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Everything posted by HaTe
I was agreeing with it being as powerful as the engineer's repair gun, so long as its a part of the vet system.
Replacing the secondary with a purchasable repairgun sidearm would be reasonable. So long as it would be a part of the Vet system and cost VP, rather than credits.
If that's an option, I'd want those repair guns to only be able to repair armor at the most. Engineers and technicians still need to play their vital role
Armor did have its own separate classification in armor.ini in the original, so it was entirely possible to do. Armor and flesh both had the exact same calculation numbers for the most part though (the exception being the flamethrower and the chem trooper receiving less explosive damage)
Dislike. I can already lone-wolf it enough in this game, and health regen would make skilled players that much better. Just not needed. I've always thought it'd be nice to have one special character that had this role, but to have it for any character/player is too much of an advantage for certain players (not to mention sbhs). Pause video at 2:32. There was something similar considered for the game that could be a decent alternative (referring to the kits).
So just spawn them and don't give them a path. Have them just sit on a location outside of the actual map.
The Overly Comprehensive Guide to Renegade X (Updated to B4)
HaTe replied to yosh56's topic in Renegade X
Yeah but even that chance that the enemy goes to the wrong building first is often saving you enough time to be able to destroy the real target building. I would do this in City all the time in the original. People would be in the field during an early APC rush and have to kill themselves when they saw an APC headed towards their base. I would drive by the Refinery (as GDI), shoot it and wait there a second, then go to the PP. By that time, the enemy team has already spammed "Defend the Refinery," EVA has already gave the Refinery under attack warning, and so most people just respawning are headed towards the ref. Since the PP doors were easily guarded by my APC, it gave me all the extra time i needed. You're right that it is hit-or-miss, but it's no-risk/high-reward. Why not suggest suiciding on the first spawn if you get a back-of-the-base-spawn? Unless there's a system in place that spawns you in the same place (haven't officially played hard enough to tell), this was always a competitive strategy in Renegade. I often just go to the nearest PT to the field and quick "E R" before exiting, to regain my sprint. That should at least be noted, now that sprint is also refilled. -
Walls is a flying map if you're addressing that towards me. Canyon you can jump onto the sandbag as well. Haven't tested each map, but you can do this in X as well as the original on canyon. On Complex you don't have to mine the individual doors. I don't believe there's any way to jump the sandbags there (besides vehicle hopping). So on complex, mining the sandbag entrance would be fine afaik. My example was strictly for for Walls with a 45 mine limit.
The Overly Comprehensive Guide to Renegade X (Updated to B4)
HaTe replied to yosh56's topic in Renegade X
I never actually took the time to read this because it is completely unneeded for me. But I saw it being referenced officially, so I figured I'd go and read it up a bit to check to see what it says. I helped edit some of the original renegadewiki pages (and had several discussions and arguments with spoony about these as well), for a source reference. Things I disagree with: Coming from a competitive standpoint, the first thing you learn is to NEVER STOP MOVING (the exception being if a teammate has called out a rush and you expect it to come there). Camping the back of your base for 3-4 minutes!? That's absurd. Move out, gain intel, and attack. Set the pace early and get the opposing team on their heels. At the very least, defend your harvester and keep it alive or camp the tunnels (this is one of the things you mentioned too). Do not sit in the back of your base, as you become a detriment to your team more than anything. Put some remote c4s in the ceiling of the building you spawn in if you spawn back there and you expect an APC rush, though. I personally do not leave a building early-game without throwing a timed c4 near the MCT then refilling. This has saved a building several times, believe it or not. I don't disagree with anything in particular that you say in this section, but some things are neglected. Such as: How many people are in-game. This is always important to know. If it's a low count, then there's likely people easily sneaking into your base, so you should lookout. If it's a high count, then the battle is usually mostly spread out, and so you should find where the fighting is taking place. Score / Time left. If one team is killing the other and there's 20 minutes left, you know you have work to do. If you're winning with 5 minutes left by a lot, you know that the team will probably be rushing and to just camp it out or hold the siege. Even if it is marathon, the score gives you a good idea of which team controls the field. Usually, the winning team has possessed the field for the longest amount of time. Who is in-game. Know your enemy. The player-base is small right now. Know who you're going against, and know their playstyle. If they like to do individual tech/hotty rushes, be wary know that you need to keep an eye on the mines closely. If they are a pro sniper, realize that and don't run in straight lines into the tunnels or repair standing still. You must know your enemy to defeat them the most efficiently. What map it is. Obvious enough, but hugely important. I'd add the silo capturing aspect of this unit here as well. 3. You're fairly low on credits and your team needs anti-air support. Protip: Shoot at a building as you pass by it to set off the EVA warning for that building, and then go to the next one. It makes the enemy team think for a little bit that engineers got out at that building possibly. Admittedly, I got to S5.111 and stopped for now. Reading this much of things that are basic in my mind (but useful to others, no doubt) can get boring lol. I'll read the rest at some other point. -
Agreed. Yet it is. Don't blame me for utilizing it when it was intentionally put into the game. As is, it's the only effective way to mine, since the proxy mines are still pretty glitchy.
