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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. zunnie


    I was hungry (and bored) today and went to get a cookie while i was gaming and i thought it would be fun to have a game cookie And a game cookie was born. I hope you like the site, it will function as a portal mainly to game-maps and mp-gaming. Greetz zunnie
  2. zunnie


    A new site for Unreal Editor/Engine 3 things.. Its just a forum though but feel free to register and help out http://www.ue3.org Thanks, greetz zunnie
  3. Very nice idea, good work too
  4. I got a acceptable fps on Islands Everything on high exccept there is no antialiasing.. FPS does drop a bit though on the dirtpathways and stuff but.. it still runs smooth..
  5. Hello all, just wanted to let you all know that we "cleaned up" the Renegade-X Clan we have by removing the inactive members. We are a fun-clan and you do not need to be "good" at the game to join. All we ask is that you are: - Active ingame - Active on the forums - Active on IRC (optional but highly recommended) - Active on Teamspeak3 (optional but highly recommended) - a nice person lol and not be an asshole to other players on the server(s) and/or clan There are a number of ranks you can achieve by being active and playing the game with us Some ranks involve duties on the forums such as maintaining postings, topics, polls, and some ranks allow for accepting new members into the clan or boot them out of it for example because of inactivity or maybe they were caught cheating, or have a bad mouth ingame a little too much etc.. The current memberlist counts 16 (semi)active members and leaders and we hope to see it grow in the future. If you would like to join us then feel free to post an application in our forums over here: http://forums.mp-gaming.com/forum-560.html Greetz the [MP] Clan
  6. Can we has a option in UTGame.ini for "Donate=3" which would mean you can't donate the first 3 mins of a game? There been lots of complaints by players that early donating in the game results in APC raping... Can we ?
  7. Nice, i'll try to make it, my brothers kids will be over here this weekend so i wont be online much, but if its 'late night' i can make it but if its in the afternoon.. well the kids seized my pc
  8. Yea it kinda depends what side of the US you live really.. THe server is in Frankfurt Germany atm.. So some americans will get a relatively good ping there ~120ish But there is a US based server now so..
  9. I added the map XmountainV3 to rotation now so all download it Download Map Here Greetz zunnie
  10. "- Fixed SBH Cloaking being shared" Are you sure
  11. The sounds file is only 300KB or something. The music on the other hand is about 37MB total. And i mentioned beforehand to the dev-team that the progressbar disappeared but they had more important stuff to look at...
  12. I added the following sounds to the server, trigger them by simply typing them in F2 chat: amateur bonus boo dangerous done gg gross hide hiding lucky mess moo plan present ruined run smell stand stfu touch udie urdead yeababy
  13. Not really, since guest posting is disabled they'd have to be logged in first...If they get passed the captcha which doesn't happen often anymore now i think..
  14. I'll look into replacing the texture...
  15. No problem, did it help you ?? [lol] This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 9 seconds. Plz remove this protection lol [/lol]
  16. Nice xDNice xDNice xDNice
  17. Hm, not ran by MP i think A huge maybe in the future... We need donations to get new hardware..
  18. Well i always loved to play new maps as long as they were nice So it is my personal instituted policy to run new maps when possible.. And i hope people will download/stay connected when the server changes map
  19. I want to remind everyone that i personally do not want to see Renegade-X turning into a "second Renegade" where nobody plays the "GOOD" new maps (such as Kenz's maps)... Thats the one thing that bugs me with regular Renegade, nobody plays the cool new maps... Renegade-X will be different, and i fully support the mapmakers and will host their maps on the server we are running. So a reminder, either download the maps from http://renegadex.game-maps.net or connect to the server and auto-download it with the game Do not disconnect, the maps Kenz made are awesome and should be played. Although this is my personal opinion Thanks, greetz zunnie
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