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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. As you may know activity on our cssource servers isnt really to write home about. There are players in there like everyday but it is not enough to keep the servers populated for longer periods. From time to time there are 2-8 players in there but it also empties out quick again. I was thinking of holding another event to create some activity on one of our servers. This time i would like you all to join me (and others) on our Mix server which runs a dozen de and cs maps mixed through. So not a 1-map server. Add the following server to your favorites please: Server Title: Mix 16000$ NoBots HLStatsX MP-Gaming.com Server IP: I suggest we hold an event one hour later than the usual 8pm i always do. Let's make it like 9pm dutch time (3pm ny time). The event has been scheduled on our Steam Group MultiPlayerGaming so view it to view your own timezone times Stats will be recorded at http://css-stats.com Thanks and please all come join Greetz zunnie
  2. Hey guys, now that we have a few servers up n running for CSS i was thinking it would be nice to have a scheduled war going on I personally really favor the map CS_Assault and really like the map. Especially when im Terrorist lol. I would like to invite everyone on Friday the 7th of January 2011 @ 8:00PM to come join our Assault server for some fungames and get the server going. Add the following server to your favorites and join: All come join please Greetz zunnie
  3. Yea it was nice for one map, i didnt feel all too well so i went to bed a few times. I sometimes watched on irc though, fun to see you guys had fun, its what we do it for Greetz zunnie
  4. zunnie

    C&C Renegade

    What are you talking about? This is not a clan. Have fun in Renegade-X though...
  5. zunnie

