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uploaded it to youtube: edit: I just let my girlfriend play this tutorial and she said that it is a lot of text to listen to and that it is too fast to skip between subtitles and tooltips - "I don't know what to do?" . So, I changed the Kismet sequence as follows: When a tooltip appears, it toggles to listen for the input events of the tooltip (e.g. W,A,S & D), and only once (all) have been pressed, it hides the tooltip, and continues with the sequence. Feels less swamping, and more interactive
whut?! yes, of course not - but, youtube always takes long with compression and verification etc. ... But that's weird ... - I tried to watch the video in a different browser, where neither my RenX nor Microsoft Account cookies are stored and it worked. Thought that @Schmitzenbergh did the same, but now I see that there is some "authkey" in his URL. Let me try to fix that - thanks for the heads up!
Here's the video(s). https://1drv.ms/v/s!Au2mHmfZkHCtpgaoH4v9m9lbsYmc https://1drv.ms/v/s!Au2mHmfZkHCtpgf8oLsZw0ASs1U6 The software I downloaded only allows 2min. clips and also adds watermarks, but you will get the idea Let me know what you think Notes: Sorry, for low graphics settings (and occasional lags/jumps), but this is the best I can do atm - suffices for Kismet and sound edits though Difficult to "experience" in the video, but the player is "frozen" (cinematic mode) every now and then, when Logan talks (shooting is disabled, but other inputs not) So far, only the sound files in the obstacle course are high-quality, which were extracted from the original always.dat and manually cut. The rest at the end needs the same touch-ups/replacements The music is way too loud - I am using the standard RenX gamemode with built-in jukebox. I forgot to set all dialogue sound cues to the respective sound channels, don't know if this would help with the balance? The current tooltip font (RenxHud.Font.CTextFont_Large) has some ugly artifacts. Don't know if there's a way to better imitate the style of ingame tooltips; the system for tooltips (PTs, MCTs, vehicles etc.) seems to be built in and difficult to assess with Kismet.
Heya, Quick update: I have adjusted (and almost finalized) the movement course to include sprinting, crouching, brief Q-communication and E-interactions, as well as to reduce bits irrelevant for RenX (imo). Some of the new snippets sound almost natural others are rather artificial. Most of the Kismet is now leaner/tidier with less object references. Furthermore, I have added a clumsy take on tooltips, but I had to change the Rx_HUD.uc in order to enable Kismet to "Draw Text" in rx game mode. Using this node seemed most straight forward for Kismet based mission event scripting; but I may rework or drop it entirely... The bit that is not yet working properly, is "Q-spotting" a friendly bot to "Follow you", and hook this into Kismet; seems to be a problem with cinematic mode. Hopefully, I can show you a video of the current WIP this weekend. For the other tutorial parts, I won't have to alter/script that much, so implementation should be easier and faster. Cheers
Looking good!
Yes, what I was trying to say is that basically Prefabs are just like groups (of actors, CTRL+G), which can be saved as assets in an external package; and can therefore easily be used across levels. However, a prefab only consisting of stock actors (without Kismet or custom materials) does not contain additional information that would need to be loaded into a level. That's why i would guess that as long as the level designer does not forget to "convert prefabs to normal actors" at the end of the day, everyone could play the map without having to download an additional package. Hope that makes sense Prefabs are just a useful tool to make the LDs life easier while building the level. But for that reason i highly appreciate your effort and contribution
Thanks for the upload @Luhrian. I think it's up to every leveldesigner, if these steps are too tedious or not. Not sure if a seperate package is necessary for the final maps though. If you just convert all prefabs to normal actors there shouldn't be any referencing problems since all actors are already part of the stock RenX assets.
I know that AI harvesters use predefined paths, but this might be impractical for player controlled harvesters, which can go anywhere they want. For interactive harvesters, you have to use some kind of volume. And for other maps, tiberium volumes can be replaced with regular damage volumes. But I agree that balance could be an issue, if tiberium fields are not equally distributed. Then again, multiple tiberium fields (perhaps with different max. harvests) could be an interesting gameplay element. Would love to see such a feature.
Nice! You could also use the tiberium (damage) volumes to trigger when to alloe collection - if you are not doing that already
Perhaps even a kind of zombie mode with a lot of tiberium infected landscape and mutants?
