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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. Yes, but the evidence is better found in a post than a list. If this were to ever be implemented, the evidence would have to be viewable by an external link regardless. I'm just saying that a post in a server owner's section is easier.
  2. It is a good idea in principle, but the reality is that some server admins cannot be trusted. You propose a vote to allow that server to have the admin access to the banlogs, but the truth of it all is that many server admins appear to be trustworthy but ultimately are not. This has proven beyond true in Renegade, for instance. So while it looks good on paper - in practice it just really isn't realistic because of the flaws and ways to abuse it. As Volcom said, a section for server owners is more useful, because then any specific owner can use his own discretion on the ban decision, as well as the trustworthiness of the admin making the ban (along with evidence). Many times people were banned with what other servers consider to be inadequate evidence, for instance. It wouldn't be fair to those players to be banned gamewide because of a poor decision, and it wouldn't be fair to any admin to have to constantly overturn any bad decisions either.
  3. I think that as long as you are not associated with totem arts, any video monetization shouldn't have a legal issue. That's just my thoughts though - I honestly don't know a whole lot about it.
  4. Yeah, there are multiple options to change up the game visually in regards to brightness, bloom, graphics, etc.
  5. The function actually worked just like that in renegade as well. It was just harder to notice because of the fact that there was only one reticle per every weapon. If you ever downloaded any reticles for renegade, you'd likely become far more aware of this. The possible visibility disadvantage just means that you would have to use scope/iron sight for that weapon in those circumstances if you need to. In a way, it is promoting the use of sniper scoping, which is a good thing. Hipfiring a sniper was always OP in renegade, and this along with a small hipfire spread is how renegade x is attempting to counter that problem. I do agree with your last paragraph though - the original renegade crosshair worked well universally, since there was only 1 reticle per every weapon there. If any specific crosshair is a consistent problem among players, the possibility of the devs editing it is always there. I suggest giving them all a chance, and if any issue comes up, expressing it then. I do understand where you're coming from, but principle and practice are 2 different things, and I personally do not have a problem with any reticle in practice. We will see if the same can be said for you
  6. The target box on any unit only becomes visible when part of the reticle is on that target. So, for instance, if you are sniping and searching for a sniper that you are not aware of his position entirely, you scan for him with your reticle. The smaller the reticle, the harder it is to get the target box. That's why the artillery reticle is so vertically large in renegade x. The shot arcs down slightly, and so you have to aim slightly above the target to hit him. Without the extended vertical crosshair, you wouldn't have a hitbox visible on that target, and so you would have no idea on the health status. A reticle isn't purely for visible purposes in renegade or renegade x is the point - it has function. Any edit to these can provide an advantage (it's not solely preference as you seem to believe). Sometimes, for a unit that has no projecticle spread, a precise weapon crosshair provides an advantage even (small circle reticle in renegade for sniping). That's not a modernization either, it's just the truth in the game. And no, reticles do not change based on stance. It's still an arcade like game. I was simply letting you know that to have one reticle per every weapon is rather silly in any type of fps game (that's coming from a player who has played renegade extensively since its release). Please don't imply that I say things for no reason without ever actually asking me to explain that reason. I had no clue how much detail you wanted, because I do not know you. Thanks.
  7. There is a set plan on downloading so as to limit the stress on the downloading servers as well. I can't release any information on it though, as it is private. Stay tuned. As far as crosshairs go, you've never played call of duty I'm assuming? Or any other modern fps game? Crosshairs normally change per weapon nowadays, and you're naturally going to like some and dislike others. Changing them provides an advantage, and so it isn't going to be a feature, I understand your view on it, but that's just the way it is.
  8. I can't answer any language file or traffic questions because that is not publicly known yet to my knowledge. The username question is a mystery to me as of now as well. Currently, beta testers have to be signed into steam to play, and so the username comes from that. That is just for security reasons for the beta though, and so as far as I have seen, how username registration/usage will work is a work in progress. Damaging through walls works as intended. It was always a massive advantage for nod, and that advantage has been decreased. Crosshairs are indeed per weapon, and provide a harder use for certain weapons, as well as a more convenient use for others, as intended. Sniper no scoping should be harder than it was in renegade, and that is one of the multiple ways renegade x accomplished this, for instance.
  9. Rencorner is more "new school" than those communities. They sort of formed in renegade as the result of other dying communities.
  10. Rencorner hosted renegade servers. H2O is a clan that was one of (if not the) best clans in renegade clanwar history. The renegade server is modded, but so is every public server to a degree. Rencorner has a strange history that I assume they wish to leave in the past (moving forward).
  11. Normally spectator mode is reserved for moderators/administrators anyway. Unless it will work differently in renx, but I doubt it.
  12. Free-roaming
  13. Just have fun
  14. Chances are it will be up for the public beta release, or very shortly after. The head Admins are beta testers, and so that is completely up to them.
  15. The beta is currently beta 13, to give you perspective on how often changes are being discussed and made. It is a process. The public beta will probably be the 15th or 16th build. It is difficult to argue balance when key features and damage calculations are changing frequently. If anything should come out of this topic, it is to provide constructive criticism that would result in a better balanced gameplay, rather than hateful "game is unbalanced" posts. Help, don't hate
  16. No community will realistically host 10 servers. It does cost money, and bandwidth is limited. This is the reason communities that host dedicated servers require donations to stay alive. In Renegade, any free dedicated server was extremely limited on bandwidth and player count capability.
  17. Well said, but please also note that the release is a public beta release, and the devs appreciate feedback and balance opinions. I do agree that the community should give it time and not jump to any conclusions on balance, without playing the game extensively first.
  18. Jelly will be hosting a server. Their server box has the capability to host a few servers. No community will likely be hosting 10 servers...that's just too high. I think your estimates are far too high, ban. Realistically, the number should be drastically lower than that in the first few weeks.
  19. Or just have an edited version of the above algothrim implemented into the game lol
  20. Honestly, you can just use a shared serial that you find online, and most servers will let you play if you have scripts 4.0 installed. Renlist is a direct connect 3rd party program that has the server listings already in it, which is very useful. Download scripts 4.0 and then download renlist. That is your best bet.
  21. There's currently 14 servers up (including 2 official beta ones - meaning supported directly by the developers). There's a max of 64 playercount in any given server. What they choose to set this at is their own decision though. Some will be for clanwars only, and others will be small games, but the majority will likely be bigger sized games. If you wish to setup a server, I suggest waiting for the guide to be released on how to do this. I am not yet sure if this will be private (meaning apllication /approval needed) or public access. The 14 servers are by no means the final amount for the launch though. Jelly has not yet set one up, along with several other communities as well. Don't worry - the devs and server owners are doing their best to make it a successful launch
  22. I think he is more so referring to strategies, which are different in renegade x.
  23. Both of those potential problems have been addressed, discussed, and best estimates have been determined, as well as having a decently reliable plan B if that estimate is somehow off.
  24. But renegade x added grenades The point was to add on to the oringal concept of renegade, whilst removing bugs and having better graphics, netcode, and tweaking other things. To remove a key component would be a poor decision in my opinion. The devs removed the tiberium Sydney, as well as removing the tiberium flachette as an immediate purchasable option. So far no complaints have been made about those though. You see, we understand that its a new game and everything, but free-aim was a large part of what made renegade so fun, in my eyes and many others' too. I think it should be tweaked based on my suggestion, but removing it entirely is a big turnoff.
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