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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. Nukes disarming give 300 and c4 disarming gives 30 in the original as well. You get 1/10 the cost if you do ALL of the damage, not just the kill shot. Just for clarification for anyone who may not know.
  2. I think the exact opposite honestly. Killing with infantry is too easy and killing with vehicles is harder than in the original.
  3. The in-game ping doesn't currently work on the server screen. Is your client updated to the latest patch version (4.02)? Maybe you have a corrupted updater file or something, not sure.
  4. Glad kenz could provide an explanation. 7 bots doesn't seem like much though. What is your CPU?
  5. Casual gaming has players playing for fun. While this does mean that some people will still play to win, it also means that others will only play for a specific other purpose (such as K/D). Competitive gameplay is all about winning. I always wished there were 2 separate server listings for this reason. One for casual play and one for competitive play. Now that most game-changing bugs are fixed and whatnot, I do expect the eventual increase in competitive play. Whether private servers, clanwars servers, or just established competitive play servers, I too wish that this was something that could be easily accounted for.
  6. If you can provide more info, I'm sure it'd help. In certain spots does your fps drop, or on the entire map from load does the fps drop? Skirmish or online?
  7. You needed steam authentication for the private beta, so it is just currently integrated into the system I believe. It's not changing your steam name really, as you can save and choose between multiple steam nicknames.
  8. Just want to bump this because it just hit 50. Keep 'em coming! Remember, this is an unofficial petition. It is kept up to keep signatures coming in until it eventually may (or may not) be used in the future.
  9. You can edit it in steam. Steam Settings > View Account Details > Profile (under your nickname on the top) > Edit Profile > Profile Name > Save. Does require a game restart to take place though.
  10. "Lower the floor of the infantry tunnels so it's not an uphill battle going into them and is harder for one team to hold." Agreed. "Add a lot of cover to the field so snipers don't dominate it so easily." I think taking away access to the river (adding rocks and making the river full of rapids would do the trick) would help fix a lot of the issues on the map (including snipers using that as cover). "Add a new tunnel system that takes infantry to the bottom of the waterfall, completely separate from the existing tunnel system." I don't think that's necessary. "Change terrain around bottlenecks so there's more options for attackers and defenders. Maybe the refinery should be vulnerable to artillery units on the field?" I drew out an alternative base route long ago for Field in the original Renegade that I believe would help fix many of its stalemate siege issues. Perhaps I'll dig that up at some point (it was just a mspaint drawing, but the idea can be seen from it).
  11. I think this may be the same issue that the mammy and several other guns are having too. I noticed that when you manually reload, it reloads all of the ammo and does not let you shoot again until all of the ammo is full (even though 1 of the reloads is faster than the other). I've had this happen in the orca and the apache many times.
  12. Yeah check your devices in your control panel. It sounds like another controller might be plugged in. I don't think the patch changed anything that could cause this
  13. I'd personally take a look at the nuke/beacon from behind cover then decide from there on the situation
  14. ^that last sentence is beyond true I think the fact that its so easy to lock on is part of the reason it is so strong. As I've said before, the middle dot of the reticle should have to target the enemy unit at least for a couple seconds before lock-on
  15. Good spotting suggestions. I've also always wanted to have a crate one that tells the spot of the crate when q spotted as well
  16. Agreed with that. McFarland also needs a Nerf too, quite clearly. Ideally rof as they can spam those things wayyyy too fast for how useful they are.
  17. This is why I made my point about only skilled players should be taken seriously about balance issues
  18. Spread has a maximum, but the minimum is zero. There is then a spray count that means each bullet has its own spread (for guns like the shotgun). So it measures anywhere from 0.0 spread to the maximum spread number. That's how it works in renegade. The only clear difference in X is that the spread remains the same over distance. The shotgun had a spread that increased over range (the bullets didn't come straight out, but instead shot out in angles, which meant they increased over range), but X's appear to shoot out in a set angle (straight out).
  19. Disagreeing with logic from an experienced player is a normal renegade player attribute, so don't think I take offense to it
  20. Yeah perhaps a higher recoil could help that. It already has a slight recoil at range, but increasing it could make range fighting much harder too. The rof thing is important to me though cuz it's just too strong close range. Even with that being its main advantage, it does it far too well as is.
  21. 2 separate calculations. Damage is per bullet. ROF is how many bullets per second are fired. Both attribute to TTK, but they're entirely separate...
  22. If a game chases away bad players because they aren't being rewarded for being bad, then they should stick to skirmish mode. Besides, if you look at the vet system post, you get the points for such things as repairing vehicles and buildings, disarming nukes/ions, and disarming mines. All things noobs can do that they'd be rewarded for. Skilled players would just likely get more for accomplishing specific feats. It's no different than the credit system in that. The difference is that it is all "active," so that you don't just casually earn them as the game goes on. Also makes it separate from credits, so that the winning team doesn't get more of an advantage because they likely have more credits. The more skilled team would get the VP advantage. You're the first person to say they are against this, but I don't think you read the topic thoroughly enough is all. Rype has already confirmed that it will be added, also.
  23. If we're using renegade as an example (which we should), the chaingun has the same velocity as the autorifle. 350 velocity, when the max (you all like to term it hitscan) is 400. That doesn't change how op it is mid to close range though, as that very slight travel time would be negated by how close you are to the enemy. Its the ROF that balances these weapons. This is coming from someone who has studied the renegade damage charts extensively. You say that changing ROF is the obvious thing, cannuck? How? Changing the damage would be obvious. Changing the rate of fire makes automatic weapons less useful without editing the damage.
  24. I think its smart that the devs observe before making a decision. Also, the chaingun is too op close and mid range too. That's why the ROF Nerf would be best
  25. A Rocket soldier is awful against infantry. Its almost entirely made for vehicles. With a RoF Nerf, the officer wouldn't be as good as the lcg at killing infantry (its barely on par now). Sidearms are eventually going to cost VP/SP so that they are earned separately from credits. The advantage an LCG has is that it's versatile. Its good against any unit, so you purchase it when you have the chance of running into vechs or infantry, not just for tunnels. Like on under or lakeside for example.
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