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Everything posted by maty

  1. maty

    ReneGame 2009

    QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 22 2009, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm no friend's computer you can play on for the day? =/ I'll see if we can get some FRAPS going, make a little memoir video for anyone who missed it .
  2. QUOTE (epicelite @ Feb 22 2009, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ..... .............. :o :o Serious?! Get it! Thats like someone saying "I've never played Doom"! Madness!!
  3. maty

    ReneGame 2009

    Count me in (if its at a decent hour here in the UK ).
  4. Renegade doesn't use WOL anymore .
  5. My CD 1 cracked into two pieces years ago! I just grabbed an ISO to install off - perfectly legal, I'm entitled to one "digital backup" .
  6. Ditto, wired is the way!
  7. QUOTE (epicelite @ Feb 21 2009, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not so - I don't have TF2 and I know many that don't. Don't assume everyone has it. I'm happy with user-created content. 16 million other poeple regularly use Steam. It can't be all that bad.
  8. The whole modding community would disagree with you. http://www.moddb.com/mods?filter=t&kw=...61&type=def
  9. Lol, well thats your loss. You're missing out on a huge community, great features and some fantastic community-made content .
  10. Apart from Counter Strike, all those mods I mentioned are THIRD PARTY, made by developers like us on Renegade-X. Giving up their free time for everyone else. I used to mod on Source, and my modding background lies with Half-Life 1 and 2, without them I wouldn't be working on this mod. Please show a little more respect for those hundreds, nay, thousands of developers giving up their free time for you to completely disregard their efforts because of an issue you have with Valve (who in my opinion are one of the most influential games companies who have shaped the modding and online PC gaming community). You don't have to like Valve, but don't hate the modders who use their tools. Sorry, you hit a nerve . Woosaahhh... anyway! Don't like TF2? Get Fortress Forever; its a remake (again, made by actual friends of mine in the modding community) of the original Team Fortress Classic. It is nothing like TF2 and many who hate TF2 love FF; so give it a try! As for WoW? I agree, its not eveyrone's cup of tea; but its certainly not "gay". It has some of the most amazing stylistic choices and its design visually is extremely well thought-out and its engine is extremely powerful and versatile too. Its a slow game, and actually almost all the women gamers I know love WoW and nothing else - if you're after some female company, then its certainly the game to go to!
  11. Some ideas:- Counter-Strike Source, but play on GunGame servers - concept of the game: Everyone starts on glock - when you get a kill, you "level up" to the USP, then so on, shotguns, then SMGS, then rifles, machine gun, then you have to get a grenade and then a knife kill to win! Most servers run Knife Pro, where knifing steals a level - so you go up, and they go down! Its manic fun and games are fast - also gets you used to every CSS gun! Great break from regular servers (sometimes its done in revense - machine guns down to pistols, then nade and knife). Some run Turbo mode also - normally you have to wait for the round to end to level up, on turbo mode you instantly level up! ------- Get some mods! Now is the best time fo the year to look for new mods - some real gems are being nnounced as part of MOTY no moddb.com! If you have Half-Life 2, grab:- Garrys Mod 9 (GMod10 you have to pay for, but 9 you can still get for free) Eternal Silence (FPS combined with flight sim dog fights in space) Empires (RTS and FPS combined - Fantastic fun, but takes a bit of getting into) Insurgency (Personally I cant stand this mod, its pretty much one shot and you're dead, good fun for a bit though) Also, grab UT3 if you haven't and look at some winners of the Make Something Unreal contest so far, som really fantastics mods and mutators out there ----- Indie games too - look on moddb.com, quite a few free ones that are fun too! And provided you have HL2 and/or UT3? None of the above will cost you a penny! On the note of Warcraft: Yep - thats addictive and passes the time, but man is it costly if you're poor ! I can get you 10-Day free trials though for anyone wanting to try it out!
  12. maty

    End of a warm day

    Oh yeah? Well last week we got the most snow we've had in some 30 years! We almost ran out of grit salt completely =[ lot of roads couldn't be gritted haha . Atm its cool but blue outside! Woot!
  13. Aye, frag pedals can be quite good (dont have them, but I'd like to try them). When you click your mouse it can cause you mouse to just move a fraction when you've got a smooth surface, frag pedals remove that and free up your hands - reload, weapon swicth could also be on your frag pedals ^^. And yep - there are lots of mice... lots of keyboards too! Zboards are pretty sleek, if expensive - but you can one-handed gaming pads like the N50 SpeedPad etc.! For me; a decent monitor, mouse and keyboard are FAR more important than a decent rig when it comes to gaming. Provided you've got the game that does 40+FPS online, you'll be unbeatable with the remainder of the kit.
  14. Aye, Zalman also make one:- how about frag pedal for your feet?!
  15. You heard wrong. Laser mice can do approximately 20x the resolution of LED mice. Laser mice can also track on more surfaces - LED mice will struggle on surfaces that have a lot of multicolour on them. Laser mice will cruise over these, and will also work on anything - they have no problems on your legs when you've go no desk to hand. They cost a bit more because of manufacturing costs. They use an IR laser diode which can be pretty expensive when compared to a red visible light diode. Red LEDs are the cheapest to produce. Laser mice tend to come with more features. You get what you pay for, basically. My mouse would normally set you back about $80-$100 USD easily. If you want a decent mouse, dont pay less than £20/$35/€20.
  16. maty

    Its my Birthday!

