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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. We have numerous mirrors across the world which you can download the game patch files from which include mirrors donated by Totem Arts Members.

    • Las Vegas
    • France
    • Helsinki
    • New Jersey

    Plus we utilise a CDN which provides over 40 locations in the world to download from, although most of the traffic is routed through a smaller number of their locations (in order of actual download bandwidth used)

    • Frankfurt
    • Chicago
    • Los Angeles
    • Paris
    • Miami

    As for applying, this is an IO intensive operation and a HDD will do this far slower than any recent SSD.

  2. There are occasions where trying to play certain maps with the 32 bit client doesn't work, and generates an out of video memory crash.

    In the situations you encounter this bug, as mentioned by Gex, please try using the 64 bit client to alleviate this issue.

  3. There is nothing wrong with the mirrors that we are using to deliver the game to you at the moment.

    We use multiple all around the world to ensure that you can get good coverage and download speeds.

    Most of our mirror presense is in Europe.

  4. Up until recently there were not many occasions where this failed.


    There are a few things to take into consideration:

    1. Delivering the game to users is not cheap. There are quite a few different mirrors we use to deliver content to you, including a globally positioned CDN. CDNs are not cheap to use when you consider we are currently going through about 50+TB a month, and we don't make any money from the development of this game, so we are self funding this.
    2. Install speeds - there are numerous possibilities as to why installation may be slow, are you using a HDD? Is there other IO operations going on with the drive you are installing on?
    3. Recently windows has had updates which has caused UE3Redist to not install correctly, whereas before this was not a concern.
    4. The launcher is quite an old piece of software, which is currently in the process of being massively overhauled, which will help with improving the installation and downloading experience.
    • Like 3
  5. With the massively well received DevTalk video we released earlier, we know you have many questions you want to ask us regarding the development of Renegade X Firestorm.

    As such, if you want to ask us a question about it or maybe get to see some footage of something, we will collate your answers below and do our best to oblige in future DevTalks. 

    • Like 1
  6. The servers will be capable of hosting both standard Renegade X maps and Firestorm maps within the same rotation.


    Kind of how you currently get Nod vs Black Hand maps and GDI vs Nod maps in the same rotation.

    There will be options to host just one content type, but the existing plan is to by default have all allowed maps into the rotation, meaning you will see CNC-Islands and TS-Sandbox (the map you see in the alpha footage in the dev talk) (although this map will be unlikely to be available, since it’s a test map mostly) or other firestorm maps at the voting for map screen.

    • Like 2
  7. We haven't decided on a launch map total yet, but I would expect at least 5+ to ensure enough turn up in rotation. 

    We have people who do mapping who are determining a design direction we want to head towards with Firestorm based maps, so not many have been made, but you have already seen in Alpha footage the scale of some of these maps.

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  8. You can ask all the questions you want, we won't guarantee to answer them :) 

    1 hour ago, Mystic~ said:

    Do Nod have a long distance artillery unit?

    In our testing phase, we had Nod with artillery.

    1 hour ago, Mystic~ said:

    Do GDI get an amphibious APC to cross lakes and water? If yes, does this mean Nod gets something like the Reckoner or sub-subterranean APC?

    As above, we had the A.APC and S.APC as well 


    1 hour ago, Mystic~ said:

    I see GDI have the jump-jets, do Nod get anything similar

    Nod had units with different powers, Jump Jets were limited to GDI units.


    FYI: All the above is based on the Alpha footage you saw, and is subject to change at any point and without warning.

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