Yes, this is true... however, at the same time there are few lines, which were unused in the final original renegade tutorial, but could be useful for Renegade X multiplayer Similar to Black Dawn, I think it would be cool if we could give this tutorial as much authenticity as possible, by using the original characters and their voices. However, as I tried to outline above, a few additional "more generic" characters could be used to communicate the additional RenX // Multiplayer content. Please, feel free to write/record some lines for those additional characters - would be great Update: since I managed to change characters via Kismet... ... I can finally showcase Logan ingame *yay* . As soon as you activate the trigger in the obstacle course, the player's class is also changed to Havoc (though with standard MP-inventory, but this will be changed to "unarmed" in the future). Logan still needs some UI/HUD info... To demonstrate the differential effects of damage with or without armour, I had to use tiberium as an armour-penetrating damage type^^. Sidney in the image below is only a Skeletal Mesh, but I will replace her and all the others soon as well. I think, I now have most of the "essential" building blocks to get going! The only thing that would come in useful are "Tooltips" (like the ones you see in front of PTs, or Silo MCTs) - I will have to dig a bit more to see if creating placeable actors and/or Kismetting sequence objects would make more sense. Next up, more dialogue works, merging lines and Kismet scripting. Cheers
Thanks, @Agent. All I wanted to do is to control (set or change) a bot's (or basically, any Pawn's) infantry class directly in Kismet, since I am spawning all the characters in Kismet as well. I found a solution: a custom Kismet Sequence Node (based on the Toggle advanced Defences Node) class Rx_SeqAct_SetClass extends SequenceAction; var() class<Rx_FamilyInfo> NewClass; var() Rx_Pawn TargetPawn; event Activated() { local SeqVar_Object ObjVar; // for all connected objects at "ModifiedActor" foreach LinkedVariables(class'SeqVar_Object', ObjVar, "ModifiedActor") { // Set reference to linked Target Objects (=Pawns?) TargetPawn = Rx_Pawn(ObjVar.GetObjectValue()); // get the PlayerReplicationInfo of the Target Pawn, and set new Class Rx_PRI(TargetPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo).SetChar(NewClass, TargetPawn); } } defaultproperties { ObjName="Set Infantry Class" ObjCategory="Ren X" Variablelinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String', LinkDesc="NewClass", PropertyName=NewClass) Variablelinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Object', LinkDesc="ModifiedActor", PropertyName=ModifiedActor) bCallHandler=false }
I have no idea where I am getting my stuff wrong... As described above, when I tried set a SkeletalMesh directly for my new Pawn (in default properties, begin object etc.) and I run the game, all I see is the standard GDI soldier, but in black and without any animations. Also, when I set the Pawn to be placeable, you can see the correct mesh in the editor. So, my first conclusion is that, generally, my Pawn script is loaded properly. However, when I use the (simulated) event PostBeginPlay (like everyone else seems to use for additional changes that cannot go in Default Properties - such as calling functions) in combination with a log: à la: 'Log("my Pawn alive"); I don't see any log. For that reason it is not surprising that the execution of "Rx_PRI(PlayerReplicationInfo).AddCredits(5000);" has no effect either. Hence, it seems that the event "PostBeginPlay" of my custom class is not called ?! Does anybody know, if I would have to override the "simulated function PostBeginPlay()", the "simulated event PostBeginPlay()" or both in my child class of Rx_Pawn? For further test purposes, I have also tried to set up an "exec function AddMyCredits (int credits)" which should be called in Kismet via Console Command, but any controller of the pawn (AIController, Rx_Bot, UTBot, None) is unable to "handle" the ConsoleCommand sequence action - most likely because they are bots and not humans who could access the console... All tutorials I could find so far only deal with "changing character" or similar modifications of the box standard UDK/UT, and hence extend from UTPawn, however this does not seem to work, within the Renegade X framework... If there is anyone still around, who developed the Kismet sequences in Black Dawn, would it be possible for you to please give me a heads up, how you spawned the GDI squad (Gunner, Hotwire etc.) ? Many thanks in advance!
Thanks for the survey! I was missing points about map design. Most of the gameplay (including stalemates) is defined by the map layout; i.e. bottlenecks, tunnels etc. RenX Devs have done a great job to adress those problems with additional paths and tech buildings. But still, especially the single base entrances on many maps make it somewhat less interesting.
Laughs in PC Master Race 800x640 windowed mode anyone? I do envy you for your setup, but i have to agree that especially the scoreboard is tiny...
Oops, for a second I confused this with: does it make sense for you guys (to team up for this carrier idea? While your model looks overall more like a real ship than the one @Veyron created so far, yours also resembles more a cargo ship than an actual miltary aircraft carrier... Also the docking bay for hovercrafts should not be on the side of a ship, because of "hydrodynamics" Ither than that - looking great!
