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Everything posted by GatsuFox

  1. Agreed on the first part but... No! Buff flamethrower instead!
  2. Points only serve as a reflection to completing the main objective. From my understand you get more points for killing than for healing. Points are rewarded for directly doing useful things. When you make a comeback and can't get enough points for killing the buildings then that just means you were being outplayed while the other team had the push. Killing expensive infantry is actually a good way to get points too. Free classes are worth 5 points but I know for sure that killing a hottie or tech is worth 50+. I can imagine that the 1k classes give a lot more points than "10", probably atleast 120+. Damaging buildings and repairing buildings gives the most points, as they should since that is the main objective of the game. This doesn't mean that the top scored player is the BEST player, it just means that he is contributing the most to the team. It's fine right now. Now if only matrixren AoW didn't have 1hour long games.
  3. Airstrikes shouldn't flat out kill tanks, it should just be to help kill them. It should just help and not be the end all solution to mass tanks. I think the damage should be slightly buffed, very slightly, but it needs a revamp on its mechanics. It still isn't clear where the airstrike will deal damage for both parties (the placer and the victims) so it's almost random what happens. It's too hard to know how to take advantage of it.
  4. So to get 100% accuracy I should only hold it for 0.5 seconds (first 12 or 15 rounds) once every second? Refire does not work as well with the shaft as it does with other automatics, it takes a really long time for it to go back to 100% accuracy for some reason. You say it's fine like this but you give no reasons or examples why. I'd like to hear your reasons why it's a good thing that a gun is randomly inaccurate in an arcade FPS.
  5. I was on your side and then you pulled the dumbest of things. The LG deals massive damage. 10 damage per bullet. That just destroys people. It takes about 5 seconds to drain it's entire magazine... that's 1000 damage in 5 seconds. It's absurd. If it had no spread then maybe its headshot damage should be lowered. It's 20 right now, right? Can you imagine if it had no spread and someone hit a 70% accuracy on your head? You'd die so damn fast that there'd be almost nothing you can do. Dodge all you want.
  6. Here's a vid I made as an example of the SHAFT/VoltAutoRifle spread. This is just ridiculous. Look how much it fans out near the end (You can't see all of it because youtube) but I mean at any range greater than 5m it's impossible to hit 100% accuracy on a STILL target. For 1000 credits this weapon should have ZERO spread and it's usefulness should be determined by a players tracking accuracy. In return it shouldn't be able to headshot or something. It's not fun missing shots because the game told me so.
  7. Recoil only serves a purpose against players with great aim who have a ton of mouse control from hitting constant head shots in every fight. Recoil is there for players who hit an accuracy of 40% or higher from easily killing other players. Headshots should be awarded from having proper mouse control, not by simply tracking a players head in this game. This game is pretty easy to track other players, I think it's fast enough but the hitboxes are too large for really effective dodging vs. a good aimer. My saying aiming should be easier did not come from me lacking the ability to aim, it comes from the fact that automatics are already at a massive disadvantage (against infantry, at least) all recoil does is make slow but hard hitting guns more powerful than they already are. What do you gain from amping up the recoil? You frustrate people who don't like it (you can say it adds skill all you want but what skill it does add is shallow as hell). The type of skill recoil adds doesn't come from any sort of gameplay depth, it just comes from turning up your mouse sensitivity. Whoop de fucking do look how good I am I can pull my mouse down. Automatics are not at any disadvantage since they offer very reliable high damage at a lot of ranges, except the awful chain gun. If you remove the random spread then automatics would be nearly BROKEN since the head hitbox is so huge. Recoil is to counter act headshot spam, that's its only purpose. It does add mouse control skill to the game since you have to ADD the compensation against a dodgers left, right, and up and down (from jumping) movement, so it's not as shallow as you think. You're thinking way too one dimensional in terms of combat situations. Yeah recoil is annoying but can you think of a better mechanic to prevent headshot spam?
