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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. If you were playing in TmX and mined the locations you mined, I would consider that unwarranted mining. On TmX you mine doors, on EKT you can mine doors and whatever else your heart desires.
  2. Sounds like you're not a fan of the marathon game type where there is no time limit. Try playing on some All Out War (AOW) servers where there's a finite time limit.
  3. Holy crap, I'm glad I don't remember how loud they were in beta 1/2 Haha. Orcas definitely could use a 50% noise reduction
  4. This is a genius idea. The influx of noobs would be off the charts but they'd learn quick.
  5. Ah you're correct. I was testing beta 4 and forgot that the ingame server browser is broken.
  6. What "master server" are you referring to? Each game server runs and reports it's IP address and port number to the Ren X official server so that it shows up on the launcher list. With the Ren X official server being down, there was nowhere for each server to report to. You could still type the IP address of your intended server in as all the servers were up, they just had nowhere to be listed.
  7. Sounds like someone has a hard time seeing an obvious red/green colored line and moving himself away.....
  8. Also, ramjets require headshots to kill 1000 credit characters. This post was clearly not well thought through/researched.
  9. Feel free to join EKT's or TmX's respective TeamSpeak channels. That's where the organized magic starts.
  10. Internal testing is beginning soon. These changes will be tested thoroughly and potentially adjusted if they are game breaking.
  11. Lots of things. First off, I can't wait for TmX to do a 15 man havoc Rush. Mowing down tanks and taking names.
  12. Because its fun? Sigh. I'd much rather we ask for a limitations on SBH (and probably techs) for drops rather than just never use it. I'll consider turning it on for the TmX-US server but I'm fairly confident the TmX-EU server won't run it.
  13. Does this mean I might see SBH snipers on Tmx or EKT? Nothing has been decided for sure yet, but TmX is leaning towards keeping weapon drops disabled on our AoW server. While weapon drops are fun, we feel it further reinforces getting a tech/hotty only and doesn't give an incentive to play the other classes as much.
  14. Internal testing will be for members of EKT and TmX only at the moment. There's more information posted on our respective community's websites if you'd like to take a look. http://www.elitekamikazeteam.com http://www.thematrixren.net
  15. People on public servers can barely do an apache rush even when an experienced player is organizing the rush let alone properly test a new release of a game. What do you expect the devs to do, open the testing up to everyone? That's what the OPEN beta is. Also, the 15 you're referring to is 15 from TmX. There will also be 15 from EKT and maybe a few others. That makes 30 plus.
  16. Just added it to the TmX US server. Thanks for your hard work, RypeL!
  17. Thanks for your continued support and hard work, Xpert!
  18. Is this only an issue on first person? If so, who the hell even plays in first person anyways?
  19. Damn you, responsibilities! I missed the live stream
  20. I really appreciate your attention to detail. For example, adding the rock near the silo to prevent either team from easily sniping in is a wonderful idea. I eagerly await your next video, keep up the good work!
  21. I'm all for a more generic game mode such as CTF. I personally wouldn't prefer it over CnC mode, however, it would attract a different audience that would potentially try CnC mode and our community would grow.
  22. Thanks for you continued support and wonderful IRC bot, Xpert!
  23. Thank you for your hard work! Volcano and xmountain are awesome!
  24. Hey all, XMountain is a BEAUTIFUL map and fits in beautifully with the current season where I live. With that being said, I've found a way in which you can get on top of the Airstrip. Obviously this isn't a flying map so this causes some problems if an Ion were to be placed here... By climbing on the bunker, you can hop over onto the rocks After getting to the rocks, you can run closer to the strip and get a good angle From here it's pretty obvious you can jump right onto the strip
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