide. I know it's a bad habit to get into, given that it would make it take longer to fire, but I like to reload it as I'm walking around as an Engineer class.
  18. Putting this game on Steam right now would do more harm than good due to how buggy and incomplete it is. It'd lead to everyone's first impression of Renegade X being vehicle surfing, glitch beacons and good, but incomplete, content. We should at least wait until 1.0.
  19. During one match in walls, I was playing as Nod and doing pretty good. It was a fun game overall, though neither team had succeeded in knocking down buildings. Then an Orca with at least six people on top of it flew in and landed on our power plant. It was soon knocked down as there really wasn't much we could do against it. I'd like a statement from the devs on whether or not this is intended, and if not, when it will be patched. I'm not angry about it, it's pretty clever, but it's pretty unbalanced and difficult to effectively counter without a warning beforehand. I don't really think it's a problem with ground vehicles, though. After all, soldiers do ride on tanks to get from place to place, though not in a battle as tanks are rocket magnets. But on aircraft, far past the intended capacity, there's a problem.
  20. It'd be really interesting to have visceroids (and perhaps other tiberium life) available. Perhaps they could have a chance to spawn as a neutral (read: hostile to everything) whenever someone is killed with a chem sprayer. I'd say they should have a chance when someone dies to Tiberium toxemia, but that might lead to a really stupid tactic where people deliberately kill themselves in the opposing team's Tiberium field to cause a distraction for them. I liked the idea of having a possibility to become one in a crate, but if you're an expensive class, that could be kind of a bad thing. (Crates kinda need to be reworked, anyway.) As for their actual dynamics, they should have very high health, zero armor and heal in Tiberium. They could spawn more AI-controlled visceroids with a Tiberium spray attack, but that could obviously have balance issues. They'd be good against infantry and light vehicles, doing moderate damage to heavier ones. Possibly, they could have a melee attack as an alternate fire that would do more damage. For a really offbeat idea, perhaps they could be available as a character class to buy at a terminal in the silo, only available to whoever currently controls it. Perhaps at some far point in the future, Forgotten mercenary hubs could become available to give the controlling player access to specific characters and ghetto (but useful!) vehicles.
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