Thanks - i am familiar with the landing or helipad in C&C It was just interesting to discover that at some point the GDI Helipad was also planned to be part of the tutorial
Apparently, the Default Properties section cannot call functions, but only set (default) values for properties / variables; that's probably why the AddCredits() did not work for my bot so far. https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/UnrealScriptDefaultProperties.html I would like to use the SetChar() function, as this should set all the other network and class info (HUD and stats) properly (instead of only changing the skeletal mesh.) Another idea could be to try and modify a function call for my custom pawn, which is called upon spawning the pawn. (perhaps with PostBeginPlay?) /** * RxGame * * */ class Rx_Pawn_SP_GDI_Officer extends Rx_Pawn; event PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); Rx_PRI(PlayerReplicationInfo).SetChar(class'Rx_PurchaseSystem'.default.GDIInfantryClasses[5], self); } But I just tried it like that, and it did seem not work yet either... Any ideas would be highly appreciated Cheers
Nice work! Hmm... I don't see where you are having problems with geometry? The only thing could be that currently the mesh/material does not support proper lightmaps (?). Instead there is only vertex-based shadering, meaning that only points (vertices) of your geometry can be used to simulate shadows. This yields these "stretchmarks", especially around the doors and arches where you have more vertices / higher polygon density compared to the rest... Probably once you unwrap the UV coordinates properly (for texture and lightmap channels separately) these weird shadows should disappear. I am not expert though ^^
The engineer could be American, like in Team Fortress 2, or London East End (again^^) like this lovely "plumber"
Yes, that would be great! For now we could just add it as a place holder, if it doesn't work properly - is it the one that Henk also used on Reservoir? Yeah, but it is pretty much out of context: "The next platform is a Landing Pad for helicopters and orca strike craft." and that's all... Thanks Hmm, I don't know about reducing characters... I think I would like to keep at least the following characters with their tutorial parts: Logan for basic controls and as a Guide throughout the base. Sidney for health/armour and radar Gunner for infantry & weapons training Hotwire for vehicle production / training (and repairpad) Mobius for Tiberium and Refinery. Up to here I would like to keep everything close to the original tutorial sequence, perhaps extended and adjusted for RenX (e.g. no security cards, but dashing = sprinting) Similarly, I don't know about Havoc... I see what you are saying, that since you never feel the presence of your avatar in HL2, it's easier for the player to get immersed and identify themselves with their character. however, some of them only work as a dialog, e.g. Havoc: "What's with these terminals I keep seeing on the walls?" Gunner: "Those are for purchasing items and classes in multiplayer. We won't be needing them here." Luckily, all of the lines are pretty much separate soundfiles, so we can easily add or skip them in Kismet! Frankly speaking, I feel that it would actually be more work to merge various snippets from the singleplayer campaign in order to use only a few characters in the tutorial. Especially, since we already have the soundfiles (covering most of the essentials) and the corresponding character models from the original tutorial, I think that keeping the main concept and content close to the original makes it much easier for us... Any nostalgia aside ^^ However, Petrova only has minor lines about the PP and base power, and we would need a reskin to introduce her. Similarly Lt. Maus tells us only a few important bits about MCTs. So, in light of the slightly different gameplay mechanics in Renegade X, I was thinking of replacing these characters and continuing the tutorial as follows: 6. a GDI Engineer (new voice @Madkill40?) awaits in the powerplant and tells about base power, and "how important his maintenance job is". He also explains the effects if the PP shuts down (advanced defences offline, prices more expensive). With Kismet we can quickly show what it looks like if the AGT's weapons is offline - conveniently, the AGT is in sight from inside the PP. 7. Then, suddenly Artillery shells hit the powerplant, the engineer starts repairing; and the player follows Logan to the gate, where they have to defend the base. "We're gonna have some fun". The player will be given an airstrike by the commanding Officer (new voice 2 @Madkill40 ?) at the gate to use it against the artillery. Any remaining Nod forces have to be eliminated by the player & GDI bots or are killed via Kismet. Logan sends Havoc back to the powerplant, says "my job is done here", and stays with the guards at the gate. 8. The artillery bombardment left permanent damage to the PP (adjust with Kismet if necessary), and inside the player will be given a repair tool by the engineer and has to help him repair its armour. "oh darn, the damage to the building internals is permanent, and there's nothing I can do to fix this". The engineer will then tell the player that damage and repairs are more effective if targeted to the buildings core, the MCT. "Once the building integrity reaches zero, it is destroyed, and even I cannot do anything to bring it back to life. That's why we have to keep the armour intact." 