Yes I've seen that with proxies and timeds. Never figured out for myself how to glitch them like that though. All of the ones I placed are disarmable, at least by myself. I see them all the time in tmx...I will start reporting now. It was in Renegade too. Just a strategy. EMP's still work to disarm them just fine afaik
You mean placing them on the door? What exploit is that abusing, and you should know that it's the only effective way with how the mines currently work.
Alright, so I'll let you guys handle the basics and explain "Why mining is needed" and all that fun stuff for newcomers. Since you guys are going to do that, I went ahead and made some screen shots for "pro" mining on Walls in Renegade X as GDI. Really, the mining works on every map, but this is specifically for Walls. Bar: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =425176690 5 mines each door assuming 45 mine limit. Mine from outside, so that they stick out beyond the door ledges Mine the outside of the doors because the middle has spots where the mines fall through a bit. WF front: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =425176720 Same as Barracks. 5 assuming 45 mine limit. Wf side door: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =425176746 6 assuming 45 mine limit. Yes, this will kill a tech or SBH, even when crouching. Put them far enough in where they cannot be triggered from the outside, like the screenshot suggests. Ref front door: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =425176763 6 assuming 45 mine limit. Mine far enough in where they cannot be triggered from outside the door, but far enough down the slope where they will be triggered even if the enemy is crouching, like so. Ref Back door: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =425176797 6 assuming 45 mine limit. Just mine this specific spot. PP door 1: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =425176831 6 assuming 45 mine limit. Don't miss and hit the wall, as it will be exploded before the enemy enters and will lose damage. PP door 2: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =425176851 6 assuming 45 mine limit. Pro tip: Try to avoid having the mines touching if possible, as they currently check collisions with each other and will lose slight damage when this happens.
The way stacking works is a bug in itself in two ways, really. For one, it obviously shouldn't realistically happen, as mentioned above. For two, you take less damage because of the collision with the mines hitting each other. As much as it appears to be blowing simultaneously, they are actively looking for an enemy unit in their range on a frame rate basis (something like every 25 ms in Renegade). So they're literally colliding with each other before they explode, which is causing less damage to be dealt. You'll also notice that you take less damage if 2 mines are even barely touching each other than you do if 2 mines are completely separate from one another. They shouldn't be checking collision paths with themselves.
HOW IS THE MONKEY TALKING!? Oh, and mining is so much more simple than people realize. Perhaps I'll just write a paragraph and then take some screen shots, and overlay an automated voice on top of it.
I'll see about possibly making a video at some point that highlights the main objectives and things like mining. I will write a script for it first though, and would need someone to record them saying it. Don't have a mic right now and I'm sick either way. I'll get started on the script sometime this week, and let anyone at it who wants to give reading it a go. The video will be designed around the voice. I'm no professional video editor, but I know how to make them look and feel nice, and I'd rather trust myself to do it than to put that trust into someone who maybe just doesn't understand the game as well as they think they do.
I'm not sure how you were able to accurately reproduce it from this video, considering that nothing in the video itself shows how to do it. All the video is is me firing the stank, nothing more. If you want to go further into that discussion though, PM me about it lol. I'm sure anyone can figure it out eventually while messing with it, now that they know the bug exists though I do agree with your point on making the stank shoot more straight out and at less of an arc, but I think that the range is decent enough personally.