  8. Yes. The guns aren't even hitscan so it's not a big deal. Accuracy is only achieved from players shooting predictable players at a range. Shouldn't the smarter players be rewarded? Even the best aimers in the world can't hit more than 20% accuracy on someone at a long distance with the auto rifle against a good dodger. Anyways that's a dumb idea. Artificially limiting the skill of players by having either a terrible crosshair (which is easily bypassed like you said, so why create a dumb gap between players) or random spread. This is an arcade shooter, random spread doesn't really belong in it. It should be VERY limited like shotguns, but still predictable. Why do you keep posting this CRAP. The point of heavy spread in this circumstance would be to make no scoping useless. You zoom in or you don't use the sniper. Its annoying they are so godlike in pretty much any circumstances against infantry, if you can aim. I know people would whine about it anyway, but if snipers were nerfed to only be good when using their scope (and if getting the scope up wasn't instantaneous) I'd be happy. But I'd do anything in any game to nerf snipers to the ground. No scoping shouldn't be useless. Zooming in with the sniper is to get pin point accuracy at a distance. Every sniper uses zoom 90% of the time. Besides adding spread with single shot weapons would be TOTALLY against the old renegade, which was influenced by arcade shooters of its day. It would be just a spit in the face for the westwood devs who worked on C&C:renegade. In terms of short range/close quarters combat against snipers this is more of a hitbox problem. At such a close distance the hitboxes for players are so large that dodging left and right doesn't alter your position enough so that you can dodge super effectively. This post you have is a contradiction to many of your previous posts within this forum. I highly doubt you've ever played an old arcade FPS game, or were ever any good at one.
  9. This game needs a patching system. A lot of people didn't come back from trying it with the first beta because of all the crashing and instability. If they see the game has been patched then they may want to come back. Most players do not view these forums.
  10. HUGE FUCKING UPDATE: I found the real problem. It wasn't my cords. It wasn't even my GPU. I have an adapter for a WII U PRO CONTROLLER from "Mayflash" and I found out that when it is plugged in, my game runs at a horrible frame rate after a few minutes. I have seriously found the issue this time and this thread should be forever closed so I don't triple post a shitload anymore.
  11. Anyways that's a dumb idea. Artificially limiting the skill of players by having either a terrible crosshair (which is easily bypassed like you said, so why create a dumb gap between players) or random spread. This is an arcade shooter, random spread doesn't really belong in it. It should be VERY limited like shotguns, but still predictable. Why do you keep posting this CRAP.
  12. I'm bumping this thread since this was not addressed in BETA 2. Another response would be: Why would you try to artificially limit the skill of other players through broken crosshairs. In a shooter game you at-least want to know where the shot is being fired at. Crosshairs just need more support overall. Instead of having a default crosshair for every gun let us choose one of our own through a list. All I want is a + sign for every gun, that will make me happy.
  13. UPDATE: Well I feel sort of dumb right now. When this problem first started I figured it was my PCIE cables that went from my PSU to my GPU. They were extremely bent up from trying to fit them in my small case where my hard drives used to be (old case). I moved the Hard drives thinking this was the problem at first, and it worked for a few days but then it went bad again. Just now I put in new cables (good ole modular PSU) to my GPU and it seems to work great now. It's getting clean power I think and I'll monitor it. I hope for anyone else who has this problem they find this thread. Now I just gotta re-do my cable management, damn it.
  14. I have contacted NVIDIA about it and they're waiting for a response from the devs for either this game or ROTT. I really hope a dev responds.
  15. I'll see what I can do about another card. This game seems to only use 400mb of my VRAM while TW2 will use 500+ of my VRAM. I run at 1600x900. Any other way to tell if VRAM is bad? EDIT: I used a program called "Video memory tester" and it reported no errors and used 1gb of my video memory to test out of 1280.
  16. Am I just screwed? EDIT: I have found out that re-seating the GPU is a temporary fix to the problem. I have tried Two of my PCIE slots and they both have the same problem (same temporary fix though). I don't think dusting the GPU was the temporary fix.
