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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. There's no other way to do a ranking tally, so I kind of just assumed people would understand that. It's clearly stated as a guideline (even in color and bold) to only do 10. Any more are just neglected in the ranking tally. The way I do it is as follows: #1 = 10 points #2 = 9 points #3 = 8 points #4 = 7 points #5 = 6 points #6 = 5 points #7 = 4 points #8 = 3 points #9 = 2 points #10 = 1 point. That's why going over 10 doesn't give any points...a set maximum needs to be established... I've taken statistics as well as logistical focused courses, and this is literally the only accurate way to account for everything whilst still giving each individual equal say. What...? I really didn't want to get in a discussion here, so perhaps you could PM me if you really think I have some sort of ulterior motive here. I'm not sure what gave you that impression, but I guess being skeptical isn't always a bad thing...?
  2. True. Also noting that it gets rid of their pistol as well (since it's the default sidearm).
  3. I said this in-game a while ago and again yesterday too. SBH's with sidearms are perhaps the most OP thing in the game right now (especially with a flechette). Never bothered to post about it because really only a few people ever utilize it, but it really is annoying when they do. I think that if techs/hotwires do get a sidearm, it should replace 1 timed c4. If they get a smoke or EMP grenade, it should replace 1 remote c4. That way, a tech/hotwire with a sidearm cannot single-handedly kill a building, but a tech/hotwire with an EMP or smoke can just barely kill a building if not spotted whatsoever.
  4. Updated. Thank you for a list.
  5. updated the running tally with the first 10 you listed.
  6. Guys, please make a ranking list. The objective of this thread is to rank the importance (see running tally in first post) of what the group thinks needs to be balanced. Solutions to these problems can be discussed AFTER the importance ranking is established.
  7. If you make a list, I can add your points into the running tally and you could add some significant points to the airdrop (#1 = 10 points, #2 = 9 points, #3 = 8 points, etc.). The point of this topic is to prioritize the importance of each balance tweak overall after tallying each individual's list of importance. Without making a balance tweak ranking list, I can't add points to any of the specific items.
  8. Updated running tally. @olsen; perhaps create a list? Trying to limit discussion in this specific topic.
  9. yosh, are you referring to the rocket soldier or the gunner's rocket launcher? I'll put it as the rocket soldier for now until you clarify. campin, for now I'm just putting your nerfs in the list, as that technically is 20 instead of 10. UPDATED FIRST POST RUNNING TALLY Some of you are posting some broad things that I have to categorize as its own thing, instead of splitting it up into specific things and adding onto the points already there for those. If you want to adjust that, post specifying that and I will edit it.
  10. Just for the record for future posting lists, I didn't put things in my original list that were already stated by a developer to change (silo, points adjustments). If you want to though, I'm not going to stop you, and I'll include it in the running rank. The mines one you listed isn't really a balance change, but more of a suggestion to the game. If you could switch that one out, I'll add it, but I'm not not going to put that into the list for now.
  11. For example, here is my list: 1. Airdrop nerf 2. Mcfarland nerf 3. Officer nerf 4. Shotgun nerf 5. Flechette gun nerf 6. Laser rifle nerf 7. Lock-on nerf 8. Pistol nerf 9. Rocket solder nerf 10. LCG nerf
  12. Please list, in order, the (nerf) balance changes that you think are the most important right now (buffs will be put in parentheses). By balance, I'm referring to units being overpowered or underpowered. I'm doing this to make it easier for the developer team to be able to see what units the people on the forums think need to be adjusted the most. We need to take all opinions into consideration. Please try to limit or not discuss here (you can post your opinion and read others, but please do not directly respond to anyone's individual opinion posted). This is literally meant for developer balancing purposes, and not for discussion. We can discuss HOW each nerf/buff should take place AFTER the order of importance is established. If you have any additional, feel free to add it in (do not go over 10, as I plan to add up the points using the 10). Don't use decimals or give any 2 the same number either please. Running tally: (will be adjusted as I read each new post) Airdrop - 79 Shotgun*- 79 Officer - 75 Ref dead credits - 45 Silo - 42 Sidearms - 41 Repair/Damage Credits - 41 Rocket soldier - 34 Stealth tank (buff) - 34 Gunner (buff)** - 25 Infantry Splash damage*** - 23 Flechette - 22 Mcfarland - 22 Laser rifle (nerf/buff) - 20 Auto rifle (buff) - 16 Sniper rifle - 15 Lock-on - 15 LCG (nerf/buff) - 15 Grenadier - 13 Tiberium weapons - 10 EMP (nerf/buff) - 9 PIC/Railgun (buff) - 8 Orca/Apache - 6 Marksman - 6 APC - 6 Flamethrower (buff) - 6 MRLS - 5 Chem trooper - 4 SBH ADS (buff) - 3 Pistol - 3 Bar/HoN (buff) - 2 Player controlled turrets - 2 Ramjet (buff) - 1 Tac Rifle (buff) - 1 *Different parts nerfed and buffed. Spread decreased (buff), damage decreased (nerf), and range decreased (nerf) are the overall thoughts on the shotgun. **Gunner needs nerf vs infantry and buff vs vehicles and buildings is the overall consensus. ***Do damage to themselves, as well as nerf the damage to enemies. (items listed with nerf/buff have differing opinions on the matter), Ranking values added per request: #1 = 10 points #2 = 9 points #3 = 8 points #4 = 7 points #5 = 6 points #6 = 5 points #7 = 4 points #8 = 3 points #9 = 2 points #10 = 1 point.
