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Everything posted by Tactix

  1. Awesome!
  2. Did you rename or delete the intro/loading videos?
  3. Clean your PC with CCleaner or Advanced SystemCare. Defragment your harddrive. Do a virus scan. Disable useless programs running in the background. Make sure you have the latest Windows updates. Make sure you have the latest graphics drivers. In ATI Catalyst set things to "performance" instead of "quality". Turn off vsync, bloom, motion blur, lens flares and other useless filters.
  4. Buggy/Humvee race.
  5. Thanks, it works. Someone needs to make a general tweaking/performance guide for RenX.
  6. Aim for the head.
  7. I can already see the Havoc/Sakura sniperfest on the mountain.
  8. When someone kills himself, it says "Player comitted suicide" It should be committed
  9. Is it safe to uninstall Beta 2? Does it still remove the Windows Start menu?
  10. C4. They are clumsy and slow, it's easy to get in their blind spot.
  11. You can use SHIFT to go faster (but makes turning slower) like any other vehicle.
  12. Plus nuclear beacon, that's 1400 credits. While you have to: 1. dodge frontline tanks and chaotic battles 2. manage to infiltrate enemy base (entrance mined? then your 1400 credits were a complete waste!) 3. plant nuke while not being seen 4. defend nuke from hordes of Hotwires and soldiers They already have drawbacks. Their weapon is mediocre, only capable of killing oblivious stationary people that are standing still. The moment you uncloak to engage in a firefight, you become a priority target and every single GDI player in the vicinity can hear the distinct firing sound of your weapon. By removing their ability to sprint you render them even more useless. Good luck trying to hijack vehicles, and you won't have a chance to run away, or catch up to enemies. It seems you want them to be completely crippled, incapable of doing anything. It's like making the Spy in Team Fortress 2 as slow as the Heavy. @darksider282: Like you said yourself, alot of factors are at work here. If a nuke goes off, it could of been because it was covered by snipers or artillery fire. It doesn't mean SBH is overpowered, it simply means Nod is sieging and GDI has lost field control. If there was no pressure from outside, the nuke could of been easily disarmed. So it isn't "OMG SBH IS OP plz nerf!" it simply meant Nod had the upper hand in the bigger scope of things. This is a game of momentum and pressure. If a nuke is planted when there is alot of pressure on GDI (for example getting attacked by tanks from many sides) disarming it will be hard due to the lack of resources, engineers, or because you can't hear the nuke ticking sound due to the hectic chaos. If there is no pressure then suddenly finding and disarming that nuke becomes much easier. There are new players, so ofcourse sometimes nukes go off that would never happen in the original Renegade. Sometimes GDI is full of newbs, sometimes Nod is full of newbs, shit happens. This game is still young, the community and players still need to grow and become familiar with the meta. You can't just wildly make excusations and suggest nerfs/buffs based on a few cherrypicked situations. This is absolutely false. Stealth Tanks are easier to spot than in the original Renegade. They increased the spotting range since open beta 1. You can see them from a pretty long distance. As for the Stealth Black Hand, considering the nature of how fragile and non-contributing they tend to be, their stealth is fine. If you can't see them when they are close, you must either be blind and should check your eyes, or turn off bloom/motion blur/lens flares/ambient occlusion or any other gimmick that reduces visibility and clutters your screen with filters.
  13. Too much over-exaggeration. Most of the time, nukes are disarmed. People seem to conveniently forget that. In the rare occasion that a SBH manages to nuke a building (when both sides are even), it means that GDI was incompetent. You had a hole in your defence and Nod simply took advantage of that. If a chess player makes a bad move, the opponent punishes him. People also underestimate actively patrolling and guarding the base. They just mine and then leave for the frontline, assuming someone else will take care of the base. In the end, nobody is actually defending the base and SBHs can just walk in. 1 Humvee driving around the base can make the life of an SBH hard. On maps with automated base defences you can afford to not give a fuck, but on maps without them, it's pretty much a necessity for GDI to have dedicated base guards. Get lazy, get nuked. It's that simple.
  14. Yeah I agree it's a bit lackluster now. But claiming it's the most important Nod vehicle is wrong, lol.
  15. 1. Westwood Studios. 2. There was a sniper in Tiberian Dawn, and he was a hero character. He was simply called "Commando". Renegade gave him a personality (Havoc). 3. Technicians were in TD, they were just useless civilians instead of advanced engineers.
  16. Every vehicle is important to some degree, it depends on the situation. But the Light Tank is the backbone of Nod forces because of how flexible it is, Stealth Tank is an extremely situational tank. And it's definately not more important than the Artillery. ??? Medium Tank and MRLS. @SFJake: That's why Lakeside is so good for stealth units. It's big and open.
  17. They are good at ambushing light vehicles, Orcas, and running over infantry. In a tank battle, they are there to provide an "extra punch", and for the psychological warfare. A good Stealth Tank can make GDI go paranoid and spam the ground with shells and bullets. An MRLS will think twice before going in alone & unprotected. The major drawback though, is that its heavily dependant on your team for distraction. Otherwise the moment you uncloak everybody targets you like crazy. Worth the cost? Hell no, most of the time. Light Tanks and Artillery will always be the bread and butter. But they are a decent choice if your team already has field control.
  18. Most of the time, SBHs are completely useless. Waiting for a guy to get out of his tank, waiting for an opportunity to infiltrate base. You spend 80% of the time looking for an opportunity, an opening, a good timing. That time is spent doing absolutely nothing while GDI is smashing away at your team. SBHs are not overpowered. The cloaking system is fine, a STank can be seen from a billion miles away. The only map where they could be considered overpowered is Lakeside.
  19. Got it through The First Decade.
  20. I'm generally against such extremes of modifications. It will feel too much like an MMORPG and less like C&C. The vehicles should stay true to the RTS, any sort of customization should only be for infantry (which RenX already has) but then again I wouldn't go too far because this isn't Call of Duty with perks and stuff.
  21. Flamethrower needs a buff. He's way too weak and outclassed by the GDI grenadier.
  22. Tactix

    EVA voices

    The voices are fine.
  23. I haven't experienced any crash since I got my settings to medium/low. The only problem I got is freezing when vehicles explode.
  24. When I heard the propaganda/political messages inside a building. This wasn't in the original Ren, so this was really awesome and immersive.
  25. Aswell as ending a stalemate/siege.
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