Whoever makes the tutorial video (I wouldn't be against giving it a go), should keep it mind that it needs to remain subjective. No personal opinions should be treated as fact, such as "don't mine the entrance." The positives and the negatives need to be highlighted.
Just did some pretty quick tests to see the damage of tanks vs tanks in beta 4.02. May add TTK (time to kill) measurements at some point as well. Vehicle------RoF--------------Dlight--------------DHeavy------------Reload time-------- Buggy -----10.5---------------3.2------------------2.4-------------------1.75------------- Humvee---10.5---------------3.2------------------2.4-------------------1.75------------- APC---------7.5----------------3.0------------------2.1-------------------2.8-------------- MRLS-------1.9----------------37.3----------------37.5------------------3.3-------------- Artillery----X------------------92------------------92--------------------1.5-------------- Light--------X------------------51-------------------51--------------------1.5--------------- Medium----X------------------64-------------------64--------------------1.5-------------- Flame------X------------------237/sec------------166/sec-----------------X--------------- Stank-------X-----------------45/missile---------45/missile-------------1.7------------- Mammy----Negligible--------64 / 26.25---------64 / 26.25-----------1.8 / 5.5------ Key: RoF = Rate of Fire. How long it takes for the vehicle to shoot one round. 1 shot per reload vehicles don't have this, but just a reload time. Dlight= Damage to light armored vehicles. Dheavy= Damage to heavy armored vehicles. Reload time = From start to finish of reload. For one shot per reload vehicles, this was the time until the turret fired again. Note that the stealth tank has 2 missiles, and each 1 can individually be fired if desired, but both essentially can come out at the same time as well. Mammoth tank is per each individual shell, so multiple by 2 and 4 for each for total damage per round. All time calculations are approximate and can be assumed to have a possible maximum variance of ~0.2 as they were done by hand. Flame tank has a high variance level as this was also done by hand and is very hard to measure. All damage calculations were done by taking several shots or whole rounds and dividing the damage received by the bullets/shells fired. As you can see, not a whole lot has changed from SFjake's original damage chart. Just thought I'd do an updated one to see. Most noticeable would probably be the mammoth tank rockets receiving a nerf.
Stealth tank can shoot and remain cloaked. Not sure if this is related to any other glitch or not (or is already reported) and haven't tested if the SBH can do it or not too. Easily reproducible when you know how. Dev please PM me to know how, as I'd rather not have people using this in-game.
Definitely an easier to use and easier to see chat log (like the one scripts 4.0+ implemented into renegade's "U" key). Would also like a small chat log in the PT like Renegade has, so that you don't miss any action while purchasing. HUD needs ions/nukes displayed by a yellow/red star on it for their own team, like in Renegade. Empty vehicles were displayed as white on the radar for Renegade, and I found that useful. On-screen health indicator when your health gets below 50 was always nice in Renegade too. Ions/nukes should be static on the chat log while there is one set. Such that it counts down the first one laid until it is disarmed or goes off, then either goes away or begins counting down on the next nuke/ion if there is another. With all the added sounds and everything, it is often hard to notice a nuke/ion has even been planted. Add vehicle kills and replace K/D on the scoreboard (still show deaths though). Fix # count on static scoreboard to match up with the actual place you are in. Make a new screen that shows what character/tank each character is using and how many credits they have and assign it to a button. The current way to have the static scoreboard on-screen and hold "J" is really bothersome to use and to read. Highlight your own information on the scoreboard by default (like scrolling over it does now). Both end-game and in-game need this functionality.
It broke client side, yes. But the direct damage from the shell broke the window. Splash damage was calculated server side, but the direct hit damage was determined client side. So you couldn't break the glass with splash, but only a direct hit with a warhead.
Since refilling now refills the sprint bar, so should buying a new character. Having to press "E R" after buying a new character when sprinting to a PT each time is a pain
In Renegade, your own team's nukes/ions were displayed on the radar by a constant red or yellow star. I find that it's helpful to use, and would like this in Renegade X too
Apparently I got very strongly into the habit of just doing it and not realizing it then, because of all my hours logged in Renegade, I never consciously realized that non-tanks reversed opposite. Are you sure about that?