    I'm 21 in under 2 weeks... 14?! Man, so young !
  17. You shouldn't have that problem as we're using a different engine. Your problem is caused by a low DPI mouse most likely. When a game alters mouse sensitivity, it simply makes the mouse move further on-screen for each inch you move it on your mousemat. If this sensitivity level is too high for your mouse, it will cause the mouse to be incredibly difficult to aim precisely. You will move it right a fraction, but on-screen it will jump a huge distance. DPI feels at first, the same as sensitvity, but its not. The key to getting the best aim from your mouse is a HIGH DPI and a LOW SENSITIVITY. Get a decent mouse. 800 DPI as a minimum, but I'd highly reccommend anywhere over 1,600 if possible (mine's 2000 DPI). Then put the game mouse sensitivty settings to low. Your mouse will aim precisely now. Good ones to look at are the G9, MX518, Microsoft Sidewinder, any RAZER mouse. If they're out your price range, there are some cheap SAITEK ones you can get. Laser Mice > LED Mice > Rollerball Mice. Wired > Wireless (usually anyway. Theory is there's less data latency and interference. Its not noticable but don't dismiss a mouse because its wired). Investing in my mouse was one of the wisest decisions I've made in years. Worth investing in! I use the Microsoft Sidewinder. Highly reccomended but only get if you've got reasonable sized hands, its a big mouse. Macro recording, 5-porgrammable buttons, LCD display, 3-way DPI switch buttons, Vista Games Menu Launcher, 3 types of feet, cable anchor, additional weights.
  18. It will work just the same with either version. The only difference is that the Steam version has a Steam dependancy needed to run; other than that it'll run indentically.
  19. For those who don't know: Steam is an online content delivery service. It was designed when Valve decided to take control of Half-Life servers instead of WON (World Opponent Network). Steam allows anyone to register an account and then purchase, download and play any game in their catalogue. Demos are available as are occassional offers such as "free weekends" and pre-order discouts. You can pre-order games and download them ready for release. Upon release you just activate and you're ready to go. You can log in to your Steam account from anywhere, download and start playing (or if your friend has it installed, no need to download). You can take your games anywhere! Steam also has an online community, you can talk to friends in-game, no matter what their playing or you're playing and in an unobtrusive way. You have a user page and can create group pages. Games are frequently cheaper on Steam and Valve don't take the massive cut in-store publishers do (its cheaper to allow customers to download than package and ship games). You can pick Valve's back catalogue (some 25 games) for ~$75 USD. Lots of developers on steam too, ID, Epic, Rockstar, Codemasters - pretty much every game you think of is on there - selection of the best mods and indie games are also available (mods are free, obviously!) It also keeps all your games up-to-date. No patching required! If an update's been released, it'll download in a couple of minutes and you're good to go! Currently Steam has 554 games (more being added all the time) from all sorts of developers, ID Software, Rockstar, Codemasters, Epic all have most of their games available. 16 million active users. Steam is ad-free, secure, simple and you'd be mad without it. Valve-Secured Servers (VAC) reduce hacking and cheating by a massive margin and ban users caught cheating. Instantly. If you've paid $100 for some games, then cheat and get banned? You ain't playing those games anymore pal .
  20. maty


    I'm curious, where's your course at exactly? ^^
  21. http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/stats 1,176 hits in one day from that post! Win!
  22. maty

    Mirrors Edge

    I know there are multiple routes, but it doesn't make it any less of a boring game for me. I tried the speedruns, but still found it a horrible experience. Thats me anyway .
  23. maty

    Mirrors Edge

    Got Mirror's Edge, completed it. Its at #2 for games I now most hate (#1 is Sonic the Hedgehog, Xbox 360). Its no "free running" but rather an extremely infuriating platformer from the first person perspective. A game where you spent longer figuring out where to go/dying/getting shot at than actually "running". The firest person pespective in platform games was ruled out years ago, and with good reason (spacial awareness). Its the game of death, you spend the whole time dying trying to complete one lame jump, even repeating the same manouvers over and over again will yeild new types of suicidal falls to the impecably clean conrete floor. The First Person view is appauling, you spend half the game turning around from staring lovingly at a wall infront when scaling a pipe, and the red "helpers" are more often than not unhelpful being half the map away. Combat was pathetic too, you'd press Y whilst the weapon was red and you'd still get owned. Other areas took me some 20 attempts because everytime I walked under the rising door I was shot dead before I even reached the red item to vault off. I was speaking to my friend about the game, and he agreed totally. The only part I enjoyed was the machine gun at the end - call me a stereotypical FPS'er, but that was for me the only highlight of the game. I completed the game, hoping through the entire ordeal that I would grow to love it, or that it got better. Boy was I dissapointed. The ending even manage to be a complete a blow-off. I hate this game. I've completed it, and now its collecting dust never to be opened again. Total waste of time. Hated every moment. Some people love it, other hate it. Definate "try-before-you-buy".
  24. maty


    It'll be like any other UT3 mod. Simple extracting achive. UT3 supports mods fully (like how Source does with a dedicated folder for them). We'll make it as easy as possible for anyone to download and play. Heck, I don't even see why a regular install wizard wouldn't be possible.
  25. http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?act=members Change "All Members" to "Media Platoon", hit "Go". =]
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