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About IllumZar

  • Birthday 10/06/1995

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    ovatar the last beerbender

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  1. Danke für deine verspätete Antwort. 😂


    Hat mich sehr gefreut das zu hören. Möchte nicht, dass du dich mal über einen geklauten Code ärgerst😄


    Ich sage nur... Daybreak und assets.


  2. What's New in Version 1.1.0
  3. Sadness...
  4. Well, we sure had a lot of fun with the ramp you provided us!
  5. The model looks really sweet! Do you remember TCW (TiberiumCrystalWar)? it was a mod for the original renegade with cnc3 units and buildings. Maybe you can contact @zunnie he was one of the developers of that mod. He could give you a hint or two Keep up the good work!
  6. The maps look really good! Great job! I'll try them out once I reinstalled OpenRA
  7. IllumZar


    Version 1.1.0


    Set in a Tiberium infested wasteland where GDI and Nod battle for the remains of an old Nod Refinery and research facility. - DM Map - Recommented for 2-6 Players - Size: Small - Try to combine this with the WeaponDrop mutator! - WIP topic:
  8. View File CNC-Fallen Set in a Tiberium infested wasteland where GDI and Nod battle for the remains of an old Nod Refinery and research facility. - DM Map - Recommented for 2-6 Players - Size: Small - Try to combine this with the WeaponDrop mutator! - WIP topic: Submitter IllumZar Submitted 02/08/2017 Category Levels
  9. I had this problem when RenX first came out and I was still playing on my laptop. What specs does your PC have? Did you try to turn all the settings to low?
  10. ^bump So whats the plan?
  11. Hey guys! sorry for the late reply The idea of an organized gameplay testing session sounds awesome! Hope we get enough players. Write me in for all dates! Let's say I'll be to 90% there (depends on flight school)... I would !suggest Frostbite for the first playtest because it's imo the most advanced and ready2go map currently on the list As for Sand; future versions will still need some server testing (mainly because of the horribly disfigured BuildingInterface) So I don't know if i can squeeze out a new version before this weekend -> maybe test it on another session? Last not least I'd like to !rec @DarkSn4ke & @Try-Out for the awesome work their doing And also to @Ryz for constantly keeping the topic updated.
  12. currently testing the map on Try's minibox. EDIT: found a lot of bugs
  13. but Sand also has a blossom tree
  14. @TK0104 Thanks! No you did not miss anything "Fallen" lacks in the same way as "Dust" did meaning that the community seems to not like DM/Inf only maps. Fallen is actually ready for further testing.. Maybe I'll release it just for the heck of it.
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