  17. Recoil only serves a purpose against players with great aim who have a ton of mouse control from hitting constant head shots in every fight. Recoil is there for players who hit an accuracy of 40% or higher from easily killing other players. Headshots should be awarded from having proper mouse control, not by simply tracking a players head in this game. This game is pretty easy to track other players, I think it's fast enough but the hitboxes are too large for really effective dodging vs. a good aimer. I think many of you are just completely ignorant to how good a player can aim. Aim like Toxjc/toxic from Quake isn't super uncommon. I'm a "good" aimer, by far from the best, and I can hit atleast 70% accuracy to the head right now in close quarters combat because the dodging is too unreliable (huge hitboxes) and there are no obstacles preventing me from doing so aside from random spread at certain ranges. Spread is almost nullified from "re-fire" tactics with many guns, but some guns it does not work. The only change I really ask for is removal of random weapon spread (especially on the lightning gun/LG/SHAFT/volt automatic rifle) and to compensate you NEED a mechanic that prevents a good player from absolutely slaughtering people in this game and recoil would serve that purpose just fine. My suggestion for IRON SIGHTS is to not make it like call of duty or whatever modern FPS you guys choose hate, it is just to make it a useful mechanic in the game since it already exists and it is currently worthless than worthless. It has a semi-use for the shotgun which is to quickly use the iron sights to reduce the spread then go back to dodging ASAP. My suggestion is only saying to increase the bullet range of weapons so that you actually have an option against the most powerful anti-infantry class in the game: snipers. With this change you could cover their angles a bit or harass, this way snipers don't have a free pass to take out every infantry on the ground so easily. And this guy is STILL trolling. You think weapon balance should be a roulette wheel backed by theory crafting? Makes no sense. Effective range should be projectile speed NOT random spread. Effectively hitting your target should be determined by skill of both parties: Aim and dodging. It is an extremely lazy and impractical way to "balance" weapon ranges. It's even worse than a damage drop off mechanic.
  18. Why should it be in the game at all? And I wouldn't call it laughable at all, it is literally impossible to hit headshots on a 40ft range target on full auto. Because you're not supposed to. Move in closer. I am just getting trolled. Why should random spread be present in a shooting game?
  19. Why should it be in the game at all? And I wouldn't call it laughable at all, it is literally impossible to hit headshots on a 40ft range target on full auto.
  20. This only happens in two games I play: Rise of the Traid (Remake) and Renegade X. They both use the UE3. Here's what happens: During the game I run at 100+ frames for a good while, but after 3 to 5 minutes the framerate massively drops. Sometimes it goes into the twenties, sometimes it goes into tens. When I run this game in windowed mode and click to view another program, the framerate goes back up in the background to the normal state. When I click back into the program the framerate drops again. During the problem my GPU usage ranges from 5% to 15%, when the game is running fine (both windowed and before the problem starts) it ranges from 75% to 99%. Temperatures don't exceed 80C, even while the game is running fine in the background. So I'm sure it's not overheating and it won't overheat if it were to keep at the normal frame rate. My CPU usage goes up a lot during the problem. Up to 70%. I can have the problem go away temporarily by "dusting" my GPU out, but that only stops it for a bit then it comes back a few days later (longest has been one week). I've tried framerate smoothing and V-sync. Both do not solve the problem. My specs: GTX 570 (PNY, Stock) i5-3570k (stock clock) P8Z77-LK Asus MOBO G.Skill Sniper 1866mhz Memory (2x4gb) HX850w corsair PSU Game runs off of a Sandisk 128gb SSD, but this is irrelevant since I have the same problem with Rise of the Triad and that runs on my WDblue1tb. EDIT 3: To hell with pastebins here's .log files. Pretty much at the end of the log files is where the problem starts. Launch.log Launch-backup-2014.03.21-18.24.19.log
  21. Aiming isn't hard in this game if there was no recoil. It's fast paced but a good player can hit MOST shots against a good dodger. I think it's more of a hitbox issue (its really large) than a speed issue, though.
