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Everything posted by GatsuFox

  1. Don't change field. The design of field is for high level play which is why it is not played in public matches. Field is about push and pull and using massive team work to push through choke points and take control of positions. It's the intended way this game was meant to be played and we never had a problem with this in the original renegade I don't get the playerbase changing their minds now. Everyone just wants to get lucky and sneak by people with their engineers to blow up a building. This is why I hope UNDER isn't changed too much because it's essentially the same fucking thing. It's a push/pull siege type of map that requires team work to win.
  2. I'd like to make this little wishlist and I hope I get a dev response! 1. Ravenshaw/sydney crosshair fix. Make it the same as the sniper crosshairs. I'm actually shocked this wasn't changed in Beta 3 since we discussed it in the same thread that Havoc joined in. 2. Weapon sounds in third person. Right now weapon sounds do not play in third person until you switch into first person then back to third person (and they only work for a while). Weapon sounds like: reloading and recharging. 3. The slow down effect after jumping or using too much sprint. It's just really weird and it feels wrong in this type of arcade shooter. Sure limiting bunny hops are ok, but why slow players down almost to a halt after? 4. A stronger sound for the silenced pistol. When the pistol fires, it sounds like tapping two Popsicle sticks together. Just feels weird in this arcade like game, makes it seem like it has no power (when it indeed does). How about a cartoony sound like the silenced PP7 from Goldeneye 64 or a meaty sound like CS:GO's USP? 5. More ass on the player models. A strange request but let me explain! All of the men suffer from hank hill ass and the women have man asses. Makes me feel like I'm playing an alien sometimes, its uncomfortable. It makes the soldiers look like they weigh 100 pounds standing at 6'. Go ahead and call it autism or nitpicking, but I mean just look at their asses! 6. Proper weapon binds for slots 3 - 6. I would like them to be re-bindable from the game options menu.
  3. The flame thrower needs a slight damage buff, even with its volumetric change he is still out classed by other free infantry. One problem I find with him is that its hard to hit anyone retreating since the flames are pretty slow. Even hitting retreating vehicles is difficult. I think his damage should be based on the range it hits. High damage at close range and low damage at long range (same dot damage though, which should be buffed). The flame thrower should be as tough as a shotgun at close range assuming the player has at-least 70% tracking with it.
  4. Credits on pickup would be nice since you are right, credits are extremely hard to come by from doing damage to infantry and to a certain extent tanks.
  5. Ever been out in the field for a long time and just simply find your self running out of ammo. I find this to be the case quite often, especially with the higher cost classes and classes with low ammo pools (rocket guy especially) so I've been thinking of ideas to remedy this situation aside from infinite ammo. The best idea I have come up with is an old school solution to this problem which is just simple ammo packet/supply pack drops from dead players, friendly and enemy. Picking up a pack should grant ammo and possibly armor (NOT HEALTH) to extend field time for infantry classes. The amount of ammo should be a percentage (maybe 15%?) or a flat amount dependent on the class. Armor amount should be 15 - 25 flat armor. The other suggestion that kind of ties into this is having a dedicated grenade slot for infantry classes other than the engineer types. Just something to help flush out corner campers/snipers while not losing the massive utility of having c4. I feel as if the grenades are just a waste right now and even if they did have their own dedicated slot (4) they would not be broken at all as they're already kind of weak. Also, if supply packs become a thing, they should grant +1 grenade each (not going over max of course).
  6. Railgun/PIC crosshair still isn't fixed up. Orca/Apache have too much HP. Pretty good otherwise.
  7. Did PIC/railgun crosshairs get fixed too?
  8. Bad idea, this isn't a MOBA or an RPG, this is a shooter game. Your stats/rank should be based purely on skill and not grinding for more damage/ammo/hp/speed/stats whatever. It should be added as a fun factor, sort of like kill streaks/medals in Quake, UT, and Tribes. Actually maybe that's what this game should have instead of a ranks system is award medals for completing tasks, make them worth credits. Things like repairing vehicles and buildings (maybe a medal per 500 hp healed) or players (medal per 200 hp?). Maybe a certain amount of medals = higher ranks? Just don't make it a RPG system, that defeats the purpose of a shooter. Not even CAWADOODY goes that far.
  9. I hope I don't lose my #1 spot on kills before this patch comes out! Quit killing bots! Please give us some info!
  10. Lookin good! I noticed that the sniper, ramjet, and shotgun crosshairs were fixed but how about the PIC/Railgun? It suffered the most from it.
  11. Hour long time limits are ridiculous as well. That's the biggest issue I have with TMR.
  12. ??? I thought the point was to make RenX succeed? You seem to be dead set on watching it go down in flames. (Ok, you are actually an EA mole aren't you? You can tell me, it will be our little secret, lol.) Let's think about this logically shall we: 1. The overwhelming majority of gamers want immersion in games. 2. Most gamers consider unrealistic player movement to be immersion breaking. 3. RenX has unrealistic player movement which will inevitably drive away modern gamers. 4. There are not enough old C&C fans to keep RenX alive. 5. RenX is doomed to fail in its current configuration. Immersion =/= realistic. Yet another pseudo-intellectual talking out of his ass. That's sad considering this game NEEDS a large playerbase to work. This game will pick up on its feet if these issues it has right now are ironed out. It just needs polish.