    Happy new year

    Happy new year all
  6. Client Required Packages RenegadeXServer Files I added a download for the files your client will download when connecting to the server. It is adviced to download them before you join, although not really required, you can also let your game client download it on-demand but you'll have to wait before you can play then.
  7. The ping can be ignored, it is wrong reported to the browser. We named our server #1, just cos really You can join it anytime you like. The 2nd of January we have a special event where we hope to see Renegade-X revived to former success Read this: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2800-MP-Gaming-New-Years-Event-(2nd-January-2011-8PM)
  8. woandre, please respond to your pm on our forums
  9. http://www.zunnie.net/img/mplogo2.gif http://www.zunnie.net/img/mplogo3.gif Also, reply that image in my topic on our forums plz.
  10. We're playing right now :V
  11. Well then choose a friend to receive the prize Just let them get a steam account for free and i'll deposit the games in their account
  12. I didnt design the template, it goes with that image lol, make something nice, and, you can also make on for a friend. So because you already own UT3 you can gift it to a friend. Just let me know who to gift it to.
  13. Link to image: http://renegadexserver.com/images/banner.jpg Hello all, What? i would love to have a new banner for our mainpage on renegadexserver.com It must be Renegade-X themed and fit the page design. Requirements The dimensions must be 975x69 pixels. You can submit more than one image. You must submit the image in this topic. So you will have to create an account on our forums, i don't think that poses a problem. Prize? I will gift to you on Steam a Unreal Tournament Package containing the following games: Unreal Gold Unreal 2 The Awakening Unreal Tournament Game Of The Year Edition (UT99) Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Unreal Tournament 3 Black Edition You need a Steam account in order to receive the prize. A Steam account is free and you can download and create one by going here: http://www.steampowered.com Or if you already own a Steam Account we will use that one Deadline This competition will run till December the 31st 2010. I would like the new banner active on site on January the 1st 2011 We will hold an internal moderators and admins only vote for which image to use. Thanks, greetz zunnie
  14. Good News I voted Greetz zunnie
  15. We at MP-Gaming thought it would be a good idea to organize a Renegade X event at the beginning of the new year to embark on an epic battle. Let’s first highlight some events that happened in 2010. 0.50 The fourth release of Renegade X brought us an amazing Renegade X experience. The update included two new maps, powerplants and much more new features. The team also made it possible for people to make their own custom maps and mods, which gave us some really cool stuff such as the Meteor map and the unreleased Aircrafts mod. 0.50 was meant to be the last release that would require Unreal Tournament 3. 0.55 But 0.50 wasn’t the last release that would require UT3. Due to a necessary server move some technical difficulties occurred and the developers had an excuse to release a brand new update which was 0.55. This release not only fixed the issues people had, but also came with 3 new character models, a brand new map and a new animation for Nod’s nuclear strike beacon. Black Dawn In May, Fobby posted a mysterious rhyme on the forums, it was a sign of things to come – as the topic title said. Nobody really knew what was going on, although some people were close with guessing. It all became clear the next day, the developers announced that they have been working on Black Dawn – a standalone single-player demo where the Brotherhood of Nod has captured Dr. Ignatio Mobius in a stronghold located on some island. The yet-to-be-released demo will act as a preliminary demonstration and a first-hand experience of the new face of Renegade X on the UDK, and what is has to offer. Event details and information What's a better way to start the year then to do this with Renegade X? When January the 2nd. Time 8 PM Central European Time (CET Brussels) 7 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT England) 2 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST United States) Unsure? http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html Where RenegadeXServer.com Slaughterhouse #1 (Ranked EURO) Newcomers and required downloads New to this thing called Renegade X? No problem. If you own a copy of Unreal Tournament 3 you are welcome to join us at any time by downloading Renegade X from one of the links below. Available Renegade X download mirrors Game-Maps (Germany) Game-Maps (United States) Totem Arts (United States) Custom map downloads Renegade-XMountain-V3 Renegade-Meteor Required Fixes Fixed Under and Volcano Client Required Packages RenegadeXServer Files We recommend that you download and install these maps manually to avoid having to idle in the main menu. Please note that when you join our server for the first time your client will download a few files in the background, which might take a few minutes depending on your internet connection. You won't be able to follow the progress of the download due to a bug. Our advice is to connect to our server and do something productive, like making coffee, while the client is downloading the files. Once it's done downloading your client will automatically connect and you'll be ready to play. Player statistics We've also decided to reset all of the ranks, so get your *** into our server and start getting ranked! To view your statistics please visit this page. We are looking forward to seeing you ingame!
  16. What is your guys website? I see you has a clan? Maybe we can do some friendly clanwars sometimes
  17. Server is online! To be done: - Fix the stats parser from alex - Fix mprenx bot from Buzzer and Skeeterpan We'll do that tomorrow But for now you can join the server if you wish, and all come join irc.mp-gaming.com #mp-renx and #renx Greetz zunnie
  18. I just heared the server will be online around 9pm amsterdam time. It will take an hour or two to setup the server and configure firewall, updates and stuff like that. So it will be online around 2200-2400.
  19. The new serverpc will kick ***, it is a octa (yes, 8) core system intel i7 2.53GHz with 12 gb ram :V As this system costs a lot of money monthly, any donations are always welcome, if anyone is interested in donating feel free to contact me
  20. Yea the main menu thing while downloading kind of sucks. There is no way to tell wether or not you are nearly ready to play But remember guys that when its the first time you join the server you have to wait maybe 2 up to 5 minutes before it finally joins depending on your internet speed. So dont disconnect or exit the game, just give it a couple of minutes and it'll join the server
  21. Hm, let me redownload the fix and place it on server, just to be 100% sure its the correct files on there... edit: Done, it didnt really matter as the files were exact same date and size too, but still.. If you client still downloads them you placed it in the wrong folder i guess
  22. Very funny but no deal lol
  23. We already have a member called Frish sorry, you will have to change your name then.
  24. http://forums.mp-gaming.com/index.php?showforum=805 In this forum you can request clan forums for your (future) clan. Please post in the following format: My Clan Name - Applications - Clan Public Chat - Clan Members Only -- Clan Chat -- Clan Tactics -- Clan War Results -- Report For Duty List all subforums you wish to have in a simular way. Our admins can then better see what is expected from them to create. Clan Section forums where only your members can read will be passworded and you will be notified of the password. You may submit a forum identification image with your clan logo simular to the one posted below, the dimensions must be 150 x 50 and it must be .jpg. If you have any questions then feel free to create a new topic. Thanks and Welcome to the Brotherhood Greetz zunnie
  25. zunnie


    I updated the topright logo advert lol
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