  22. Did you read the thread? I proposed to make ADS *worthwhile*, as a tool to help combat snipers or other long range combat at certain distances/angles. Sure, but why are you against my suggestions so much? You still haven't explained that at all. Removing spread would make it MORE like renegade. I'm not suggesting to slow the game down at all, I'm actually suggesting to make it faster and more skill based. Do you want this game to be a 1:1 copy of renegade? I don't. I like the sprinting, I like the IDEA of new side arms (not so powerful), I like the IDEA of airstrikes (not so powerful), I like the new animations for character models, I like a lot of the new sound effects. Does everything have to be the same? I mean as long as the core gameplay and combat are still there, does it have to be the same? Recoil is just a way to prevent 100% headshots if there was no weapon spread. Right now recoil is almost non existent and any casual CS player can compensate for it 95% without even thinking.
  23. Meh, mediocre player who must be mad at me for destroying him in game. No need for the offense, not everyplace has to be like 4chan. See you on the "none linear" field!
  24. I don't get this post. Why do you want to remove the skill based gunplay (recoil which requires proper mouse control), keep the random gunplay (spread), and then not make use of something that's in the game and currently useless? How does spread have nothing to do with luck? Are you serious? Pick an auto rifle infantry and try to get 100 headshots on a target FROM the bottom of walls flying middle TO the top without letting go of your mouse button. Can you do it? are you kidding me really? this is command and conquer not battlefield 5. the gunplay is nothing even remotely similar to all the modern shooters that seem increasingly intent on making your desk look like a airplane runway with drag marks because you have to relentlessly pull the stupid mouse down. The original renegade had no recoil or iron sights and was perfect with that, and i dare you to claim it was pure luck that anyone could kill each other then too. It was still based on skill and mouse control in more than just the verticle axis (I suggest you actually go and play the original game) the implementation of iron sights and recoil can only have been done to appease players such as yourself, its a modernisation this game simply doesnt need. as such is with 'airstrikes' and goddamn hand thrown grenades. as i said, the spread isnt nearly as bad as you are going on about, if you aim for the head, you will hit the head, unless you are shooting from very far away at which point few soldiers on the planet has absolute perfect accuracy at such ranges even with an iron sight. What? All I'm asking for is removal of bullet spread, but compensate with more recoil. The aim down sight function is already in the game why not make it USEFUL? You're not making any sense. You want to keep the random aspect of fighting but you don't want the skill based one? I just don't get it. I did play the original game and that game had WAY less bullet spread, especially on the LG/shaft. I don't remember having to re-fire every fucking 10 bullets to actually have the bullets go anywhere near where my crosshair is pointing. I don't get this post. Why do you want to remove the skill based gunplay (recoil which requires proper mouse control), keep the random gunplay (spread), and then not make use of something that's in the game and currently useless? How does spread have nothing to do with luck? Are you serious? Pick an auto rifle infantry and try to get 100 headshots on a target FROM the bottom of walls flying middle TO the top without letting go of your mouse button. Can you do it? It doesn't have anything to do with skill. The recoil changes the way the game was played compared to the original and screws the infantry balance. Renegade is a high TTK game, while recoil is a mechanic used to artificially increase the TTK for games where it's already very low (cod/bf). All this change does is make infantry combat a lot slower while indirectly buffing spread/splash weapons and making the game more vehicle focused. The TTK is high enough that if you can't track and move properly you're not going to be able to kill anything anyway, stacking recoil on top of that is just overkill and pandering to current trends that have no place in this type of game. Same for ADS/slow... these features feel like they were thrown in "just because" and with very little thought put into how they would impact the original gameplay. (The OP suggestions sound worse than what is ingame now though) You just say they're worse but you don't explain why. IF bullet spread was removed and there was no recoil mechanic then this game would be too easy. IF bullet spread was removed and there was the same recoil mechanic then it'd be OK IF bullet spread was removed and there was a more advanced recoil mechanic then it'd actually take WORK to kill people. Time to Kill is not very high in this game at all. It's like 2 or 3 seconds, that's nothing. TTK is only higher when you have two players doing long range combat and that's because the spread makes it difficult to track and kill another player. You guys think I'm suggesting to change this game into battlefield or some crap, but I'm actually suggesting it to be more like... you know... Quake, UT, or Tribes.
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