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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. http://forums.mp-gaming.com/thread-11697.html (RenX mIRC Pre-Setup Download) irc.mp-gaming.com is running the #renx channel along with #mp-renx where our server outputs information. Now i have a few people asked me about how mIRC works and stuff but i figured it would be easier if i just upload my own mIRC for you guys to download. Simply extract the rar and run mirc.exe an options dialog will popup to set your nickname, then simply hit connect. Greetz zunnie What it looks like?:
  2. Good news for everyone liking a little competition among the players in Renx: The Rankstats designed by our very own AlexRirak are now fully operational again To view your rankstats and get code for a forum image plz visit: http://renxstats.game-maps.net/ Also the gameserver stats are working again at the topright corner of our homepage on http://renegadexserver.com Have fun Greetz zunnie
  3. I added a image link on our unreal portal now http://www.unrealmaps.net/ (scrol down a little bit) Logo was done by Kenz3001 Greetz zunnie
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RenegadeXServer/events/884021463099066723 On Friday (today) at 23:59 i will set the server timelimit to 0 making it Marathon till Sunday 23:59 Enjoy!
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RenegadeXServer :: http://www.renegadexserver.com Feel free to join our Renegade X Group for Steam Game Events for RenX will be announced here. Greetz zunnie
  6. http://forums.mp-gaming.com/thread-11681.html Guide done
  7. I'll write a guide soon
  8. zunnie

    Hey guys

    How are you doing? I was away for a while... Cause the RenX serverlist is down anyway ;( Anyways, i just dropped by to say hi We'll be continueing our RenX server when a fix for serverlist is released Greetz zunnie
  9. We want to start a new website for MP-Gaming to do with Counter Strike Source. Now i went through a dozen websites with both free and paid templates but i can't really find anything nice. I was wondering if there are any people here who know how to design a website properly. I am willing to pay you ~$50-$100 on Paypal if you create us a website which we can use on the new domain. But it must be something very nice. I would suggest you first create a design in Photoshop and show a screenshot of how you intend the design to be. It should have two unique pages: The hompage and a page for random content such as a disclaimer. Let me know if you are interested. Contact info: MSN: sunnyzunnie@hotmail.com IRC: irc.mp-gaming.com #mp-gaming nick: zunnie Greetz zunnie
  10. zunnie


    Hello all, I just wanted to let you guys know about our new UDK based website: http://www.udkx.net We will be posting tutorials (with permission), video's and news about the UDK Games that are currently available. The site is new so keep that in mind, we still have a lot of work to do but we're getting there slowly. Most downloads for the UDK Games have video previews in MP4 format. All UDK Games we can find will be added to the forums and have its own category on the site and we hope that some people will be interested in joining the community. Feel free to submit any news in any of the categories we have on the site at the moment. New news or tutorials will be pending approval, one of our staff members will review them and add the files if any to our database and video's in MP4 format. We hope to make UDKx.NET a success and we need your help If you are interested in helping us in any way possible then feel free to join our irc.mp-gaming.com in channel #udkx Thanks, greetz zunnie
  11. I had some visitors over so i couldnt play much ;( Were there many ppl?
  12. zunnie


    CnC3Maps.NET Now that i became a bit CnC3 crazy again after playing some Art Of Defense maps i first decided i would expand game-maps's db but i figured it would be cool to have a site dedicated to CnC3 Maps primarily and some other content for CnC3 so i registered the site http://www.cnc3maps.net for this purpose. I hope you guys like the site, i am still very busy on it adding new maps and stuff all the time and maybe a mappack or two sometime later. I'm also looking for someone or two who would like to help out with the site so if you are interested then drop me a message on irc.mp-gaming.com my nick there is zunnie (duh) Thanks, Greetz zunnie PS: Yea i know the Logo needs updating
  13. Removed the filter for "". Try join now, i hope this hacker nub is gone by now and doesnt think of retrying his crap. If he does return we might have to ban him again...
  14. Well dudley dropped a large subnet for his IP in IPSec rules on the serverbox and he doesnt seem to be able to get on anymore now. I'm not sure if any innocents are victim of this ban though, i hope not, probly not.
  15. http://www.renegadexserver.com We are proud to announce our new website RenegadeXServer.com which will focus primarily on the game C&C Renegade-X. It also has some elements of the [MP] Renegade-X Clan integrated. Some images still need updating but everything should work just fine. Thanks to alexrirak for putting up the top 5 downloads, news fetching and the serverinfo at the top right. Have fun with the new site Greetz zunnie
  16. I will be moving the RenegadeX server to our new serverpc our Quad Core i7 2.67GHz w/8GB Ram 100mbit tonight. The server IP will become I should have it all up'n'running within an hour so downtime will be minimal. This should relieve the cpu load on the AMD Box a little bit which is a good idea now that the APB server is running on there as well, all servers will benefit from this move. So don't think its a fake MP server seeing the new ip+port lol Greetz zunnie edit: Move is complete but the MPRenX bot is not working yet so some things are not available from irc for now.
  17. No i won't buy it.
  18. Jumping into the nearly invisible glass on the Hand of Nod thinking it'll break
  19. Well guys the 'event' starts in 5mins please be there You can connect using console (press F10) and type: open war.mp-gaming.com:5555 open You need the WAR Pack which contains 5 kickass maps, you can download here: http://ut3.game-maps.net/index.php?act=view&id=1390 Hope to seeya ingame for some nice games Teamspeak3 is running on ts.mp-gaming.com Greetz zunnie
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