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Everything posted by R315r4z0r

  1. I don't have a fancy TV, but I have a 360
  2. Does that mean the only way to connect to the server is by using the IP way you described? Or will it be available in the Game Lobby like normal servers?
  3. Sounds fun, I'll be there
  4. Well your models are nice, but the point of this mod is to remake Renegade in UT2007. If you stray too far from the game like changing units or weapons or characters, then the mod will have failed its goal to become a remake of Renegade. You could save your ideas for a Mod however, because they do sound pretty good.
  5. I switch back from 1st to 3rd regularly, depending on the weapon I am using and the situation I am in.
  6. I was about to suggest the exact same thing. What, the E6600 is like.. $20 greater than the E6300, it isn't a big deal if your planning on spending that much. You might as well go with what will last you in the long run. Especially with doing things like working on this mod.
  7. The point of the telestrator (Thank you for thinking of the word that failed to come to my mind) is to SHOW your plans. So being able to listen to a plan is different then wanting to communicate it. You have speakers to hear the plan. You use the mic to explain it. You have no mic, you can't explain the plan. But I am happy you like my idea
  8. Of course when planning a plan now in Renegade you still need to take into consideration base repairers and the lot. This idea is more of a suggestion rather than we MUST do what I draw! >_< And I understand that there is a voice chat feature, which would make communication much easier. Except for the fact that not everyone has a mic or headset.
  9. ..is this at all possible to make: You know how in renegade, when you are trying to tell your team a complex plan you thought up of, but just can't do to not being able to show them what you mean? Well is it possible to make a menu that has a Top down image of the map, and have editing, drawing and stamping abilities put on it. Then be able to upload it to either a central spot on the host server for everyone to view, or to each player individually? For example, say your playing on under, your on Nod. Lets say that GDI has Mammoths by the front of their end of the tiberium field. You want to have a group of light tanks attack the mammoths from the back, then lure them up the hill, while in the mean time another group of stealth tanks sneak behind the mammoth tanks to attack the AGT. Explaining a plan like that in the chat can get long-winded, tiresome and annoying. So if there was this planning board you could simply Drag and drop some light tanks onto the hill and put some stealth tanks in the tiberium field. Then make an attack arrow from the light tanks to the mammoths, then a move arrow back from the mammoths up the hill, then a move arrow from the stealth tanks to behind the mammoths and onward into the base. Setting up a drawing like that (with already made tank and arrow "stamps") would be much quicker and easier than saying the plan out and then answering all the confusion. It would probably take no longer than 20-30 seconds to draw out such a plan. Where as it would probably take 30-60 seconds to explain it and then answer the questions about it. But beyond the point of conveniences, is this possible to make?
  10. Yea, I have the Kane Edition, and the game is a whole lot better than I expected... And I had a pretty high expectation for it too! What is good about this game, that I thought was cool, is the Intel database. It tells you things ranging from descriptions of units, to eye witness accounts on some missions, to evolution of technology. It is what makes all the Tiberium games connect, because it relates back to them!
  11. Oh Snap! :shock: Nice job.
  12. It is more than satisfying, but they still need the walls.
  13. I still just can't get over the thought of seeing renegade played on an engine such as that... boggles the mind :shock:
  14. Simple, start working on something, then about halfway through it, post a screenshot of it. THAT is a WIP. WIP = Work In Progress
  15. *steals the cookie* MUAHAHAHA *gets hit by truck and cookie falls back in his hands*
  16. R315r4z0r

    Nod Laser Rifle

    I do like shiny things...
  17. lol
  18. I love all the WIP models you guys have so far, but I was wondering, are you going to re-make the default maps that were used in renegade? Like Under, Field, Walls, ect.
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