  13. God no. Putting a delay on movement directions would make this game even easier than it already is. Leaning is a bad idea considering you can see past every corner as it is anyways. Peeking in and out is already very strong, so why make it even stronger by allowing players to peek in and out with only a fraction of their body? Are we just gonna camp corners forever? All the movement needs is more "grip". It just feels like everyone floats around and there's no feedback for moving around. It just needs to "feel" better.
  14. They need to make everything rebind-able. I love going from syndey to engineer, happens more often than it should since I use "ESDF" to move. Here are other dumb binds: 1. Call vote binds are the same binds as weapon switch. (1, 2, 3, 4). Anyone who still uses a mouse wheel to change weapons should be shot in the face. 2. Cannot bind weapon slots 3, 4, 5, and 6 to different keys. 3. Class binds are from 1 - 0 on the keyboard, why can we not bind these? I gave up and just started using the mouse for any class above 5 instead. 4. The binds for voice commands mirror the original, which I understand the reasoning behind it, but I really think this should be improved. Why not something like the Tribes VGA system instead? Make them easily reachable at all times instead of having to cover my entire keyboard with my hand to get out simple messages. -VGTG- (Voice, Global, Taunt, "I am the GREATEST"). 5. Vehicle slot switch binds are the same as weapon binds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This isn't too bad but it should NOT be linked to weapon switch binds and should be default 1 - 5 and rebind-able.
  15. Just keep in mind that an "in the middle" approach for the gunplay will give you a weaker gunplay either-way. In Renegades, the guns had minor spread to counter act the limited speed units had, the original developers were more influenced by older FPS games like UT and Quake and had a really good idea on how to make the game feel rewarding for hitting shots. However, in this game it seems like the developers are more influenced by the modern FPS craze and I just don't know why. I mean the VAR (shaft) is just basically the LG from Quake3 in renegades, which is probably the most popular gun to use in the Quake series next to the rocket launcher because it's so fun to use and use well by tracking a players movement. In Renegade X it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to hit every shot even on a stationary target because it spreads so much. There's NO reward for having good aim with it. Here's how I see it. Renegades had MINOR spread with guns for the reason above, but since Renegade X is a LOT faster it should have no spread. It's much easier to weave through player's aim in this game compared to the original through the use of sprinting. Combine the sprinting with the ABSURD weapon spread on any automatic then no matter how well I aim it just feels like gambling every time I'm trying to hit something. No matter how much I try to predict movement, track, and compensate for bullet velocity the bullets will just magically fly around my opponent and I have almost no control over it. I really hope these complaints and suggestions sink in because I really like this game, but it gets really annoying fighting other players and not knowing what the outcome will be in the end from this spread crap. If you look in this thread there seems to be two types of people: 1. People who want spread removed. 2. People who don't give a shit either way, because they don't want to insult the developers. I don't think ANYONE WANTS bullet spread. There's a very select few people who want it because it's "realistic" but they're forgetting this is an ARCADE shooter, not a simulator. I am STILL waiting on someone to answer one of my earliest questions in this thread: Why is random number generation on where my bullets go a GOOD thing in a SHOOTER?
  16. We need the BETA 1 mammoth again. It was actually really good. Don't nerf arties, that's the only thing that keeps NOD in the game in base defense maps. Stanks are shitty because their rockets are awful. You can't even hit infantry with them. On non base defense maps the only problem is SBH. If both teams are highly skilled (RARE) then SBH isn't that huge of a problem since a hottie is a better dueler than SBH (pistol + c4). A basic fix for the lopsided winrate should be making SBH easier to spot. SBH can easily go anywhere in any non base defense map because they're too hard to see EVEN IF their flicker is on your screen. When you point to a cloaked SBH you should be able to use the spot command and even see their character box; however, health and name should remain hidden.
  17. Haha let's be realistic here, an AMD APU is gonna run this like shit. You could get a solid Intel chip and a low end NVIDIA or AMD discrete card for $300. Throw a mobo, psu, case and drive in and it'd be about $550. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk i3 + GTX750ti? Sounds like a nice semi-budget combo. Leaves room to upgrade for i5/i7 and I can't remember if 750ti can SLI or not. This shit can run with a 400w PSU...
  18. I think if there was a voice system, then it should have a limited range, 20+ people talking in mics is a lot.
  19. I think the best way for this game to gain popularity is to release on STEAM when all of the bugs are ironed out. STEAM is extremely popular and everyone loves trying free games. Word of mouth is an extremely powerful tool for popularity.
  20. You can build a PC that can run this game at 60fps for less than 200 dollars. infact 100$ AMD APUs can run it easily.
  21. The flame thrower needs to be in line with the current grenade launcher right now. It needs higher damage vs. armor, a larger hitbox for the projectiles, its spread removed (in keeping with this thread), and more burn damage. In return it should have its range lowered. Right now it's an alright defensive weapon vs other infantry since its projectile is slow but there's no real way to use it offensively vs anything unless your HON is down and you want a safer way to deal damage to tanks than being an engineer with remote C4. I think it should be as powerful as the chemical trooper but with half the range personally, maybe slightly less. The chem trooper has other advantages the flame trooper doesn't for 150c.
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