9. The Officer awaits outside: "We were taken by surprise with this Nod attack! This cannot happen again - we have to put up more defensive measures! Secure the tunnel entrances." "Come back when you are done." Player goes to the tunnel, and Hotwire comes out of the weapons factory. She drops mines for the player to pick up, but should say something like she is to busy now (all this hinting at the simple fact, that she is only class with mines) - hopefully there are some more bits in the campaign that might be useful. Instead the player has to place 3 mines in each entrance. A soldier (or Patch / Deadeye) (new voice 3 @Madkill40) guarding the tunnel entrance could give further information like: "mines can be used to secure tactical choke points such as tunnel entrances or building entrances. Place enough to block the passage, but don't overdo it - we have limited supply of mines on the battlefield. Three mines should suffice here. The mine limit is on the bottom of your display, if you place mines beyond the maximum the first mine will disappear. Keep an eye on the counter to detect infiltrators." 10. Back at the Officer, general information about the C&C game mode is provided: "The objective of Command and Conquer is to destroy the enemy base while protecting your own. You can damage enemy buildings from the exterior with heavy weapons and vehicles. You can place and defend superweapon beacons next to buildings, or you can infiltrate buildings and attack the MCT inside. Use credits at purchase terminals to equip infantry classes or buy vehicles. Get in front of a terminal and press [E] to enter the purchase menu. Provided that you have enough credits, you can select a new class to equip for your character, item or vehicle and then click buy. Credits are earned from tiberium harvests and processing. You can increase income from tiberium processing by capturing silos. You can also earn credits for damaging enemy units and buildings or repairing allies. Your experience on the battlefield is also reflected in your veterancy status: combat actions reward you with veterancy points and increase your veterency level. At higher veterancy levels you will deal more damage, fire faster and resist more damage. If you are eliminated on the battlefield you will respawn in your base, but you will lose your class and equipment. Your credits and veterancy level remain. Okay you are good to go. Use the GDI Base to your advantage and defend its structures. Find and eliminate all Nod forces and destroy the Nod Base. Good luck! And then finally Skirmish starts; i.e. Bots spawn and everything that might have been deactivated for the tutorial (PT, gates, AGT etc.) are now functioning normally. Not everything is explained in detail, but I think the most effective learning derives from actually exploring things yourself. The only addition here would be to have tactical tooltips, which appear throughout the map depending on the situation / location. cheers
Ah sorry, I idnt see that you already released episode 4 when i was typing the comment above - just watched it now. ^^ Nice, you're getting there! And as I said before, it might be worthwhile to try first how different combinations of textures for landscape, foliage and rock meshes (and associated materials) can all come together to form the environment and ambience you're envisioning, before you start rolling it out on a large scale. But that's easier said than done. And don't worry - take all the time you need with this. Guess most of us have other occupations than RenX - (un-)fortunately :p Looking forward to future episodes, i am excited where you are taking your concept ideas. Good luck !
Yep - and this is really cool! I went through all the tutorial dialog files (as far as I could identify them by their names) and wrote down the text and character for all lines. Also I have added a few notes, whether they were used in the final version of the original renegade, and if they could be used (also partially with cutting/adding words) for Renegade X Tutorial. See the excel file attached. The major changes I have figured so far (some of which @TK0104 already mentioned): Rolling, sneaking, walking and dashing were additional tactical moves (we might recycle some of that) Sidney was supposed to be in the Communications Center (separate base building) Additional weapons: Grenade launcher, Chaingun, Flamethrower, and a few notes about "different grenades" and other types of C4 (we can use some of the bits perhaps). Purchase Terminals are mentioned (that's a must!) There is a repair pad in the middle of the base (we could also add that) Nod recon bike for vehicle practice. A helipad is shortly mentioned (not currently used in RenX MP) Protecting // attacking Tiberium Harverster is mentioned by Mobius. Lt. Maus is in the construction yard (new building), and there was supposed to be an icon (for attackers?) indicating if a building is being repaired? Nod soldiers should be watched placing C4 on the MCT in the barracks. the AGT was controllable ! (perhaps recycling some bits for the emplacements) Feel free to have a look ! cnc_tutorial_scripts.xlsx
Haha, good to know - I did the same with PTs on an early version of Hammerfest, though I never tested it on a multiplayer server.
Keep it up ! Good that you reduced the amount of rocks overall. I know that landscape (and material) works can get really time consuming, without displaying much progress. Maybe you could look into height-based blending for the rock layer, such that you would have sand in the cracks Once you have worked out your overall layout (pathing etc.), perhaps, you may want to focus on small scenes (one at a time) and get them like 80% done*, like the lighthouse, base entrances, bunkers, "path junction" in the dunes... *instead of doing all landscspe painting, heightmap modifications, rock placing, foliage painting, etc. in seperate passes for the entire map. Sometimes this helps to get a better idea of your concept and visualise it.