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Everything posted by wolfrikku

  1. I believe its more of people don't know there is a new version...
  2. It's 51% of the server population so in 20 v 20, its 21 yes wins. other then that no wins
  3. how do you votekick someone when they copy a regular player's name and it changes every second? Hit ctrl then N the what ever number is for kick I think its 5. Then it will bring up a list of names with the player id all you do is find their id and type it in. Really really easy to find the ones that have the name changer, because it will actually update the name in the list as soon as it changes. But it can be hard to get everyone else to vote yes...
  4. 1 life.
  5. If your talking about lag due to low FPS you might try viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72631. But if its server lag can't really help with that.
  6. You also get creds over time from owning the silo.
  7. What is your system specs?
  8. The side arm weapons are bugged right now. They are only supposed to last until you die. If they worked as intend the hotwire would cost 350+the cost of the weapon each life. I also feel the tib auto rifle should have its damaged reduced since you don't have to hit your target to damage them.
  9. Unless your running on low setting you could always lower them to see if it helps.
  10. wolfrikku


    Right now I think its just walls flying, lakeside, and whiteout.
  11. This might help since your running 32 bit OS. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72023
  12. I play the game on ultra, I also see what looks like smudges. I think its supposed to look like you are wearing the goggles, when in first person view.
  13. Might try blowing the dust out of the machine. Only other suggestion would be find some way to keep the heat from building up inside.
  14. I know I shouldn't need to say these but after all the matches I played in I feel I must. GDI's Main Battle tank is the Medium tank not the Mammoth. NOD's Main Battle tank is the Light, not the Stealth or Flame tanks. Also Stealth tanks should not be fighting along side of Light tanks in the field they should be flanking the enemies then attacking. Flames tanks Don't have the range so staying back and shooting at the enemy doesn't do anything.
  15. I say if you make the repair gun something everyone can buy, the person gives up their side arm. Since going engie/hotty/tech makes you give up your primary weapon. But I think it would also have to repair slower then the normal engie's repair gun. They do it's the random death crates but they can refill everything for you character health and ammo.
  16. I think people really just need to learn and start looking for the beacon before the count down. The time of the disarm phase is 47 seconds, with the countdown starting near 27 seconds.
  17. Of all the things that I think need to be nerfed a bit is the Tib Auto Rifle. Does more damage then the flechette but you don't have to hit your target. Unless they have it setup to do less damage as splash I don't know. I have yet to test it out.
  18. Agree sitting out side of the base doesn't kill anything, unless it a AOW game where it might be better for the defenders to let the building die.
  19. I believe the unstealthed health limit is 25. I know I have been at about 30 and still stealthed.
  20. They do I tested it.
  21. I think people just need to learn how to play NOD and stop trying to play it like their GDI. NOD was never a brute for faction it just won't work unless you manage to steal all of GDI's vehicles. Also with the fact that everyone tires to go lonewolf doesn't help their chances either it's a team based game but no one want to do rushes or take a chance on dieing. The only times I see someone not going in rushes is 1. their doing base defense. or 2. they have a enemy vehicle. (which as long as they have the vehicle that is one less the enemy can have.)
  22. The thing is that I DID try that. Still, the NVidia overlay still tells me that i'm using the CPU instead of the GPU. *yea, the interface is in russian, but it should be understandable anyway* Also, if you are talking about the place that I should be able to change the used graphics processor, well: This is what it looks like. And this is how it looks on systems that have actually two GPUs: So I just don't have the option to choose one, because there is nothing to choose. For some reason, Renegade X just keeps using the CPU for rendering, no matter what I do Did you select the UDK Program because that option only over rides the setting for the program selected. Unless you set it to use the nividia card in the global settings.
  23. I don't think he is wanting it to be fixed for combat healing but for more of healing on the run. It seems like its almost impossible to heal someone your running behind.
  24. It's a remake of a map that had base defense, if a team did a full out med or light tank rush they could probably kill all 4 turrets losing 1 or 2 tanks. That is a lot easier to take out then the tower that was in each base.
  25. For the most part it does tell you who killed you, and it will even show a weapon icon on the death screen if you died by a weapon.
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