  13. I personally think that the ramjet/sniper rifle should be more effective against light armor (like in the original) and then the rocket soldier could see a nerf. Just nerfing it now though would provide nod even more of a disadvantage on flying maps. Ramjets should do ~65-75% damage to orcas/apaches per clip, rather than the current 45%. But yeah, shotties need a spread increase at the very least. I feel like no one mentions the mcfarland really, but how OP this unit is in the right hands is kind of insane. Splitting the RoF of the mcfarland in half would be a good solution. I personally think the LCG is fine where he is. He's versatile and effective, but not overly effective. Increasing the cost of the next vehicle by 50% each time per airdrop would be a fine solution too. Yesterday on Xmoutain i killed the WF and one person with something like 40k credits just kept being able to buying a new med after I would kill it after 5 minutes without a problem. Making the price increase each time seems like a good and logical solution. Or, perhaps, increasing the time to purchase by 50%.
  14. yeah flechette needs a minor nerf, especially when equipped by an SBH (I'd prefer it if SBH's couldn't purchase weapons at all, personally). Or at least a price increase. Officer is undoubtedly OP as is. I think that the rocket-soldier is okay as is. For nod, there really isn't many options for anti-air right now, since snipers/ramjets do so little damage to them. Rocket soldiers kind of need to be strong, just for anti-air purposes. I think if anything, how easy the lock-on happens (you don't even really need to be aiming at the target) should be nerfed for that.
  15. I think this is a good idea.
  16. 3 times cost, 10 minutes to purchase a vehicle per individual? And yes, we really do appreciate the work. There's 70+ people playing at times during the day, and we all love the game, but just want it to keep improving moving forward. I think it's a good sign when people get worked up and try to get involved in the process - it means that they enjoy the game so much that they feel strongly about it.
  17. If you place remotes with an engineer and then buy a technician/hotwire, you can not detonate those c4s, even though you have remotes in your weapons list. The same goes for a character switch the other way too.
  18. The PM would go to you if you were overmining, and then a team-wide one if you are placing mines 3+ over the limit. Maybe the team-wide PM could include the where the mine(s) are that are being disarmed while you are overmining.
  19. Maybe just make the mine counter yellow (and bold) when it is at the limit, and then flash red briefly when it decreases. Then have it flash green for a player mining whenever they place a new mine, but (team-wide) red when they are overmining. Then just PM a player for every mine that they place that is over the limit ("You are overmining! Your team's mines are disappearing! Please check the mine counter in your HUD"). Sometimes mining over the limit is done on purpose, and other times it's done accidentally. Then the team message whenever a person mines 3 or more over the limit in a row (like TMX has) should be game-wide too. This could help the newcomers realize that the mines are not unlimited. I think that would be the simplest and best way to go about it.
  20. When the vet system is made, won't the air drops just cost VP? If you're talking temporarily, I think that they should only be purchasable every ten minutes. Joining after the WF/airstrip is dead bug should be fixed too though. I really almost never find myself with an abundance of credits, personally. Probably because I always infantry rush and kill other infantry, but I almost never have credits to waste away.
  21. I....that....what...uhm....okay That was my point. "unwillingness"
  22. You think I'm using some kind of third party program? Ha-ha-ha... Not even close... Coming from the guy that uses a VPN to evade bans in a beta game? I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility whatsoever. Even if you are just abusing an exploit, it's not like it's going to always be in the game anyways. But hey, because you were so uncaring to get caught, it was able to get reproduced and (hopefully) fixed now. You're willingness to care enough to evade the ban, but the unwillingness to care enough to be clever enough to hide the exploit is what is appreciated
  23. Exploiting the in-game commands by using a third party program is considered a cheat, no? IRC is just the tool to perform the ban, but the moderators need to know how to utilize the tool. You're providing them that experience. I don't know why they don't just ISP ban and then whitelist anyone affected, but oh well.
  24. The only time I avoid playing after I have launched the game is when there is less than 20 player in-game. I really wish the player count would at least get increased to 50 per server, because the smaller games just aren't that fun right now. The larger games are very enjoyable though. I don't really care what map it is; I'll play on any of them. If vehicle physics get fixed, I think the gameplay would improve a lot. As is, I barely ever even bother entering a vehicle, because I can do so much more with infantry simply because vehicles are a pain to control.
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